IGGalaxy Migrating from TRON to Matic Network, Ethereum’s Layer 2 Scaling Solution

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Yesterday, Cointelegraph shared a tweet to an article that provided somewhat of an insight into what is a significant development for IGGalaxy. We want to voice our disappointment at the quality and timing of content that was released, and we would therefore like to profusely apologise to our community for any confusion or concern this may have caused.

In this article, we will provide an insight into our migration from TRON to the Matic Network, and why Matic will be the new home of IGGalaxy.


After extensive examination and cautious thought we are extremely eager to share that IGGalaxy's center blockchain engineering will move from TRON to the Matic Network!

Matic's Layer 2 scaling arrangement is exactly what Ethereum's $40 billion-dollar biological system is getting out for as we by and large push for standard appropriation of blockchain innovation. From a business advancement viewpoint, this relocation will permit IGGalaxy to take advantage of Ethereum's flourishing biological system without the presentation limitations of the principle chain. Moreover, it will empower IGGalaxy to accomplish the versatility required in a more practical and easy to understand way, with the goal that Intergalactic Gaming can encourage the mass appropriation of blockchain by standard gamers.

Digital currency networks are known for their tribalism, which no questions impedes more extensive reception. While Matic will be integral to the IGGalaxy token economy, we accept that the fate of the blockchain business will develop into a work of organizations that are interoperable. As this occurs, you can expect IGGalaxy to help various noticeable blockchains as we satisfy our central goal of merging blockchain and gaming, accordingly empowering symbolic economies to use the intensity of IGGalaxy's flourishing and connecting with network.

About IGGalaxy

IGGalaxy is our web stage (which will likewise be presently sent as an application), that will fill in as an important apparatus to unite key partners inside the esports and more extensive gaming industry, encouraging trade of significant worth to open a multi-billion-dollar market.

IGGalaxy entered it's public beta stage in late December, offering a stage for gamers to partake in competitions of famous esports games, for example, Call of Duty, Fortnite and FIFA. All members get IG Gold (IGG) tokens for participating and as remunerations.

While in open beta, IGGalaxy has just facilitated communitarian competitions with prominent brands like Mixtape Madness, Wall of Comedy and Celtic FC. After an extraordinary beginning to 2020, we have since proceeded with that force, including 97,000+ — since March — taking the absolute enlisted clients to more than 100,000. A huge number of gamers are entering IGGalaxy to partake in the day by day competitions in an assortment of esports games.


Through the creative utilization of blockchain innovation inside our social serious gaming stage, we are building up a boosted symbolic economy that serves to remunerate members for the time and worth they add to IGGalaxy. No longer will players need to stress over getting their awards from rivalry coordinators. No longer will groups have the option to exploit players. IGGalaxy will give a confided in stage that will make open doors for many gamers around the globe.

TRONSCAN shows that the IGG token as of now has more than 30,000 holders and 1 million exchanges. With over 95% of our present client base new to the innovation, IGGalaxy is obviously promising the reception and utilization of digital currency by gamers who are making wallets and cooperating with crypto resources for the absolute first time!

About Matic Network

Coinbase and Binance, two of the greatest names in digital money, have both indicated incredible help of the Matic Network's a Layer 2 convention for quick and adaptable exchanges.

Matic Network is the main Layer 2 answer for Ethereum's gas and clog emergency that guarantees adaptability through side-chains, while safeguarding resource security. This is made conceivable by Matic's utilization of a mixture model that incorporates the Plasma structure just as a decentralized organization of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) validators.




With its first root-chain being Ethereum, Matic guarantees the security of the computerized resources on side-chains by means of the Plasma structure and a decentralized organization of PoS validators with the chain's administrators being stakers in the task's PoS framework, empowering quick stores and withdrawals of ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens from Ethereum mainnet.

Why Matic for IGGalaxy?

Intergalactic Gaming is at a critical point in our formative guide, thus recognizing the correct organization is central to our proceeded with progress. Underneath, we have give a once-over of why the Matic Network wins as the ideal objective for IGGalaxy.


Matic, through sidechains, gives endless adaptability. The necessity for quick, ease and secure exchanges is crucial. Right now, in our public beta, we have a normal of 30 competitions every week, working out to 1,000+ exchanges; the speed at which we reward our clients is the thing that makes IGGalaxy stand apart from the rest. Looking to the future, we expect a noteworthy increment in the exchanges inside IGGalaxy as more highlights are conveyed and serious foundations develop.


During their inward testnet, Matic accomplished 7,200 exchanges for each second (TPS). Presently, on a solitary tree engineering on Matic can scale to a great many exchange, as the organization brags up to 65,000 TPS on a solitary Matic chain. This is definitely quicker than TRON (current/max, 24/748).

Cost of Transactions

Exchange costs are a significant part that impacts our choice behind which blockchain stage fills in as the record layer for IGGalaxy. Matic network gives amazingly quick and secure exchanges at an altogether lower cost contrasted with Ethereum and even TRON! Obviously, this will at last give a superior encounter to our clients.

Client Experience

A decent client experience is a fast quickening agent towards appropriation, and the Matic Network is irrefutably driving the charge on this. Matic offers extraordinary client experience for designers considering consistent deliberation from the Ethereum mainchain to Matic chain. This has been exhibited by the immense number of DApps selecting to create on Matic.

Besides, when clients partake in IGGalaxy, collaborating with digital forms of money and blockchain innovation just because, client experience is basic. We trust Matic will furnish our developing client base with a far prevalent involvement with IGGalaxy, especially as the organization develops.



Why change?

With the article delivered yesterday by Cointelegraph, many have estimated why we have chosen to make this move. This segment ought to give adequate clearness on the justification behind our choice.

Why not TRON: Reputational Risk

We will consistently have a liking to TRON; it is one of the principal ventures in the blockchain space that we began to look all starry eyed at, all things considered. We became hopelessly enamored with the vision yet more critically the network. It gave the ideal stage to IGGenesis and we are appreciative for that. It will consistently be recollected in the historical backdrop of IGGalaxy.

Notwithstanding, the choice to relocate IGGalaxy's center blockchain design to Matic is simply key. It is essentially the better decision for IGGalaxy. We firmly accept that throughout the following barely any years, Matic will outperform TRON as genuine items with energizing use cases are based on Matic.

To all the more likely comprehend our situation: as a business, our notoriety and in this way the notoriety of those that we partner with is basic. Notoriety is the thing that fabricates trust and permits brands to keep up a favorable position over their opposition. It is that believe that in this way permits us to build up and keep up important associations with our clients and accomplices.

TRON's wide spread negative notoriety is no mystery. We have inferred that the activities and course of the TRON Foundation, don't line up with the qualities and heading of Intergalactic Gaming.

IGGalaxy has been created with TRON's organization filling in as our essential record layer. In the course of recent years, we've supported the innovation and carried introduction to the organization. Normally, as supporters of TRON's innovation — and what they had guaranteed — we are baffled to have needed to try and consider moving.

After cautious thought it became clear that, to the greatest advantage of IGGalaxy, we should think about other options.

Matic's Interoperability

For IGGalaxy, moving and developing our center blockchain design on Matic gives various advantages. With it's similarity with Ethereum and EVM, Matic is totally interoperable with Ethereum and in this manner expanding on Matic gives all that comes the second biggest blockchain stage on the planet.

This incorporates tremendous advancement apparatuses — our improvement group have been very amped up for — contrasted with what was accessible on TRON. This will permit us to construct energizing highlights and grow new chances, upgrading the worth gave by IGGalaxy. For instance, we will have the option to guarantee our clients can execute inside IGGalaxy exclusively with IGG without the requirement for an extra token for vitality/transmission capacity.

With numerous chains set to be included for level scaling, combined with the normal limit at which we have estimated IGGalaxy to be working at in the following five years, this movement without a doubt abuses the characteristic cooperative energies between Intergalactic Gaming and the Matic Network.

IGGalaxy: Validator on Matic

From this joint effort, IGGalaxy will work a validator hub on the Matic Network mainnet, essentially adding to the security of the organization, yet additionally to help Matic's 70 or more and-developing DApp biological system.

We are eager to assume a part in Matic's decentralized administration system that is quickly developing!

IGGalaxy now working a Validator hub on the Matic network mainnet

IGGalaxy now working a Validator hub on the Matic network mainnet

Fiat Gateway

With the movement to Matic and interoperability with Ethereum, we will have the option to list on Uniswap rapidly. For those ignorant, Uniswap is a decentralized trade that has increased noteworthy consideration as it has drawn a bigger number of clients and volume than many top concentrated trades.

Through this posting and arrangement of liquidity, we can guarantee there is a fiat entryway for IGG in IGGalaxy where clients can legitimately buy and sell IGG with customary installment strategies. This will altogether improve our client's understanding.

What this implies?

Underneath, we have given knowledge into relevant viewpoints identified with this movement.

Token Swap

IGWallet will before long become multi-chain, supporting both TRON and Ethereum based tokens. As we move our center framework to Matic, including our tokens, you will have the option to effectively trade your tokens by means of IGWallet with a couple of snaps.

There will be a trade usefulness inside IGwallet empowering the trade of our local TRC20 token IG Gold (IGG) to the new ERC20 IGG tokens that will exist on the Matic chain. Our clients will be able to trade all pertinent tokens in IGGalaxy, including IGG, ORB, GFT, PRO, and so forth. This will occur in October once the movement is finished. It is significant that this trade is one way TRON > ETH/MATIC.


In light of long haul reception, we are given an extraordinary chance to build up our IGLabs include on an a lot less expensive, more versatile organization. As of now, the cost of making an IGLabs case is ~5 TRX, which in this manner presents an impediment for our end clients. To reaffirm the way that in any event 95% of our present player base is new to cryptographic money, buying TRX is testing. Exchanges on Matic is multiple times less expensive than those on TRON, which once more, implies we can all the more likely serve our developing client base.

I'm not catching this' meaning for freezing IGG tokens?

We will report a last date at the appropriate time, however by the end October, all tokens conveyed in IGLabs cases must be ERC20 IGG tokens. In this manner, you should trade your tokens before sending further containers.

It would be ideal if you note that this won't influence any IGG presently put away in containers. Any ORB tokens you get from solidified TRC20 IGG tokens after the date, will in this way must be traded to ERC20 ORB tokens through IGWallet's symbolic trade highlight.

Ask the IG prime supporters!

As we are certain huge numbers of you will jump at the chance to get with our prime supporters considering our ongoing movement from the TRON organization. In the event that you might want to leave an inquiry for our fellow benefactors identifying with the eventual fate of IGGalaxy on Matic Network, you can do as such in this structure.

Talking on their organization, Naeem Shabir, Co-Founder of IGGalaxy remarked: "Giving a consistent client experience is vital for blockchain reception by the standard, and Matic Network is irrefutably driving the charge on this front. Utilizing Matic's high throughput and practical organization will be vital in accomplishing our central goal to set up IGGalaxy as the spot for social serious gaming and esports."

Josh Robson, Co-Founder of IGGalaxy likewise including: "We're eager to join the Matic biological system and become part of the network. The Matic group have doubtlessly exhibited their solid qualities and drive, which has been truly energizing to see. We have most likely that this organization will give a significant relationship to the two biological systems as we, together, take strides towards uniting gaming and blockchain to *enable* overall appropriation."

"Our drawn out cooperation with IGGalaxy will quicken our common objective of bringing blockchain to the majority" commented Sandeep Nailwal, COO and Co-Founder of Matic Network.

He developed the significance of the organization, expressing "gaming is set to be a significant section point for the standard client to encounter blockchain innovation. IGGalaxy is growing quickly, pulling in a noteworthy number of gamers with their inventive mix of esports and tokenized motivating forces. We anticipate working close by IGGalaxy to upset the esports business."



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