My personal goals for 2024

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Setting goals is very important and working on goals is always motivating there is an internal push created in the brain to be more focused and productive. I don't know about others but setting goals has worked great for me. I would even say that setting goals was one of the biggest reasons why I'm very close to reaching 100k Hive power this year. It was one of the goals I set for myself before the start of this year. Today I'm already near the finish line. This is why I would like to have some goals publically and track progress whenever it is possible. There are some common goals I have in my mind for the new year. Let me get started.

Diversify my holdings

Currently, in the crypto world, I have a huge dependency on Hive Blockchain. Nearly 90 percent of my holdings are inside Hive and I'm waiting for the price of Hive to pump so that I can book some profits. But I know this is not healthy. I should also be exploring other opportunities in the crypto world and direct my funds towards that too. But one day if the price of Hive breaks the all-time high value, it would be the best day to look at my portfolio and be very happy about it.

I would like to stop investing further in Hive and move some of my funds for other investments in the coming year. I hope the bull run starts a little slow before I move my funds out. Mostly I would retain the HP received from the author rewards and make use of the liquid HBD we receive as rewards.

Working more on React and Angular projects

Currently, when it comes to the frontend, my first pick is Vue. The main reason is that I have worked on many projects that use Vuejs as the front end. If I'm allowed to pick a frontend framework it would also be Vuejs because I'm very comfortable with that. I would like to break this comfort zone in 2024 and build some apps with React and Angular. A few years back I worked on Angular but I don't have major experience working on React yet. I now know how it works and I can easily read the code now. I would like to stretch further and start creating some projects on React and Angular. This way I can easily compare all three and pick the best for my future development needs and I can also have some idea as to which one would be better for what.

Learning to build games on Phaser

I have already been building a lot of games but those are all either simple games or just a game with no big graphics. In most of the games I work on, my activity is on the backend side and not on the front end. I can prepare and implement all the logic in the backend but did not get the opportunity to work on the front end. Hopefully, I should be able to try something in Phaser or Threejs in the coming year and by the end of 2024, I should have at least one game completed with this. This has been my long-term dream. When I start working on my main projects, the side projects go aside but this time I would like to keep it on the table and be a little more serious on that.

Reduce my outstanding loan amount in the real world

This year was a great year in terms of learning and growth for me but I got myself into a huge loan that I have taken for nearly 30 years. I would like to reduce the burden of this loan a little bit. It is not like I would be paying off this loan for the full 30 years but I would like to reduce this loan amount by paying it off whenever I get a chance and focus on further investment. Having a loan is more like having a huge stone on our head. Sometimes it can be a burden and create fear. The amount that I have as a loan is a huge amount and I would be in peace only after I close off this loan. Let's see when this can happen.

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