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Armageddon is the Final Frontier of Life itself. I think it's within our nature to be fascinated by the concept of our world's end. It is possibly due to our love for stories and figuring out the meaning behind them. In this case, the meaning of life. Thus, all religions lay claim to prediction or prophesy (placing their bets) on just how exactly our world will come to an end (and perhaps begin again).  That is why there is a whole genre within our entertainment industry revolving around what comes next. Google says an Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction is a subgenre of science fiction, science fantasy, dystopia or horror in which the Earth's (or another planet's) civilization is collapsing or has collapsed. This is a project that has chosen to encapsulate that exact idea working with a variety of artists, musicians, coders, etc. to bring it to life. It's called Chainbinders™ and here's the trailer that greets you when you visit their homepage. (Putting tm™ next to things feels nice lol™) (o?o?)™


In my opinion, a story becomes better the closer you bring fiction into our world of reality. One way to flesh out a living world is by creating interesting characters to live in it. The heroes of this tale are known as Chainbinders. Their world collapsed after an all-consuming solar flare hit Earth (which is something that may very well happen to us eventually to varying degrees). Another trope within reality are super heroes. We enjoy them so much, I believe because we inspire to be just like them; to be more than human. These Chainbinders are modeled after just that, holding power beyond average characters within this world. However, they have a fatal flaw. A sort of equivalent-exchange to be bestowed such power, their life is cut short. The lore behind their potential survival or eventual demise is given to those known as Collectors, which is a tongue-and-cheek way to incorporate ourselves within their own story. You can read more about the world lore here on their site: 

An every growing industry within entertainment is Anime. If you like it or not, it has certainly already taken the world by storm. From the renowned work of "Studio Ghibli" to modern day hits such as "Your Name" & "Demon Slayer", anime will consume a greater market within entertainment as time goes on. I've enjoyed that niche when I was growing up and am glad to see how much it has changed the world already. I find that a good story accompanied by profound art will shine no matter where it's found. A so called diamond in the rough. That's what I liken this project to, a gem that some have found and some may never even hear about. However, through time more people will know and adore it's name as it's part of an ever-expanding Doki Doki Universe... and we all like a good story; don't we? ( ?° ?? ?°)™ Here's some of the wonderful music that they've released thus far.

Chainbinders' Main Theme

Edith Theme | Christmas Roses

You can learn more about the characters (being the Chainbinders) that live in this world by reading their unique stories here: 

I think, one day it shall be known as one of the greatest NFT projects ever made as it's so much more than just another trading card collectible or random jpg/png file. So far, 3082 ETH (at the time of writing) has been invested into this project and you can still participate for the next two weeks by minting $BND using Ethereum over on their site: 

If you're interested in investing within their project and want to learn more, I wrote a bit about it on another post right over here: 

Thanks for reading! If you would like to support my work or simply take a peek at my blockchain history; here's my main wallet:


Take Care! :3™

Regulation and Society adoption


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