Cub Finance: Kingdoms and my plan

Do repost and rate:

Cub Finance is a Defi Platform created by the LeoFinance team. In my previous post about Cub Finance, I talked about how kingdoms would change the existing Defi systems. So between my last update, I have moved my CUB into the CUB kingdom after it came out. This post will also include my monthly add using some of my LEO earnings over the past month.

Cub Finance Updates

In one of the recent posts by the team, they showed the roadmap on how they plan on making Cub Finance stand out compared to other Defi systems. In general, most current Defi systems are a clone of the existing model and it comes with its own issues. This post about tokenomics talks about how kingdoms will be different.


One of the things I was looking forward to in their roadmap was the Initial Dex Offering (IDO) for the Polygon Platform. After the initial roadmap released, they released more details about the Polygon IDO in their more recent update. By converting CUB, you can get in on the Polygon IDO so it will add more buying pressure on CUB itself.

  1. Reduce the CUB in the kingdoms, thereby increasing the yield in the kingdom
  2. Create buying pressure for CUB for those that want to participate in the IDO.

Initially I did not know what an IDO was but a post by @notak does a nice job of explaining it. It will do two things to help the price of CUB. However I think this will only keep up the price temporarily and I am looking forward to what else they release.

CUB Kingdom and BNB Rewards

As mentioned in their updates, they plan on migrating over some of the FARMs and DENs into the kingdoms. From what I know, we should only have three active FARMs after this is done and it is: CUB/BUSD, CUB/BNB and bLEO/BNB.

Everything else will be moved into kingdoms and one of the kingdoms that I am excited about is the CUB kingdom. Besides automatically compounding your CUB, it will also be giving you back some BNB for staking your CUB into the kingdom. During the most recent AMA by the team, they did say that the kingdom would also let you see how much BNB you would be getting as well. However it hasn't been released so I don't know how it will look in the end.

Back on June 15th, I decided to harvest my CUBs and put them into my CUB DEN. When I checked today, the amount has compounded without me needing to touch it at all. Before adding any of my harvested CUB today, I had now had 18.14 CUB staked in the kingdom. This means in a little under a month, my CUB increased by 3.9%.

I have noticed that the APR has slightly dropped since June 15th but I believe it was to be expected since more people are depositing their CUBs into the DEN. I have noticed that the TVL on the DEN has also increased despite the price of CUB going down slightly so there is definitely an increase in the amount of CUB staked.

CUB Plan and Status

My plan for Cub Finance is to continue adding liquidity to the various FARMs and then taking those generated CUBs into the DEN. Through my monthly adds to Cub Finance, it will essentially dollar cost average into the various Farms and the price impacts probably will not affect me much. Of course it would mean that I can lose out slightly if any of the tokens pump as the liquidity will automatically swap some of my tokens.

So this month I decided to put down my monthly add into the bLEO/BNB pool. The reason why I choose this pool was because it would be unaffected by the price of CUB for the most part. As I am already having a decent amount of exposure to CUB in my kingdom, I thought getting a bit more exposure to the bLEO/BNB pool would be better. Also this pool is needed the most to help the LeoBridge and allow people to change their ETH tokens into BSC tokens. It has been planned for it to work in reverse in the future and also include the new Polygon platform as well.

Cub Finance Holdings

For the following images on my liquidity provider holdings, I used mycublpholdings and connected my METAMASK account to see the information.

Above is my previous month's liquidity pool information. Now from last update, I have added to my bLEO/BNB FARM and I did not remove my CUB from the DEN. The amount of CUB I had there did not seem worth the fees to harvest then remove so I plan on letting that sit there for a while. Maybe when I get enough BNB dividends, I might pull it out so it doesn't bother me. So with that, my new LP holdings are below.

Before I was not compounding my earnings back into the FARMs due to the transaction fees but the earnings have essentially went into my Kingdoms. I didn't get all the benefit from the increase in CUB price inside the LP because it gave me more BUSD but it farmed me more than enough CUB to make up for it. The best part of the CUB kingdom is that it is automatic and I don't have to worry about picking the best time period for harvesting and re-investing.

I am also tempted to enter some of the other kingdoms when they do get moved over as well. One of the ones I am considering is the ETH kingdom and I avoided it because I never wanted to deal with the fees. However on BSC, the fees are much cheaper but I am also wondering if I should wait to see if there is one on the Polygon Network where the fees would be even cheaper.

Please make sure to invest only what you can afford to lose and nothing I said is financial advice. I don't know why but I felt like I wanted to put this in. Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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