CoinDiscovery x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 3rd of November

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Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from CoinDiscovery and our guest was @CoinDiscoverySupport?—?representative of CoinDiscovery. The AMA took place on the 3rd of November.

The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1?—?introduction and questions from the Website

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Hello dear community, it has been a great day with several amazing projects.

I hope you are ready to know about one more. Our friend @CoinDiscoverySupport is here to tell us about Coin Discovery Project??

Welcome to Satoshi Club @CoinDiscoverySupport

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Hello, @CoinDiscoverySupport welcome.. ??????

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here, and thank you for having me.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Thanks for your patience. How are you doing?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 I’m fine. Hope everyone is doing well.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 We are all fine it’s been a long stretch of AMA’s

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Well, let’s begin with the AMA. Please give us a short introduction about you and your experience with crypto and Coin Discovery!

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 I am Dino, one of the co-founders of I have an entrepreneurial background and knowledge of coding. The other Co-Founder Adi also has an entrepreneurial background but with expertise in marketing.

 Last year after getting involved in crypto we realized the need for a website like

Coin Discovery is the most trusted & first-ever advanced coin voting and listing platform with STAKING on the BINANCE smart chain network. Coin Discovery platform launched over three months ago. We have a strong team of 15 located worldwide.

Coin Discovery has over 7000 tokens listed on its platform, with over 100 new tokens listed every day. We get 30k-60k users daily. After being hugely successful, we decided to launch our token, CODI.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 How old is this project and how many team members do you have?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first): launched almost 4 months ago but we just launched our token CODI about a month back. We have 15 members on our team.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Thank you for the introduction ??

We have selected some questions from our community are you ready for them?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Yes. Definitely

Q1 From Telegram User @Ajpaa

Coin Discovery can be seen as the Google of cryptocurrencies providing relevant & essential information about the Defi tokens, thus providing a clear line of sight across Defi tokens, saving investors time, minimizing hassle, and maximizing returns. What is the requirement for users to access the relevant information provided? who provides this relevant information, crypto veterans or community members? How do you ensure that this information provided is correct, trustworthy, and reliable?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 There are no requirements to access the information on our website. You can simply go to and find any token or search for it and get information about it. 

 This information is provided by project owners or someone from their team.

 We try to ensure whatever info is entered is verified from their website or TG channel, but as with everything in crypto you should DYOR before investing in any project.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 So what kinds of information about the tokens can users find on your website?

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 How strict are the filters for the projects?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 They can find the description of the project, tokenomics, team info if provided. If the project has been launched, if not then when will it be launched. Website, Telegram, and all social media information about the project. Users can vote for the project and even leave or read comments about it. 

 Once they get this info they can head over to the project’s Telegram and interact with the projects team.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Thanks for your answers, I’m glad to realize you are giving something different from your direct competitors

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 If already launched, they have to have a verified contract, website, and telegram channel has to be active. If it is in the presale stage then it has to have a working website and telegram channel.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Sound very legit ??. Ready to go with the next question???

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Yes, for sure.

Q2 from Telegram User @iceVermithraxx

Coin Discovery has over 7000 tokens listed on its platform, and over 100 tokens listed Everyday, Do you run any verification before listing a token? Also, users can vote on their favorite token, so it can be featured on your platform, but bots can be used to rate a coin high, Do you have any security measures in place to detect Such bots? Can a Rating be changed once summited?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Yes, projects list their tokens and the contracts have to be Bscscan verified. Their website and telegram channels have to be active. If we find any info that looks suspicious then we contact the project owners to verify. 

 We have measures in place to prevent bots. We have captcha v3. Our system detects if someone is trying to vote more than once for the same token within 24 hours using their IP and blocks them.

 Ratings can not be changed once it is submitted.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Thank you for clarifying this with your answer ??

Next question.

Q3 From Telegram User @victorogb

From the information made available in your telegram group, CoinDiscovery will launch its IDO platform by the end of this current quarter. Can you talk about this event and other project plans for this quarter, what sort of projects will CoinDiscovery consider onboarding on its IDO platform, and to what extent and functions will your IDO platform operate, will it provide full pre-launch, incubation, and post-launch services to prospective projects? What other significant products, events, and services should we expect this quarter?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 We are currently working on our IDO Platform that will be powered by our $CODI token. It is estimated to launch in December.

 One of the requirements is that any project that wants to list on our IDO Platform will have their KYC done with us. We will look into their project details and talk with the team. We will verify all information they provide to make sure it is legit. This will greatly reduce if not eliminate the chance of it being a scam.

 It will be full service pre-launch. Only $CODI holders can participate in these IDO’s. Their will be different tiers depending on how many CODI tokens you hold.

 We are also working on an ecosystem that will be interconnected with CoinDiscovery that will include a charting platform like dextools and a Rug pull detector platform

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 So how many tiers will it be divided into?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Anywhere between 4 to 6 tiers. We are trying to incorporate a double reward system for holding more CODI tokens.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Thank you for your answer ready for the next question?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

Q4 from Telegram User @Pelusapinto21

Codi not only hopes to be another mediocre chip in a space that is slowly becoming saturated with false promises. They have already shown that the team knows how to run a great platform. With the rise of the platform, the rise of the Codi coin is inevitable. How is Coin Discovery doing to promote its platform? The most important part of the success of each token is marketing, what is Coin Discovery Marketing strategy?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Coin Discovery is a Marketing platform where other Project owners come to advertise their tokens. Our token CODI had a presale of 1500 BNB that sold out in 2 mins. Most of the members and traffic we got was due to our own platform. 

 We have a team that is constantly working on marketing it by offering various contests on our website and using social media.

 Once our IDO platform is released we will be offering for a limited time free advertising and marketing services for the projects that participate in our IDO platform.

 We use advertisements and influencers all the time for spreading the word but our most important marketing platform is our own Coin Discovery platform where we will have lifetime advertisements 24 x7 365 days.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Can you share the Tokenomics of CODI?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Tokenomics : 15% Tax

 4% Rewards to holders in CODI

 3% Goes to LP

 6% Marketing & Development

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 How will the burn schedule be?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 2% off each buy and sell transaction is burned automatically. So far in less than a month, we have already burned more than 5% of the total supply.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Great job

Ready for the next question?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

Q5 from Telegram User @chinyere2020

While going through your website, I found out that listed tokens have different ranks/badges under the community strength column. Some are “Extremely strong”, “Very strong”, “Strong” while some have none. How do you determine the community strength of a listed token? Are there other ranks/badges under the community strength column apart from the ones listed above?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 An extremely strong badge is given to tokens that have over 50,000 votes, a Very strong badge is over 25,000 votes and a Strong badge is 15,000+ votes.

 We don’t have any other badges besides these 3.

Jonah ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Thank you for your answer

Ready for the last question from this part?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Yes, let’s do it.

Q6 from Telegram User @UniqueVicky

As a measure to protect users from rug-pull and scam, you mentioned that when CoinDiscovery was launched the idea was to have a successful working project, and now that has been achieved, you are in the process of expanding it to 100% and you have already started working on it. So please can you tell expand on the scam monitoring system that you are working on? Is it a bot? What are its main features and differences from other anti-scam systems?

 You also mention your advertisers getting a 20_30% discount if they pay using your token because this will help increase your token, how much is the fee to pay to be your advertiser? is there any requirements/ degree to I need to get to be your advertiser? Thank you

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 We are working on integrating a system where users can mark a token as a scam simply by clicking on the “Scam Button” on the tokens description page. If even one user lets us know it is a scam we will have a notice go up on that page and a notification will be sent to our team. Our team will then manually verify to see if it is a scam or not. If we receive 10 or more members selecting a scam for any particular token then that token will be removed until further verification is done. We believe manual verification is the best way to do it as no bot can be smarter than a real human.

 No one else that we know of has this type of detection system. 

 The advertisement fee varies depending on the package and amount of days. That info can be found on this page?—?  Anyone who has a legit project can advertise on our platform. The only requirement is that the project they are advertising is legit. If advertisers use CODI to make the advertising payment instead of BNB then they will get a 20% to 30% discount on the advertising cost. We also have now incorporated a way where advertisers can get free advertisements by holding 5K or more worth of CODI. The advertisements will be free as long as they hold the 5K worth of CODI tokens and are in the top 10 holders who are advertising.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Thanks for your detailed answer, could you share your roadmap?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 The roadmap can be found here?—? whitepaper on this page?—? ???? | Satoshi Club:

 Thank you for sharing and for this part of the AMA

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 Thank you so much for the incredible answer, you have a project with a big potential to beat the competency??

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 @CoinDiscoverySupport please get ready for the most exciting part of the AMA. A ton of questions are coming for you. We will open the chat and you should pick your 10 favorite questions to answer

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 Thank You. Please read about us and you will see that we have many good things lined up

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

 I’m ready.

Andres M. | Satoshi Club:

 We realized that, please share with us the social networks of the project before we open the gates ??

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

CoinDiscovery.app  Telegram: from Telegram user @Ajpaa

How will your dedicated section for doxxed tokens work? What criteria will token meet get listed in this dedicated section?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

Our dedicated section for doxxed tokens will only be available to CODI holders. You will have to hold a specific amount of CODI tokens to see this section.

 The projects will have to Doxx with us or publicly in order to be featured in this section. This will give peace of mind to investors.

Q2 from Telegram user @alihassan06

All project’s coins have their main Utilities & real-life use! So, Can you tell us what the main role of your coin is in your ecosystem? Explain its Utilities & Real-Life use cases? And Why should I invest in your coin for the long term?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

Most tokens that launch actually don’t have working utilities. Their utilities will be coming out which in most cases never happen.

We already have utilities for our token (our platform was launched 3 months before our token) and are coming out with a lot more.

 Advertisers who hold CODI can get a discount to even free advertisements on our platform.

Our ecosystem will be powered by our token CODI. 

 Only CODI holders can participate in our IDO Platform and get the benefits of investing in the early stage. The profits that can be made from these IDO’s in themselves will be a great advantage to CODI holders.

Our doxxed section that will be launching soon can also only be accessed by holding CODI tokens.

Our charting platform and rull pull detection platform will both have premium features that CODI holders can access as well.

So CODI holders will get a lot of benefits for holding CODI and our whole ecosystem will be powered by CODI.

Q3 from Telegram user @cindy0666

Does CoinDiscovery have plans for NFT integration in the near future?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

We have the NFT Marketplace scheduled for Q1 2022. 

 We are working on the IDO Platform first and once it is done we will start working on the NFT Marketplace.

Q4 from Telegram user @Alixbella

What plans do you plan to launch CoinDiscovery to face it and compete against the big players in the market like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko? In which recognized exchanges can we find CoinDiscovery?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

We are aiming to be coinmarketcap 2.0 by that we mean we will have similar features + NFT Marketplace along with an IDO Platform that will give us an edge over others. A couple of years down the line people will be asking?—?when listing on CD?

We are only going to apply to the top 10 exchanges at the end of Q4. We don’t want to associate CODI with small-time exchanges as we only want CODI to be associated with the top players like Kucoin,, Coinbase, and Binance. Small exchanges do not have enough volume.

Q5 from Telegram user @alihassan06

Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project/company. How have you been able to build a complete project and what is the way to generate profit/revenue of the token? What is the income model?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

This project was built 4 months back with our own investment. We did not launch any token in the beginning because we wanted a well-established reputable platform before launching the token to make people understand that our team knows how to run a successful platform.

The most important part of every token is marketing and this one comes from a well-established and growing marketing platform. This means that when the platform grows, CODI grows. CODI token will have lifetime marketing on our platform 24 x 7.

Currently, we are generating income from advertisements by other projects on our platform. Now we are expanding and launching an IDO platform that will help generate more revenue by listing fees that participating projects will pay. We will be adding more features and revenue streams like in our ecosystem we will also have our own Charting platform and rug pull checking platform.

 We already have our revenue model set for long-term growth.

How do CODI Holders benefit?

 Passive income from reflections or staking

 CODI holders will have the massive advantage to participate in all the IDO platform tokens (more security because all of the token owners will have their KYC done with us).

 We are constantly adding more benefits for our CODI holders

Q6 from Telegram user @alihassan06

Will there be an incentive program for users? The community always expects incentives programs from new projects like this, so will there be one? Can you tell us about a technical difficulty or obstacle you’ve experienced before and how you solved or overcame it?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

We are incorporating an incentive rewards program for CoinDiscovery users to vote more often and visit our site and participate. They will be able to redeem those rewards for merchandise and NFT’s on our marketplace. This program will be in place at the end of Q4 2021 or starting of Q1 2022.

One issue we have had is that many people are familiar with investing in a meme or shit coins and don’t realize the true potential or use case coins. They see a few red candles and get scared. Then they start selling. Investors have to realize that we are not a shit coin. We have a revenue stream and utilities. These utilities will help take this token to the moon. 

 We also have more stability as our market cap is high and our liquidity to market cap ratio is very high.

Q7 from Telegram user @CRYPTO_FOUR_COMMUNITY

Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

We have a limited supply of 100 million tokens. Tokens can not be minted. There was no developer wallet. We only have a marketing and development wallet which is from the 6% transaction tax. 

 20% of the supply is locked in the staking contract. The rest was used in the private sale and public presale. The developers did not have any tokens before launch.

 Our liquidity is locked for 2 years.

 No one can hold more than 1% of the supply as we have a whale prevention system. 

 So far we have burned 5% of the total supply in 1 month. Imagine how many tokens will be burned within 6 months or 12 months?

Right now we have a tax rebate going on depending on how many tokens are purchased. All you have to do is purchase tokens and hold for a specific amount of time and you will be airdropped a percentage of the tax back. For more details, you can visit from Telegram user steveray56

Security is very important in any project, do you have any audit Certificates from a third party? and where can we purchase your token presently?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

Yes, we did a tech rate audit before launch. You can find the audit here?—? Tokens can be purchased on pancakeswap at from Telegram user @Josegamboac

Codi is a utility-based token and not a meme coin. His 1500 BNB presale sold out in 2 minutes. It was recently released and is now available on Pancakeswap. As $ Codi is a utility token within the Coin Discovery platform, what are the use cases of $ Codi? Why do you think the $ Codi presale was so successful?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

Yes, our 1500 BNB sold out in 2 mins. The main reason behind that was our successful platform Before launch, we hardly did marketing outside of our own platform. We have a strong user base and many of our investors are avid users of our platform. They trust us as they know us and that is why our presale sold out super fast.

 On the day of launch, we hit an 8 Million Market Cap. That is a very high market cap. Most projects in their full lifetime don’t reach that and we hit it on our first day of launch.

Once our IDO Platform is launched, CODI will be going to the moon. Most IDO platforms have done anywhere between 100x to 350x.

CODI Use cases

  • Advertisers can pay for advertisement using CODI and get a discount
  • Staking is already available
  • Doxed tokens section that can only be accessed by CODI holders
  • Only CODI holders can participate in our IDO platforms and have the potential to make money on projects that have been vetted and have KYC.
  • More utilities for CODI are coming as we keep expanding

Q10 from Telegram user @faxplay

After I check the website of Coin Discovery I see this project is really important but I want to know if you have raised funds and ventures to back you up?

Coin Discovery (Will not DM first):

So far we have not raised funds from any investors. We are in the process of redesigning our website with many new features and integrating the IDO Platform. Before launching the IDO platform we will be contacting bigger investors, incubators, and VCs. The IDO platform will be a huge event.

In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of CoinDescovery. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

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