Gas explosion - users flock from eth chain to bsc - moonshot amm's the next big thing!

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Us DeFi enthusiasts have been hitting a road block lately with the gas fee's. Many of those short money investors, or new DeFi enthusiasts get turned away by the ETH gas fees. As a result we have seen an unprecedented increase in activity on the BINANCE Smart Chain. Pankcake Swap has really taken the lead on this one with their AMM (Automated Market Maker) climbing the charts to number 2 spot underneath UNISWAP on the coingecko DEX list.

Since the launch of AMM's on BSC there has been a feeding frenzy of new AMM's that promise to be the next big thing, but many are just copycats or rug-pulls with nothing really going under the hood. Thats why I am VERY VERY VERY excited about the new (StreetSwap Exchange) (Traphouse Vaults) rebranding to HyperJump is launching tomorrow. This thing is a going to EXPLODE. StreetSwap has been around for about a month now and their thug token has done really well, but just recently announced by the team that they will be migrating their tokens into a new brand HyperJump. Check out their THUG token:


Not only is their token(s), doing well (also listed by the team is DRUGS, HOES, CRED, and GUNS), but these guys have one of the most ambitious road maps I have seen on the BSC space. They really are taking the AMM to a whole new level including vaults NFT games and much much more. The swap to the new brand HyperJump which is scheduled for tomorrow, will catapult this thing to stratospheric new highs. The burn function on their token THUGS is the opposite of CAKE by pancake swap, CAKE which is an INFLATIONARY token.


At around 5 million market cap at the time of this writing this qualifies as a micro-gem on our radar



THUGS is currently trading at $8.00 and is DEFLATING which means the overall supply will reduce putting buy pressure on the token to drive price up. This deflationary aspect will be kicked into HYPERDRIVE with the new migration and the increased burn rate with a kickback paid to all users who hold the token.

It's quite a beautiful thing watching your wallet balance increase while the overall supply of the token is reduced.


The RFI-esque tokenomic has been a huge hit in the BSC space with a large number of projects attempting it, but it has largely been a failure for many projects simply due to the lack of use case and many people holding their tokens rather than trading. This is not the reality for THUGS/HYPER, considering their plans for their token will involve a number of uses that will ensure the deflationary aspect of the token.

This is how everyone who holds this token gets paid, and how the price of the token will increase created by the buy pressure of reduced supply. Instead of staking on unverified contracts, users simply hold the token to get the rewards. Free from the troubles of impermanent loss, NICE!



One of the most active TG chats in the space, these guys have contests and giveaways on the regular that keep users engaged and connected. If you have been looking for a moonshot on BSC, you really should check these guys out at least before the migrate brands, their website is F*ckin hilarious.



Great Team. Great Dev. Amazing Roadmap.


Get a good look at this price, because after the rebranding this thing is set to moonshot. If you want a look at whats going on under the hood check these guys out:


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