Let’s Understand: Upland!

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Looking at the motto of a platform can give a clue about the idea behind its conception. In Upland’s case, it is play, earn and connect. We are sure that most of you have guessed already what Upland is all about, just by looking at these words! But guesswork is not what we are here for! In this discussion, we brief you on all the dirt that you need to understand Upland better. 

First things first, what is Upland all about? Well, to describe things in the simplest manner possible, it is a multiverse that is themed around commerce, entertainment, and connections. Once a user steps into the Upland world, he or she is just entering an alternate reality where everything is under a user’s control. What are a user’s options in Upland? Well, how does the idea of trading properties, building infrastructures on them, and creating not just virtual but real services sound to you? Sounds enthralling? Then you have every reason to be psyched because Upland lets you have all the fun via the aforementioned activities! 


How does stuff work?


We know you are a little in the quagmire there, as far the scheme of things behind Upland’s functionality is concerned. So, we thought it prudent to illuminate the finer points about this aspect first, before we move on to the more important details. So what powers Upland? The blockchain-based EOS, a decentralized system that allows the development of commercial apps on its platforms. But what does that mean for an average user who isn’t interested in too techy details? It means that each property in Upland is a unique digital item, which implies that the platform works with non-fungible tokens. The concept of true ownership is in place since the ownership records are notarized on the blockchain. 


How to have fun on Upland?


We know a gist isn’t enough for you, you want more! Hence, in the following sections of this discussion, we are going to talk about the multiple ways in which you can have fun on Upland. We hope this answers your “what do I do on Upland” question adequately! 

1- Become a property paragon 

Like we said earlier as well, collecting properties is one of the major events you can participate in on this platform. We will explain the technical bits in a minute, but for a moment, please close your eyes and try to imagine this. You can actually own the virtual location of a place that appeals to you or is close to your heart because of some sentimental value associated with it. How cool does that sound! Upland property tokens are essentially digital but real properties since these cannot be duplicated. The idea of collecting and owning properties on this platform will eventually grow on you, you just have to try once!   

2- Collection completion 

Owning and collecting properties on Upland sounds fun, but things can get a bit challenging as well. You see, users find the starting collections a piece of cake. But the same cannot be said about the set of properties that are definitely more challenging to collect than the initial ones. Collecting this set of properties will require users to engage in bargaining, just like in the real world. What is more, users can interact with fellow Uplanders as well, if there is a property they would like to negotiate or cut a deal for. Users can visit their completed collections in the Collections menu option. 

3- Are you up for a challenge?

Some of you might have a bit more competitive nature, which means that you will be keener on time-bound challenges. Upland has no shortage of such challenges, these pop up from time to time. Their nature can vary, so we are not going to talk about these in detail. But let us leave an example here to make you understand the idea more lucidly. One type of challenge that is issued on the platform is 48-hour tasks. The idea behind such tasks is to collect as many properties as you can, within the aforementioned time slot. Now that does sound enthralling, won’t you agree? 

4- Participate in enthralling conquests! 

Apart from these challenges, there are other tasks and challenges in which you can engage as well. For example, how does the idea of a treasure hunt sounds to you? We do believe that the creators of Upland might have taken a leaf out of Robinson Crusoe’s adventures! You can check out these challenges in detail in the Treasure Hunts section of the platform. If you are someone who feels that clinching UPX should be the mission of their life on Upland, then make sure to engage in any of the three tiers of treasure hunts on this mesmerizing platform! Apart from the treasure hunts, you can also engage and take part in contests and challenges that pop up on the platform from time to time. 


Rules of the game! 


No game is fun if you are not following the rules, and Upland is no exception to that rule either. A user must agree to the Upland user guidelines before taking part in any of the competitions on the platform. These guidelines state that users must respect fellow Uplanders, and refrain from impersonating other users on the platform as well. 


Want to know more? 


There are more than one ways in which you can contact & interact with Upland creators. For starters, if you use Twitter, you can follow them on the bird app. To learn more about Upland from the Upland community itself, you can find Upland on Discord as well. For discovering more about the future goals of Upland, you can check out the official Upland 2021 roadmap as well. And lastly, if there are any features that you think matter, you can read the white paper, available on the official website as well. We daresay there was plenty to learn for you from this discussion though! And on that optimistic note, we bid you farewell from this discussion!

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