Earning and general update

Do repost and rate:

Time is quickly flying passed, seem like no time ago since I got involved in the Crypto space.

 I wrote my first Blog/article on Crypto in August 2020.

I'm still in Melbourne Australia, I got involved in Crypto at the height of Covid, when rolling lock downs were occurring. 

I'm please to say things have got gotten a lot better since then. Life is nearly back to somewhat normal now. 

Below is a list of my earning  from the  different platforms.

Hive total earning  = USD 16.18

PublishOX = Ampleforth 8.3027 AMPL ($7.62) Lifetime earning

Read.cash No longer using  Bitcoincash

Brave browser = $12 in BTC I convert all my BAT to BTC

So some progress and a little bit of earning.

Regulation and Society adoption

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