How To Remain Permanently in Debt? An Illogical and Irrational Guide?!

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Usually, blog posts have the latest and greatest money tips for knowledge, fun, or suggestion. There’s an element of persuasion to get to the ultimate FIRE, financially-independent, retire-early status. 

Easy savings ideas are rolled out, coupled with side-hustle suggestions. I’ve done a few of the jobs on the list, but in the end, they didn’t pay very well, and I’d rather have time to myself than work a second job. My hobby is making my money work for me. 

Through my observations and interactions with others, people want an easy answer that they don’t have to take responsibility for. Like a financial windfall is going to fall out of the sky to rescue them from their foolishness. Also, it speaks to many people getting into crypto thinking the magic internet money is going to deliver that windfall!!

It’s human nature not to want to be told what to do. Understandable. All the money books out there go unread because no one wants advice. They hear it but brush it off. No one wants to step out of their comfort zone.

I am speechless and shake my head in disbelief when you hear stories of people earning almost $300,000 a year living paycheck-to-paycheck. I can’t wrap my head around that. The rest of the post will be tongue in cheek and irrational.

How To Stay In Debt

Follow these simple steps to build a pile of debt. It’s easy. Start small, then keep adding. Very soon, you will have unmanageable debt. The good news is that if you were looking for a loyal companion, debt fulfills that role. Debt will stick with you through thick and thin.

  • Start by not saving any of your earnings. After all, money is overrated, and who wants to live in austerity?
  • Next, go on a buying spree. Don’t wait for your next paycheck. Just keep buying. The possibilities are endless. Don’t deny yourself anything.
  • The gem of debt generating is acquiring a car or truck you don’t need. Yeah, your car is getting dusty and has lost its shine. SUVs around you look so cool. Isn’t it time? Of course it is. You work hard too. Go ahead, you deserve it. How much extra monthly income do you have? $250? $500? You can swing it. You’ll always be working, and besides, you need a reliable vehicle. Tell the car salesman the most you can spend on a monthly car payment. They will be happy to help you part with that amount.
  • Need money? Apply for a home equity line of credit. Start by taking small amounts, then keep spending and using the line of credit. You can pay it back in small, doable payments over the next 30 years. If the debt equals the market value of the home, it’ll be fine. Real estate always goes up in value.
  • When your credit card bill comes, pay the minimum balance. Isn’t it nice of the credit card companies not to pressure you into paying off the entire bill? You’re paying interest, but who cares? You got what you wanted in the moment, and it’ll get paid off one day.
  • Plan an exotic vacation and pay for it on borrowed time (and money). Everyone deserves a break. 
  • Buy a new wardrobe for the vacation. You want to look sharp.
  • Take advantage of every sale, whether you need anything or not.
  • Don’t plan anything. Just wing it. Buy everything when you need it, or think you need it. Don’t delay any purchases. Don’t create a list for later in your online shopping site. Click away.
  • Don’t keep track of what you spend. You’ll see it on the credit card bill and can worry about it then.
  • Keep buying $hitcoins! One of them will m00n, and you will be able to continue your lifestyle!

Finally, Don’t read any financial advice. You don’t understand it anyway. Maybe next year.


Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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