EXIP x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 15th of January

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Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from EXIP and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 15th of January.

Hello Satoshiclubbers Welcome to Another AMA session

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Hello Satoshi Club community ! lets continue next AMA with EXIP

Today our special guests is @aswin_EXIP

Hello @aswin_EXIP welcome to satoshi club

Aswin EXIP

Hello guys. Nice to be sharing this time with you all to help understand about our project better.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Glad to have you here, how are you today ? @aswin_EXIP

Aswin EXIP

Doing good. These days have been quite hectic though due to the upcoming CEX listing tomorrow

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Oooh tomorrow is a big day for EXIP , btw lets start our AMA

I’m sure the whole effort will pay out

Can you introduce yourself to us how you got into crypto and how the project EXIP started?

Aswin EXIP

I’m the COO at EXIP. I have been into crypto from back in 2015, as the whole concept on blockchain amused me quite a lot. At EXIP we have a great team of highly qualified marketing directors, software engineers, and blockchain experts. Our blockchain partner platform NIFTRON is the SAARC award winner for being the most innovative blockchain startup globally.

You have an Impressive partner in NIFTRON

Aswin EXIP

EXIP started as an idea during a conversation between the core team members of the project. We shared the same thoughts as to how the internet was a very controlled environment, with only a couple of entities having the control to seize or revoke any domains at their own will. We wanted to change this, and make the internet a fully decentralized environment. Thus, we started working & researching on this project, and in March 2021 we were able to launch the whitepaper of EXIP. From then onwards the project has now developed up to releasing its fully functional MVP product, a successfully completed IDO & upcoming CEX listing on the 16th of January for the EXIP token.

This is a project of collaborative Ideas …. So tell us what EXIP project is all about

Robocop | Satoshi Club

That is really great and interesting story behind EXIP

Yeah That’s what happens when great Minds reason together.. they give birth to great solutions

Aswin EXIP

EXIP is a fully fledged blockchain based decentralized DNS system, where users are able to buy, sell and auction Domains & Top Level Domains. All Domains & TLDs will be represented by an NFT, which would be minted and sent to the buyer’s wallet on purchase. This ensures that the owner fully and truly owns their Domains/TLDs.

You mentioned that you have quite an impressive team of diverse experts, how many in total are the members of your team?

And are they all in the same region?

Aswin EXIP

We currently have a 11 member team who are working on this project full time.

Yes we are all based in Sri Lanka.We are actually the first project from our country to develop a crypto project and take it to the international market.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

What a great and solid team EXIP have

That’s an Impressive number for the start..

This is great

Aswin EXIP

This has resulted in getting quite some support from our government as well

This are the things we love to hear “government supporting Blockchain projects” .Thank you for the introduction

We have some questions from our community members for you in this first part are you ready for them?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks for the great intro, let’s continue to part 1, 6 community question

Aswin EXIP

Yes lets get started

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q1 from Telegram user @Arisabela

Without a doubt, security must be a priority in terms of DNS structure, the protection of data against penetration of database systems is very important for this to really work, the EXIP proposal involves blockchain technology through different networks such as Ethereum, BINANCE Smart Chain and Stellar to improve these functions, however the security mechanisms are not clear to me, could you explain why Blockchain DNS is really a data protection solution? Is it applicable to all kinds of domains, for example, banking, schools, healthcare and more?

Aswin EXIP

If we take traditional DNS, the entire country’s domains including banking, stock market, military, schools, healthcare, etc depend on the Domain Name Solution offered by the ISPs (Internet Service Providers) which can be manipulated as it is a Database which is centrally controlled. Many security breaches and hacks have been recorded in the past which proves it. Blockchain DNS decentralizes the DNS (DDNS) and makes it more secure over the traditional internet, as blockchain inherently has a very high level of security due to the way it functions. We at EXIP have created an ecosystem around the DDNS which incentivizes and penalizes based on the decisions made by the community itself through DAO.

So what blockchains are you integrating into EXIP?

Aswin EXIP

At the moment we are building on BSC and XLM.

We are looking at AVAX & MATIC in the near future, as they seem to be performing quite well.

With regards to the issue of decision Making is your DAO already active?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

how to give vote into your DAO? do they need to hold token?

Aswin EXIP

No the DAO is not yet active. As the ecosystem is not yet fully developed. Currently you can purchase a Domain/TLD through our DRS and host a static website on it.

In the next couple of months we would be launching the community run DNS servers, NFT marketplace as well as multipage webhosting.

Aswin EXIP

This would complete the basic requirement of the EXIP ecosystem upon which the DAO would be integrated.

Yes they would need to hold our tokens

Thank you for your answers

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the detail answer, lets continue to next question?

Aswin EXIP

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q2 from Telegram user @Modrumz120

From your website, you mentioned that There are not many direct competitors for EXIP if we define the competitor landscape for EXIP as entities providing the exact same offering like EXIP. Nevertheless, the direct context all the domain name registry players will be something for EXIP to watch out for. Tracking the direct competitors, Ens and Handshake are the two significant players. It is essential to understand the strongholds of these players whilst also understanding the gasp they create in the market which can work as the unique competitive advantage for EXIP. Can you tell us the advantages of using EXIP compared to the Ens and the Handshake? What are other advantages of EXIP over it’s competitors and how do you intend on getting more users in your eco-system? What are other benefits users can get using the EXIP platform?

Aswin EXIP

We have multiple advantages and gaps to fill based on the competitors mentioned here.

1. EXIP is the only solution that allows you to create your own TLD which is fully customizable based on your business/marketing needs. This opens up a huge market as the current process of registering your own TLD requires you to wait for months as well as spend hundreds of thousands, while with EXIP all it would take is a matter of minutes to have your own TLD in your personal wallet to which you would have full control.

2. We are also the only project that does not govern any aspect of the ecosystem centrally. The EXIP ecosystem would be fully and only governed by the EXIP token holders, whether the decision pertains to taking down a specific domain or adding new features to the ecosystem itself. All suggestions will have a vote opened, where any EXIP token holder can vote for or against it, we as the developers will only implement based on the result of the vote and will have no governing authority above that.

3. To top this all off, EXIP token holders will also be staked 21% of all Domain/TLD sales.

Asides having a personal wallet what other requirements will users need to create their own TLD?

Aswin EXIP

None actually.

You can follow this link (https://app.exip.live/) to visit our DRS and search for your preferred Domain/TLD. If its available you will be shown the purchase price.

As soon as you make the payment the NFT would be minted and sent to the wallet you had provided.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Beside for DAO and give vote, what other function and usecase of EXIP token inside your ecosystem?

Aswin EXIP

EXIP tokens will be used to buy, sell and auction Domains/TLDs. Currently we are accepting payments from multiple methods in order to make the user adoption process smooth.

After successful user adoption EXIP will be the only form of currency accepted within the EXIP ecosystem for any sort of transactions.

Thank you for your Answers

Ready for next question?

Aswin EXIP

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks that really clear

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q3 from Telegram user @ItsMelissa3

A few weeks ago you explained that we can pay for our decentralized domain or TLD with our credit or debit card for the moment. My understanding is that the EXIP token is the main token within the ecosystem, with many important use cases. Isn’t it currently one of the use cases of the EXIP token to serve as a payment method to be able to pay for our decentralized domain using our EXIP tokens? Have you considered accepting EXIP tokens as a payment method in the near future? Have you thought about encouraging users to use the EXIP token and offer a special discount when using it as a payment method within the platform?

Aswin EXIP

Yes, The implementation of accepting crypto payments along with EXIP is ongoing and will be live within the next couple of weeks. All users who pay via EXIP tokens would also get a 50% discount on the total price of the Domain/TLD. And after successful user adoption EXIP tokens would be the only form of currency accepted within the EXIP ecosystem.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Well, that mean now is great time to buy EXIP token , where we can buy EXIP token?

Aswin EXIP

Currently you can purchase it on Pancakeswap.

Contract: 0x5a351f5b989125f0f076123d9e4b57ab043c5e3a

And tomorrow at 12:00 UTC we are getting listed on MEXC, So if you want to purchase from a CEX you can do so from tomorrow onwards.

Thank you for your Answers

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the answer, lets continue to next question?

Aswin EXIP

Lets go

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q4 From Telegram User @Rozielyna

I noticed that you have an EXIP browser and browser extension, The EXIP Browser & Extension will enable users to access blockchain-based DNS technologies. Users have to install the EXIP browser or browser extension to their existing browser to access decentralized domains and TLDs and existing traditional centralized domains and TLDs. What is the difference between using the two? Can you explain further on how we can navigate the browser or browser extension? Which is more reliable to search and find decentralized domain? What should we expect from the forthcoming EXIP browser final version listed on your roadmap?

Aswin EXIP

The EXIP browser extension acts as a bridge between the traditional and decentralized internet. All you would need to do is install it on your preferred browser and enable it once, from then onwards your browser would be able to access both traditional and decentralized websites.

The EXIP browser will support access to the decentralized internet natively and would not require an extension installed. The browser is currently under development and the beta version is expected to launch Q3-Q4 this year. Apart from this after successful user adoption we will also have discussion with the current popular browsers in the market to natively support access to the decentralized internet.

Btw Can you share your road map with us so we see what other plans you have, and tell us at what stage you are currently on the roadmap?

Aswin EXIP

The roadmap can be found on our website (https://exip.live/). So we have launch the beta version of the EXIP ecosystem along with the browser extensions as well. And we successfully completed our IDO, and are not at the CEX listing stage

We have stuck to our roadmap as promised and look forward to do so in the future as well

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for sharing this with us, do you want to add anything else or we can go to 5th question?

Aswin EXIP

We can move to the next question

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q5 from Telegram User @DK177

From your total funds, you have allocated 40% for both marketing purposes and the community. What is the percentage allocated for marketing and what are your promotional activities? Tell us about the allocated percentage for community members. How do they increase their individual rewards? What type of tasks should be performed by the community members to earn rewards? Further, there is another considerable allocation of 30% for product development and research. What kind of development and research activities will be conducted? What are the expenses attached to those activities? Security is the most important factor of every project. Why did you allocate only 5% for security purposes? Please explain how do you face security threats and other unforseen situations.

Aswin EXIP

In regards to marketing as well as rewarding the community, we would be actively marketing the project via top influencers as well publishing press releases on multiple media outlets. The community is being rewarded through the many marketing events that are being conducted on a regular basis. Follow our announcement channels and take part in them to stand a chance to receive rewards.

Have you partnered with any Top influencer yet?

Aswin EXIP

We are actively developing all the products required to successfully launch the EXIP ecosystem as a whole. Upcoming products that are currently under development include an NFT Marketplace, community run DNS servers, multi page web hosting and the EXIP browser.

Smart contracts and other applications are security audited when each version/ new feature is launched to the community. EXIP gives high priority to security, since a small glitch in the ecosystem or smart contract would lead to major impact. Blockchain by itself is hack resistant as well, due to all these measures taken by us the allocation for security should be good enough.

Btw have you done any audit?

Aswin EXIP

Actually nope, we have not started marketing as of yet and were mainly focused on developing our working product to add value to the project. Whatever we have achieved up to date is with very minimal marketing. Now since we have that a working product and a strong community behind us, we are in talks with many influencers and marketing will start from the end of January of beginning of February.

Yes our smart contract has been audited by Quill audits. You can find the full audit report by following this link (https://docsend.com/view/5bvc6xrsvx6nmhuk

Thank you for sharing

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thank you for the detail answer

Ready for the Last Question of this part?

Robocop | Satoshi Club

lets continue to last question from part 1 ?

Aswin EXIP

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Q6 from Telegram User @Rotoxy

Your domain has a starting price of $1 but the price design is incremental. When you have 25,000 domains created, the minimum price per domain would have risen to $10. At what stage will domain price increase stop or will it permanently maintain this price inflation with the expansion of your ecosystem? Also, 21% of domain purchase price is meant to reward EXIP token holders. Will you have staking and farming pools for token holders where they can stake their EXIP in order to access this reward or will it be a reflection reward that will automatically distribute to each wallet address?

Aswin EXIP

The starting price of domains was $1, which increases by $1 every 2500 domains registered. After a total of 25,000 domains are registered the price will be capped at $10 per domain.

TLDs also started at the price of $1, and will increase exponentially based on user demand with no price cap on it.

In order to receive the staking rewards paid out on sale of Domains/TLDs, you would need to deposit your tokens into a pool which would give you access to the reward that would be distributed among all the users who have staked in the pool.

Is there a limit to how much a user can deposit into the pool?

Aswin EXIP

No there is no limits as of now.

Robocop | Satoshi Club

btw can you share the tokenomics from EXIP token with us? will you have burn system?

Aswin EXIP

At the moment no burn is planned as we have a very low total supply of 2.1 million tokens only. No more tokens will ever be minted.

But once the DAO is up and running if the community decided for whatever reason a burn is required and majority votes for it, we will burn the required tokens.

Aswin EXIP

Full tokenomics can be found by following this link (https://exip.live/exip-token-emission/

Thank you for sharing this..

With this we’ve come to the end of the first part of our AMA

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Thanks @aswin_EXIP

it has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA

We will now like to proceed to the second part Where out community members will ask you their questions directly

Robocop | Satoshi Club

Are you ready for the biggest storm of question in Satoshi Club ?


Aswin EXIP

Lets go

Robocop | Satoshi Club

we will open chat for 2 minutes and then chat will be closed –

you can start select 10 best questions !

Get ready Guys

Q1 from Telegram user @LuisPagulayan

Since EXIP Browser Extension is currently under development, what other platform can we use to render efficient transactions while waiting for the Beta version to be released on the 3rd?—?4th quarter of the year? Have you any plan with you regarding this matter?

Aswin EXIP

Our browser extension is currently live on Chrome (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/exip-ddn-extension/dfkpkfejhkakbdjpcognfglggeofeijg?hl=en-US) as well as Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/exip-ddn-extension/

You can download them and install and starting accessing your purchased websites immediately.

 What’s under development is the EXIP browser itself, which will natively support the access to decentralized websites.

Q2 from Telegram user @alpaca_moeen

What is the main difference between “TOP LEVEL DOMAIN” and “DOMAIN”,

Can you explain this in simple terms?

Aswin EXIP

In simple words.

A Top Level Domain is .com/.org/.net and so on. While a Domain is what comes in the first part of the URL such as google.com . In the current internet its very tough to create your own TLD, and you are restricted only a few that are available.

Q3 from Telegram user @alicandogan9

There is decentralization in EXIP’s infrastructure, so can you tell us how all DNS servers of EXIP will work? Can you tell us how the EXIP network will be secure and whether there is node validator, will someone be able to close the EXIP network whenever they want?

Aswin EXIP

All of EXIP’s DNS servers would be run by the members of the community. Any person would be able to run our node on their computer to make the network more secure, for which they would be compensated 19% of each Domain/TLD sale. We are also partnering up with many WEB 3.0 based projects so we can run each others nodes.

Due to this network structure its almost impossible for any single person to take down the network, as its going to be run by many people across the world.

Q4 from Telegram user @JaviSuBs

What is the EXIP Ecosystem designed for? It can be used by developers with little experience. What is the support that EXIP provides to those users or entities that are just starting out in the blockchain world? Is your platform developed to work on systems such as Android and iOS, in mobile applications or can we only have access from a PC, through an extension in the browser? According to your page, your platform will have an EXIP browser. What will the EXIP browser allow us to do to users? Can we only install the EXIP browser on a PC or does it work on mobile phones? Can you explain what EXIP DNS is based on and how it works?

Aswin EXIP

Yes. We have actually done all the hard work and developed the interfaces for you. You can easily purchase your preferred Domain/TLD and would only need some knowledge in developing your website to get it up and running.

Currently we are only focusing all our products for PC only, but once we have a fully stable running ecosystem we would definitely look into supporting mobile devices as well.

Q5 from Telegram user @tatarrama

Is EXIP available on Coinmarketcap and Coinecko? For some, being in these two places is an important factor.

Aswin EXIP

Yes our token is listed on both CMC as well as CG. You can simply search for EXIP in either of those websites to find us.

Q6 from Telegram user @hmdtadel

How did you guys come up with the name of your project ? What does EXIP stand for ??

Aswin EXIP

EXIP stands for Extreme Internet Protocol. We are developing something that is going to change the face of the internet and the way it works by giving full control to the people, by giving them the freedom they were promised on creation of the internet.

Q7 from Telegram user @FazalR04

Which do you think is more important:

A. Community 

 B. Investors 

 C. Token Price

If all of the above is important to you, whiich should come first??

Aswin EXIP

For us the most important thing is community. We are developing and building all of this to hand it over to the hands of the general public. We will never govern any part of this nor control and aspect of the decision making, everything would be done by the member of the community.

We would always stay true to our motto: “By community for community”.

Q8 from Telegram user @captainprice111

Will we be able to buy the domain/TLD on the EXIP platform, how is the payment done? Can you tell us what the domain’s Name/TLD represents in EXIP and where it will be stored?

Aswin EXIP

Yes currently you can purchase using a credit card with crypto payment coming within the next couple of weeks. 

 As soon as you purchase a domain an NFT is minted representing it with its SHA256 hash stored on the blockchain. This guarantees than anyone who owns the specific NFT for a Domain/TLD will be the one and only rightful owner, who is free to do as he pleases with it.

Q9 from Telegram user @Sulekh1979

I Found that EXIP got acceptance into Faster Capital’s Raise Capital program

Can You please tell me More about this Program ?

Aswin EXIP

Yes. Faster Capital is an Investment company based in the middle east. 

They have promised to raise $30 million for EXIP from multiple institutional investors, and we are actually already in progress with it

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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Medium –https://medium.com/@exip



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