FT crypto watch Sept 1st

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Cryptokinfolk you!  Didja sleep well?? Have a great day?  we hope so.  Thanks for the part where y'all come here to change the future.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to help in  creating a world above fiat, on the metaphysical toehold in the sky that is the ever-loving Publish0x

Say "rabbit rabbit" for good luck, it's the first of the month.  Help us change the fabric of the world each day through chitposting about the FT's crypto coverage!!

Free the Nexo news!  Lol, looking bad for the Nexo play to save Vauld.  A FEW days left on the 60 day exclusive, but we FOLD our tents and go now.  our position -  good news for , blacked out in the FT.   Ethically, we got , the FT is looking OK for not recording these sad tales of two misspent youths from India.

Singapore gave a three month extension to Vauld operations!  Yay!!  Then Vauld let down the team.  70 million hole  in Vauld balance sheet!  news - gummint seizes fifty million from Vauld for AML crimes!!!    Oh well, maybe the FT was right, it's NOT news.  

We dive into the pink print of  the FT!  With love! What do we get???

Crypto not saying crypto: European bonds are now getting hammered just like UK ones.   German factories shutting, THAT's a resounding cascading FAIL of globalist management. 

Gorbachev obits.  Mikahail, Mikaheil.  We remember Gorby jumping out of his limo to greet New Yorkers, most of whom kept moving, lol.   We watched Governor's Island at night from work on the 43rd floor of One New York Plaza when Mikey and Ronnie met there.  There were cops, trucks, planes, helicopters, submarines and satellites keeping watch, along with snipers on the roofs of other buildings looking in at us when we stood close to the window.  Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall, lol!!  Nina Hagen looks crazier than we remember her, lol. 

Here's a story TOTALLY about crypto won't say chit tho:  "Energy discount will not cut inflation."   Wait, WTF??  This is the funny ist %#(@(*& thing we have seen in days!!   Zoom out for the hypocrisy!!  Talk about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titantic!!  The UK gummint prints up 400 pounds to give to everyone for energy.  They don't fix the broken, corruptly and poorly privatized utilities, they don't even fix the bill algo to go cost of production instead of cost of gas, they don't lighten regulations or try to increase supply, they just print and dish 400 bucks.  This action absolutely drives UP inflation, it's like telling the inflators it's OK!!! 

Then, in a surrealist Alice in wonderland clown sequence, the office of the whichness of why debates how this simple act of inflation should be accounted.  Is is a subsidy, is it social assistance, is it capital transfer!  Why, if the OTHER bureaucrats lie JUST RIGHT, it will DECREASE INFLATION!! NO IT FREAKING WON'T!!!  Dear, sweet FT, please say maybe yes, maybe no it  will affect the CPI measurement.   It increase actual inflation.  Prices go up, print more money, prices go up more.

Tradfi corruption watch!Gnat West has to give back $$ for abusing account holders, forcing unneeded fees. 

Missfresh was worth 3 billion, wanted to IPO at FIVE billion, now the chinese deliveroo is dead, owing big and small loads of bucks.   LOOKIT THIS graph And, y'know, we would rather lose our money on crypto than on yet another delivery service, it's just intellectually easier lol. 

Theres a fun letter from in London - it's not just the broken water regulators, it's how private equity has hollowed out everything and made it all opaque. No one can even come up with just ONE number - how much cash have shareholders extracted from owning Britain's water infrastructure??? Aiee.  Financialization, the crappification of everything. 

Here is a fun, lovely article: we admit it it, we are 100% Team Jemima lately!! and it feels good!! To be self-correcting ya gotta have intellectual humility.   Wall street chesnut #567 - Ego multiplies intellect right up until it warps, even shatters badly.   We love questions and we love to be proven wrong cause we learn.  But we are wrong, as the FT points out, ya gotta also have conviction, courage and take action.  We love these discussions and ya never see em.  Only the can truly undertake mastery behaviors to become true experts.  We all should enter challenge mode where we read about stuff we disagree with.  Steelmanning is a hip name for the old  (Jordan Peterson & others)  technique of having a debate with intellectual honesty - first, you make sure you fully understand the best / strongest parts of the other's position.  It's the opposite of straw manning, lol.   Thanks FT!!! 

Our dojo in Brooklyn was Master Sabu's dojang.  When you stepped in the door, you had to take your shoes off, bow and say "humble all black belts, humble Master Sabu!! "  That's Sabu-nim there in the yellow shirt.  Boy we will always remember working out with him to early James Brown music, and repeatedly throwing up in the humble bathroom of the Humble Dojang.  The guy in the center brought home to the humble dojo a national  title in Tae Kwon Do  (contact, no weight classes, that's scary AF) and scored a sweet job as a bailiff in the NY State supreme court.   No future in messing with that bailiff, though he was a very nice guy until pushed. 

We  helped Master Sabu move one night, to an even worse nabe (near the famous "" nightclubs, no white guys allowed.) Came back with him from a run to detectives picking up brass from shots fired on both sides of his door.  Sabu-nim was later shot there but recovered.  Ahh old brooklyn.  The kids would openly test the  chains on the bike, while you saw them, that kind of hood.  Studying your style for weaknesses for when you came out it felt like. 

Master Sabu  had a news picture (not always on the wall)  where he lost the match but knocked out all of the other (white) guy's teeth, lol. TKD,   Yu Du, American fighting kung fu (nasty)  HUMBLE!!!  Brooklyn, humble.

Crypto that says crypto:  Matt's love for central bankers, complete with lies of omission about Binance's successful entry into multiple EU nations, hits dead trees.   We stand by our FU rating, judges say we can't give him even more for his sour face's inability to smile for the camera.  We say why not???

OK!! NEW crypto that SAYS crypto in the FT!! Yeeehaw!! : BINANCE will waive fees on trading ETH for a month ahead of the Merge.  makes 90% of their money from fees.  They already offer many BTC pairs for "free."  Doing this seemingly bumped stablecoin BUSD up 8% to ~20 bn market cap.    from Julius Baer says this is a market grab.  Here's a graph that shakes our understanding --- First off, we admit we were wrong, we thought OKex was the worlds biggest exchange by BTC volume.  We said something stupid about that a while ago.  But we guess that is old news, if it was ever true.  Dear readers know we all exchanges lying about volume.  Here's a fresh chart from , where they apply the 50% is a lie maxim to OKEx AND to Huobi, THAT's funny. 

But where the #(&$ is v2 and Uniswap v3 on the "selected exchanges??"  Together the

OK this is humbling as centralized, the says they are decentralized but lists much much less volume for Uniswap. reports as much volume as today, and the don't believe is ranking as well, same questions. 

 We would say the dust has not settled on the volume lies.    is trying to bust moves, but is a lot further ahead than we knew. Humble!!  Maybe fee-free trading will become the standard, like equity markets where it's all about (bad) execution!! 

The FT manages to close with a neggy quote from Julius Baer - this is an indication that thinks volume will remain low in the near term.  That's not true, just trying to accelerate the winner takes allkick the others while they are down.  To do that , swing your right leg out, up, over, and DOWN, crush with the heel while swinging your arm up!! Sorry. Bet CZ agrees tho.   But who knows, we can't sling any FU's here atall. Sorry, we got Humble on the brain now.  Master Sabu shouting "SIT IN STANCE!!!"  Lol!  Drop your guard, get hit in the head.  .   Once a guy's head broke a big hole in the drywall  while in a headlock.  When passerby's asked what kind of dojo this was, we would say the kind where we break the wall with your head, see!!??!?  HUMBLE. MF!! Lol good times. 

Love to all black belts! And rabbits!! Just go in the corner and do some jumping jacks for a while, lmao.  Skip some rope, do some clapping pushups. 

Mikhail, Mikhail This little song is for you

Don't let yourself be dragged across the table

and don't drag us across the table

Mikhail, Mikhail Stay smart and stay smart

Stay child and be a man

and be BRAVE like a woman

Otherwise there were cannons instead of butter

now there is freedom instead of butter

Regulation and Society adoption

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