Doctor Who: Worlds Apart. What makes a card Special and Valuable?

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Please log in to the game website for more: Doctor Who: Worlds Apart

It must be one of the fascinated parts of the NFT game that people can earn profit by playing the game. So it is very important to understand which kind of NFT card is valuable on each P2E games' market for those new players.

Overall of the cards of DWWA.

How can we know which card can sell for a higher price???

In this article, I'm going to tell you what kinds of cards in DWWA should be valuable on the market, wishing this info can be your reference.

This article is just the personal opinion of the market observation, it does not represent any financial advice.

First, I want to define the meaning of "Special""Valuable" words in my title. There are 3 kinds of users in DWWA so far, the Collectorthe Traderthe Player

Since the function of each same graph in different frames are still represents the same card, so the "function of a card in-game" doesn't have much value rarity, and that why I would not consider the player in our following discussion. 

P.S. Check the graph to know more detail about the relation between card and frame.

The definition of "Special""Valuable" means that this particular card can have a higher market value than other same combos or the same rarity cards to the Collector and Trader.

In DWWA, there're 4 factors of a card containing, which are

  • 1. The frame.
  • 2. The graph of the main characters in the Doctor Who TV series.
  • 3. The graph of the non-main characters or items in the Doctor Who TV series.
  • 4. Serial Number.

However, the reason why I won't take the factor of circulation of a card into the consideration is because not only the crafting system can always change its amount but also once the circulation is low, then despite the price is higher than other cards, it is influencing that the all card in same frame rather than a particular card. It will violate the definition of the special and valuable of a card that I just mentioned above.

By the way, what if I really want to know the basic floor price of a particular frame?  You can check this article??

Doctor Who: Worlds Apart. How do I decide the price of a card? Just a personal opinion.

P.S. Check the graph to know more detail about the combo info of a card.

Usually, the king and queen of the price in other NFT blockchain games are the low minted number(#1) and the rarity, but the rule is a little bit different in Doctor Who: World Aparts.

Now, let me introduce 2 new concepts in Doctor Who: World Aparts that may be different than other NFT blockchain games.

The Serial Right (#Right)The Matching Frame.

  • Serial Right(#Right) means that the serial number has a strong connection which can be lead to the content of the Doctor Who TV series.
  • Matching means that the frame of the card is as same as the concept represented in the graph in the TV series.

Based on the 4 factors of a card and the 2 concepts that I had mentioned above, here we can list the following 4+1 types of elements that can make a card become special and valuable on the market.

  • 1. #Right of the main character's graph.

    This means the Serial Number is exactly the same as the number that the main character represented in the Doctor Who series or has a strong connection with the number. Such as the Doctor, doctor's companion, or enemy.

  • 2. #Right of items or the non-main character's graph.

    This means the Serial Number can match the concept of an item represented in the Doctor Who series. Such as this Sonic Screwdriver is the tool of the 13th Doctor and this Prisoner Zero is the (No Spoiler??) to the 11th Doctor.   

  • 3. Matching frame of the main character's graph.

    This means the frame is matching with the main character's information in the Doctor Who series. Such as the race of Madame Vastra is exactly the Silurian.

  • 4. Matching frame of the items or the non-main character's graph.

    This means the frame is matching with the items or the non-main character's information in the Doctor Who series. 

    (Wait, what? You said the main character of DW should be the Tardis? good question?? )

  • 5. Jackpot.

    This means both the frame and Serial Number are exactly matched with the main character's number concept or the milestone of their journey in the history of the Doctor Who series. Such as the regeneration, main enemy, or even the important turning point in the plot.

    To me, this 13th Doctor is the jackpot. Because the 13th Doctor......(No Spoiler??), Go Watch S13 of Doctor Who Series!!!

The market value of the frame and Serial Number may be influenced by the individual subjective consciousness. So even two different kinds of frames which share nearly amount of circulation, the average price of them can still be very different.

Also, there's some singular point in some serial numbers, such as #42 (weed number), #69( N I C E ), #13(Black Friday), #888(Symbol of wealth in the Chinese language), my birthday??, and so on. All have the possibility to sell higher than the other card. (Same card in the same frame)

Maybe we can make a small vote?

Which serial number of the Doc card do you think should have a higher market value?

Join the Vote

The main point is that only the Low serial number can have a better price isn't the iron rule in the universe of Doctor Who: World Aparts.

If a trader wants to dig out the undiscovered diamond from the market, I strongly recommend him to do the research of sold price on the activity page, different collecter preferred combo and the most important thing.....

Watch Doctor Who Show and love with it????

Thank you for reading~????

This is my referral link for your reference if you want to try this game.

If you are interested in the game you can click on the link to the game’s official website.

See for yourself and experience this amazing Doctor Who block-chain card game officially authorized by the BBC.

You can check my blog for more guides on Doctor Who: Worlds Apart.

Doctor Who: Worlds Apart-Market guide

Doctor Who: Worlds Apart-Launcher guide

Doctor Who: Worlds Apart-OpenSea Guide

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