Link Your Finance With your Hobbies—My Plant-2-Earn Hobby

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Hello to the Hive Learners Publsih0x Community! Welcome to my blog. Different people adopt different hobbies. All hobbies are not paid. Some of them are taken to relax our mind from stress. There are very few people who make their hobbies as their earning source. I 'm one of them who love to plant to earn by gardening hobby.

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Either you are rich or you are poor, you should have one or more hobbies because they helped us in the relaxation of mind whenever we are worried. Through your hobbies, you can make yourself busy.

Different Finance Courses:

After joining hive platform, I found different finance cources. These courses helped us in earning to support our practical life. Nowadays, it is tough to survive in a under developed countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nigeria. Due to high inflation, many families are worried and are unable to buy a single mineral water bottle. They can't afford to take dinner from a restaurant. I know many white color Families whose all members worked as a laborers to feed their children. Due to these difficult circumstances, no one can take an unpaid hobby. People are always finding hobbies that are paid even they are rich. Money is the indirect object that can bring peace of mind from worries for you. I have learned about following finance courses after joining hive platform.

  • move 2 earn
  • write 2 earn
  • play 2 earn
  • save 2 earn

These above three finance courses are easily approached and I have seen people that are doing well in all of them. They are earning hundreds of dollars that are enough to support their practical life and to feed their families.

My Plant 2 Earn Hobby:

I am a also gardner. When I was at the age of six years, my father visited different plant nurseries to buy different ornamental as well as fruity plants.

Childhood watering, 

At that time, it was tough to understand for me either my father is purchasing these plants for entertainment and decorations or he is purchasing it for earning. Anyway, time passed and I grew. When I reached to 10th Grade things became more clear for me.

Gardening has Plant 2 Earn Concept:

Gardening is my hobby from my childhood. It was gifted from my father. We have different fruity plants that are helping in our earning. Through these earnings, I am able to afford my and my siblings educational expenditures easily. I grew following plants in my house garden when their fruits become ripened, we sold them in market at good price.

  • Persian Lime

Grapes in our garden, I already have used this picture in my previous post. I used it again because it is no grape session here

Guava Fruit

Persian Lime Fruit

Orange Fruit

From the day first, I care about these plants by timely watering and providing organic fertilizer. People love to buy these plants because we didn't use inorganic feetizers and different chemicals.

Plants that grew for earning, Nattanan23

Why am I more interested in Gardening as my hobby?

Gardening is not only my hobby but also my small income source. I already explained how I took this hobby. I love this hobby due to following facts.

Plants are gifts of nature:

Weekly Plants Trimming and Watering is my normal routine. I love to do morning walk mostly in our garden. It has fresh air and greenery scene that is healthy for our eyes. Hence, I 'm addicted to this hobby.

Plants saved me from stress:

When I have nothing to do and I 'm worried, I like to sit in my garden. To keep myself busy, I started trimming by trimmer. I cut all the harmful shrubs around our plants. Moreover, I spray them to save from pests.

Plants are source of neighbors's gift:

It had been many years, we regularly gift some of fruits we get from these plants to our neighborhood. These people sometimes visited our garden to get fresh air. I always do their hospitality with some healthy fruits.

People leave their hobbies because they are paid nothing to them. Hence, we should adopt hobbies that paid us. In this way, we can make a strong bind and relationship with our hobby. Everything I do regarding to my hobby, I became finally satisfied and happy because it will pay me at the end. Hence, it is better to do what your mind accepts. But I have a good advice for you Adopt that hobby that at least paid you even your rich. It is truth, the money we eaened from our hobby can be used for our hard time later.

This is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content The Paying Hobby. I hope, you have enjoyed my today post. Thanks!

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Note: All the non sourced images are my own and edited by me through Adobe Lightroom.

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