Fuse Network: Simple Mobile Payments for Boosting Crypto Adoption

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Fuse allows entrepreneurs and communities from all over the world to leverage streamlined and cheap mobile payments. Reinforced by custom digital tokens and wallets, Fuse’s infrastructure helps organizations develop their communities into thriving micro-economies. Let’s consider the shortcomings of today’s mobile payments and see why Fuse solutions may become the future of this niche.

Mobile Payments in 2022

Today’s mobile users face a number of problems that the existing financial system struggles to resolve. Many of them lack access to fast and cheap payments, modern financial services, and passive income opportunities. What’s more, millions of people worldwide have very poor access to quality bank services. They are often left to operate with local currencies that are unstable and demonstrate high inflation rates.

In the meantime, mobile coverage in Africa is at a relatively good level: stats show that more people have access to cell phones with the internet than to clean water. Some crypto services have already tried to take advantage of this market, but their solutions came out too complicated for a general user.

The lack of simple payment solutions is not the problem for users only. When any kind of business or organization wants to embrace mobile money transfers, there are only two choices: using PayPal or Stripe that charge high fees and have no customization features or building a tailored solution from zero (which means spending a lot of money).

What Fuse Offers

Fuse gives businesses and communities an opportunity to build customized mobile payment solutions (digital tokens and wallets) and embrace DeFi services at a very low cost in terms of money and time. By easily creating a mobile-first environment with Fuse, an organization turns its audience from a simple community into a whole micro-economy. And the end-user profits from this: now, they can finally leverage fast and cheap mobile payments (a fee for a Fuse transaction is lower than 1 US Cent).

Are There Any Examples of Such Communities?

Yes, there quite are: Fuse has been helping organizations implement its vision since 2019. Here are some of the examples:

  • GoodDollar is a DeFi protocol for yield generation that distributes basic digital income across the globe.
  • Fuse Cash is a wallet that bridges crypto and fiat currencies: it allows storing digital and traditional money in one place, while a deposit from a bank account gives users extra FuseDollar stablecoins that they can hold and earn a 5% APR.
  • An example of a local community is The Peepl Network — a sustainable economy project based in the UK that works with socially conscious businesses to help them integrate new-generation mobile payments and incentive systems.

What Does the Fuse Network Comprise?

The three main components in the Fuse network are as follows:

  1. Fuse blockchain — a distributed LEDGER compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (the tool used to create decentralized apps on Ethereum), the central element of the ecosystem.
  2. Fuse Studio and Fuse Wallet — a technology stack that enables organizations to create custom mobile-first infrastructure.
  3. DeFi products and tools — stablecoins, staking platforms, rewards, Fuse Lending Network, and FuseSwap DEX.

Fuse Blockchain

The Fuse mainnet, the core of the ecosystem, runs on the dPoS (delegated Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism. There are two types of network participants — delegators and validators. Delegators stake FUSE and grant their right to confirm transactions to validators, who, in turn, confirm blocks and take part in platform governance by introducing Fuse Improvement Proposals (FIPs).

 is the native token of the network. It’s used to pay gas fees, which are generally less than $0.01. Besides extremely low network fees, Fuse boasts a block time of 5 seconds, and the blockchain processes 60 transactions per second (for ERC-20 assets) and 120 for Fuse-based tokens. The compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine makes it easy for developers to deploy Ethereum smart contracts on the Fuse blockchain.

Fuse Studio

Fuse Studio is a collection of tools that businesses use to build token-powered environments. There are three main components in it:

  1. The Studio (Playground) Frontend — a no-code solution that allows building a custom token for the community. This is a basic feature that can be used to show a proof of concept.
  2. The Studio backend — a more complex tool for creating smart contracts, storing the data off-chain on the Studio Server and IPFS nodes, and funding community members.
  3. The Studio API backend — used by Studio dApps to request data in the Fuse blockchain.

Another tool in the Fuse studio is a set of  that make even more customization possible: they can help you create incentives for the community, let members make quick bank account deposits, and more.

Fuse Wallet

When a business creates a custom token in Fuse Studio and considers it a backbone of the community, it also wants to introduce a custom wallet where users could store the token. This can be done with the Fuse Wallet codebase: developers create a fork of the original version and add custom branding.

Fuse wallet is an iOS and Android non-custodial Web3 wallet — it can be used in any EVM-compatible blockchain, which prevents Fuse tokens from “siloing” in one network. By introducing such a wallet to the community, a business facilitates the custom token adoption, because no other wallets with ETH on their balance are needed.

Fuse DeFi Products and Tools

Custom wallets and tokens are the basics, while DeFi products widen the variety of Fuse use cases and ways to interact with communities. Here are the most notable ones:

  • FuseSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows users to swap Fuse-based assets and with wrapped tokens from other blockchains. The DEX was built as a fork of Uniswap V2 but leverages the high speed and low fees of the Fuse network.
  • FuseDollar (FUSD) is a stablecoin that helps Fuse users who are new to crypto to adapt: a US-pegged token is much easier to understand to those who only have experience of working with fiat currency.
  • Fuse Lending network offers loans and lending in WBTC, WETH, FUSE, stablecoins such as FUSD, BUSD, and USDC.
  • Fuse Rewards platform is a classic liquidity mining protocol: members of the Fuse community provide liquidity, stake LP tokens, and earn rewards.

FUSE Token

FUSE is the native asset of the ecosystem that is used for a variety of purposes. Gas fees are paid in FUSE, and you can stake the token to delegate transaction confirmation and earn rewards. If you stake 100,000 FUSE or more, you can become a validator and vote for Fuse Improvement Proposals (the bigger the stake, the more powerful the vote). Finally, FUSE can serve as a means of payment in the ecosystem — it’s transferred faster than any other asset since no smart contracts are involved.

To start staking FUSE or simply hold it as an investment, you are welcome to buy the token on  with any of 300+ cryptocurrencies. No registration is needed, and the average swap time is 5 minutes. To get the token, you can also farm it in FuseSwap

Who Are the Members of the Fuse Team?

The founder and CEO of Fuse is Mark Smargon — a web developer from Israel who has worked in the domain of UX and e-commerce for many years. The rest of the Fuse team is built of 13 core members working in Tel Aviv and remotely from all over the world. Leon Prouger is the Fuse tech lead who has been in the industry since 2012. To follow the team, visit their social media: , and the official website 

Fuse Roadmap

roadmap for 2022 was recently announced by the project’s CEO Mark Smargon. He pointed out that 2021 was a “crazy ride” for the platform that “grew into a vibrant ecosystem.” As for the next several years, Smargon outlines an ambitious goal to reach at least 1 billion active users on Fuse Network. In 2022, the team will focus on making the Fuse network more interoperable, issuing a new and more efficient FuseX stablecoin, creating a decentralized app store, raising the platform’s scalability, and more.

Businesses and communities from all continents feel ready to embrace crypto and build custom token-powered environments, but there haven’t been solutions that could facilitate this process so far. In the meantime, the demand for decentralized peer-to-peer digital payment solutions in the general public is growing.

Fuse Network is solving these problems by offering simple tools such as Fuse Studio and Fuse Wallet. They allow organizations to quickly launch custom tokens and wallets, which, in turn, helps create micro-economies with streamlined mobile payments and non-custodial token storage. According to the Fuse roadmap, the team is feeling confident and aims to reach 1 billion active users in a few years. If you feel optimistic about FUSE too, head on to  to see what rates we offer.

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