Guardian Link and BeyondLife.Club AMA With Ramkumar Subramaniam

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They are also working with BeyondLife.Club in releasing Indian TV personality, Amitabh Bachchan’s NFTs.

The CFO of Altcoin Buzz, Shitij Gupta, anchored the Guardian Link and BeyondLife.Club AMA session on our Telegram channel. He was joined by Ramkumar Subramaniam, the co-founder, and CEO of Guardian Link. The AMA took place on October 29th, 2021.

Below is a recap of the Guardian Link and BeyondLife.Club AMA session with Ramkumar Subramaniam to understand what they are planning.

Q – Tell us more about your journey and what were you up to before Guardian Link?

I am Ramkumar Subramaniam, Co-Founder & CEO of GuardianLink. As an early crypto-adopter and diehard decentralization fan, I have also helped to create a $3B MarketCap for our clients and partners. My vision is simple, is just to make sure 1 Million Artists make $1 Million each on Guardian Link. And on the other hand to ensure a secure and technologically balanced NFT space.

We have partnered with to launch Amitabh Bachchan NFT by 1st November.

Q – Before we get into guardian link and beyond life, can you tell us more about yourself – what projects/products did you work on before? How did you get into crypto?

Before stepping into this space, I was into technology and the internet of things. The arena of blockchain fascinated me in multiple ways, hence I am part of this decentralised spectrum. In short, this space holds the true essence of the internet.

Q – Let’s get into Guardian Link and Beyond Life Club. How does Guardian Link help BeyondLife.Club in the launching of the NFTs? What is the relation between Guardian Link and Beyond Life? is a premium NFT Launchpad that facilitates the selling of rare art NFTs. Right now, offers exclusive NFTs featuring the Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan. In the near future, BeyondLife may release other signature NFTs.

GuardianLink provides a no-code NFT launch platform provider with a built-in legitimacy protocol. GuardianLink powers, all its functionalities, and attributes. It can be used by any artist or brand to launch their own NFT Launchpad in a matter of even minutes, even without any coding knowledge.

The entities are together launching AmitabhNFT. is powered by Guardian Link.

Q – Tell us more about the partnership with Amitabh Bachchan, how did you get him on board, knowing that he is a long-time crypto investor? How many rare AB NFTs are minted and where can the community buy them?

Amitabh Bachchan stepping into the NFT space will make it more legit and mainstream in India, his association brings the authenticity required. Him being an individual with knowledge of just everything, he just happens to be the right person to be launched first. To know the drops check here.

Q – What are your plans to attract more users as well as artists/public figures to the platform to launch their NFTs?

Well, plans are enormous and equally exciting, with regards to Amitabh Bachchan NFT collection, we have an exciting treat attached to each collection. And stay tuned in this space.

Q – Why did you choose Polygon as your technology partner?

Polygon with its efficiency to be scalable and their industry existence, says it all!

Q – Can you tell us some of your upcoming milestones and roadmaps?

Yes, sure. With regards to BeyondLife.Club you can expect other prominent individuals stepping into the NFTverse, with their own Launchpad that includes their exclusive NFT collection.

Q – Can you please tell us about the upcoming NFT drop? Specifically, how can the community participate?

Yes, sure. For now, we are working with celebrities and brands. Very soon you will see us working with creators and artists across. Our community can engage and work with us in all such ways.

Q – Can you tell us more about the Amitabh Bachchan NFT drops? What will they contain, what is a loot box, and what mode of payment can the community use to buy these?

Amitabh Bachchan NFT drops range from his legendary Madhushala NFT, his surprise NFT collection “The Loot Box”, Movie posters to smart-contract generated BigB punks. The loot box is a set of surprise NFTs that awaits every Amitabh enthusiast, for every individual who wants to own a piece of legacy, Amitabh’s surreal moments and beyond.

One will not only have the pride of possessing some of the most unique Amitabh NFTs. Just like any other NFT, you can sell your prized possessions and trade them.

Regarding the payment, as of now, you can find your wallet either using the payment gateway stripe or by using UPI, or by transferring from another cryptocurrency wallet.

The wallet only accepts specific crypto coin USDT over specific protocols like/similar to ERC-20 and BEP-20 for Ethereum, Polygon, and BINANCE smart chain blockchains. While we may support other currency types and payment methods in the future, they will not be accepted unless and until explicitly stated on our terms and conditions.

Afterward, Ramkumar Subramaniam answered some selected questions from the Telegram group.
Q. Telegram – You have worked with some of the names from B-town like The Big B. Is there any plan to connect with any other big names from Bollywood as well? Have you considered collaborating with any new emerging artists?

As mentioned prior, our first prominent individual on board is Amitabh Bachchan, as of now BeyondLife.Club will be working with brands and celebrities. Soon, the platform will be open for emerging artists and creators.

Q. Telegram – How can small investors with $10 or $20 participate?

Hey! The price starts at $10, here it is! It is for all of us, everyone can participate.

The Altcoin Buzz community gratefully thanks Ramkumar Subramaniam for taking part in the Enjinstarter AMA session on the 29th of October in our Telegram channel.

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Find out more about the blockchain and crypto space on the Altcoin Buzz YouTube channel.

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