"My Super Heros on Read Cash" you can't ignore

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My Read Cash super Hero,”You can’t ignore them.

My first few days on read cash were amazing,I usually visit the articles and up voted the all authors that deserves because every time I visit their articles.I get new learning and even new world.Every day I grow and get courage from them.Although my 1st 5 days I spent only in understanding What good thing and what a good article I have to write.Being a doctor,I am good in clinical subjects and weak in english.But my passion and My love to BCH is never going to end.My habit of visiting articles of following super heros give me motivation that why not I write about these famous and generous personalities and what I get from them from their contents as a future assets here.Let me introduce my super heros you can’t ignore them.

1)Sir @MarcDeMesel

2)Sir @Roger.Ver

3) @CryptoMax

4)Ma’am @bmjc98

5)Ma’am @Judith1969

If you know BCH,then you surely know Sir MarcDeMesel

I am using noise cash from three months.My first interaction with Sir Marc occur when I observe Sir Marc rewarded a person with a tip reward on noise cash,that was so enormous and biggest in the history of noise cash.I was in wonder why a person rewarded with such a big BCH love.But after few months,It was clear to me Sir Marc is the only personality that give maximum updates about BCH.And encourage the each and every good word that deserves.His love to BCH and noiser make me his big fan.I am thankful to you sir for every little word that I know about BCH is due to this man.No doubt!I can write many thousands and piles of words for you.But I know they are less for your services about BCH.I appreciate your every best try to promote BCH and Applause for you.Although I know you have many fans,but I feel proud I am one of them.And I am hopeful sir Marc visit my site and accept my humble gift.Last time I visit his video content about BCH on LBRY that I want to share here for you Guys.I think you really like this.


If your YouTube active person,you should know Sir Roger Ver introducing BCH

Although It was Sir Marc who introduced this diamond to me,but when I vist his youtube channel.I reach on conclusion,He is the one person on youtube that can speak and guide the true essence of BCH.His Last interview to Coindesk was also amazing.Many thousands people viewed this.Coindesk interviewed to him,Why BCH?BCH Vs BTC.He explained by his native expertises and argued BTC has high fee.A user with 1$ or even 5$ has no easy access to other users due to high transaction fee.On the other hand,BCH that is becoming more and more popular is simple in use and easy to access.The reason behind this is that BCH has low transaction fee but fast peer-peer transaction.No doubt,the value he described the topic he explained with zeal and zest make every viewer his biggest fan.I am curious and want you Guys also enjoy from his expertises by visiting his sites.

Once there was a time,when I joined read cash.I first get the article of @CryptoMax on read cash home screen.The way he explained.The things he describes.It was magical I read the whole article but my interest about His article was not gone.I read his 3 article constantly and see the time was about 1am..Lol,I never wake at this time in my whole.But I have to sleep because on the morning I have to join clinic.Being a doctor and Reader I have to sleep this time and decided on the very next day.I shall read his next 4 articles and I also achieve that target also.I personally liked your contents.May you right many more about BCH.And my Favorite Article was I am worried about BTC investors:A warning complete with court Scandal.This article explore and reveals your full skills.


If you find a motivation on read cash,you must Know ma’am Bmjc98

Yesterday I randomly visit her article about Grateful for My 9 months of stay.Dear! Readers! I get a lot of motivation from his short story of read cash.I was able to understand how she work hard and How her Quality contents impressed Sir Marc and upvotes her article.On the very next day,again I read her articles and I asked something about her article.She is so humble she not only give satisfactory answer to me.But also introduced me about BCH club.I am hopeful,one day I shall be able to join this platform.And this day will be great day for me.I also say thankful to you for guiding me and giving hope to me.


If you are noiser and found a generous lady there,then certainly you have faced ma’am judith1969

I always being a noiser wait for her good post and learn a lot.The way I learn how to help needy and how we can bear the hardships in present Scene from her.I can remember last talk on noise cash to her.It was about 3rd update of noise cash and she admitted she will never give up to help the needy and by this update he changed the method to help the needy.I appreciate your efforts and generosity too.

I know it is my little knowledge about read cash.And read cash is full of many good peoples that deserved the tittle of read cash super heros but the people I mentioned are rear one.I am too much impressed from my super heros.And I know you will be the same.



As someone is trying his best then it is our moral duty to support him.I literally know the Sir Marc and Sir Roger who are the backbone of BCH advertisement.If we want BCH would excell from BTC then we should stand with these personalities.BTC awareness unit and top trend on twitter is far away from BCH.It is hard truth we should accept.We should removed the concept of Hodl and Hodl and utilized BCH in daily life rather we exchange it in FIat Tether and USD.The purpose of noise cash and read cash is to spread BCH all around not hold it and earn reward by doing nothing.we should say good-bye to this concept and be a lover of BCH used it in true sense so that BCH love reach to every person.

How can we Participate in promoting BCH?

This question is amazing and even more popular than this article.This is simple,we all have easy access to YouTube,facebook,twitter and Linkedinn.Utilize these media to spread BCH and make contest about BCH.So that every child in the world should know about BCH.

Onboard meeting with Special asset of society I mean student

Yeah!If you follow the and study the top Crypto trend,you will find behind its success studnets.Yes,universities should give the lectures about Crypto.In this regard and make BCH legit in my country,I actively participating in Sir Marc and Sir Roger BCH promoting plan.I daily invite 5 friends on tea party and educate them about Crypto what I know I give to them.It is just like light can give rise to more light and whole world will shine by BCH.There are many things to write and many search to explore.Here again my sleeping time exceeds and again on morning I have to join my clinic.So let us end my 4 hours constant break through here.And next article would be more charming with more shine.Thank you for your patience and I hope you like specially Sir Marc and Sir Roger would like this.You can share,ask anything in comment box and can give your precious advice at the end,It would be honor for me.

My other articles you can read,learn,support and appreciate me.

1.My April Rewards:


2.Hope is blessing and hopeless feelings are sin


3.Noise Cash updated calls from Heaven


Regulation and Society adoption

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