CafeSwap monthly update - October 2021

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October had been a massive month for CafeSwap Finance. With complete integration with Polygon Matic in the month's start to signing new partnerships to fusing great updates in their product to launching an amazing ICO event. Let's learn more about them briefly.

CafeSwap - Polygon Integration

Following a successful deployment on BINANCE Smart Chain, CafeSwap's next destination was Polygon. CafeSwap's anticipated debut on Polygon may come as no surprise given the blockchain's expanding ecology, as it offers low fees and fast transactions. It was only a matter of time before CafeSwap made its Polygon debut. That moment finally arrived in the last week of September.

One of the most rapidly growing blockchains since 2021 has been Polygon Network, which has seen an enormous rise in its user base while remaining true to the principles of decentralization.

The launch of CafeSwap on Polygon sets in motion the arrival of a number of distinctive CafeSwap DeFi products.

Some of these items are as follows:

CafeSwap Portfolio: The portfolio tracker on CafeSwap allows users to keep track of their liquidity positions and farm income in one place. It keeps consumers up to date on the daily APR, daily returns, annual return, TVL, and other statistics required to make sound investment decisions.

CafeSwap Migrate: With a single click, users can transfer their LPs from other decentralized exchanges such as Quickswap, Apeswap, and Sushiswap to CafeSwap. Users are saved the time and effort of removing and re-adding LP to CafeSwap.

Partnership with JetSwap

JetSwap is Jetfuel.Finance's DEX  AMM powered by WINGS, which serves as a liquidity incentive and governance token. Jetfuel is a prominent player in the DeFi business, having successfully launched, among other things, yield farms, staking programs, a launchpad, auto compounding vaults, and the lending and borrowing money market. Their JetSwap service claims to have the lowest swap fees on the Polygon network.

On both CafeSwap and JetSwap, liquidity providers will be able to stake pBREW and earn pWINGS, or stake pWINGS-USDC LP and earn pBREW on CafeSwap. The pools will provide a total reward of $10,000 and are currently live.

Users on JetSwap can stake pFORCE and earn pBREW in a single staking pool, or they can stake pBREW-MATIC LP and get pWINGS. This side's Reward Pool will likewise distribute $10,000 for the same time period.

All pools will be exclusive to Polygon Network, and liquidity providers will be rewarded with high APRs proportionate to their share in the pools.

Partnership with Autofarm

AutoFarm is a yield farming aggregator that operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon Chain (MATIC), Huobi ECO Chain (HECO), Avalanche, and Fantom blockchains. CafeSwap will be supported with Polygon Vaults, and CafeSwap Polygon DEX will be included in AutoFarm's DEX aggregator.

Following the recent Polygon integration, this cooperation will push CafeSwap"s expansion to become a multichain yield aggregator and one-stop DeFi solution in the DeFi industry.

Users will be able to get the best prices and swap rates while trading tokens after the integration. Furthermore, users will be able to access 1x farming pools on CafeSwap to create liquidity in pAUTO-WETH. More pairs are being considered for inclusion.

New Caffeine BuyBack Vaults

Auto-compounding is one of the methods that has recently gained steam for generating significant profits on the liquidity offered.

An auto-compounding vault is an automatic computerized mechanism that constantly collects and reinvests your investment. After depositing your initial investment, you are not needed to perform anything as a user. Your rewards are harvested and re-staked in the pool on a regular basis, resulting in compounded earnings and returns on your behalf in the long run.

CafeSwap's SmartVaults at handle all of the legwork for you, delivering massive returns on your investment. The APYs provided on each of our farms account for all compounding. Brewers can view their deposited amounts as well as the overall amount invested in the pool by all other brewers.

Brewers in SmartVault earn svCafe tokens, which reflect their vault shares/stake in the vaults; these tokens may be used to harvest the tasty MOCHA!

I have highlighted several genuinely amazing things about auto-compounding; however, there are some undesirable features of this procedure that should be considered:

Vaults put the token under a lot of selling pressure, which lowers the token's price floor.

If the price floor falls, the APY and TVL will fall as a result.

Given these circumstances, CafeSwap Finance has no intention of abandoning the Brewers. That is why they are presenting a novel and one-of-a-kind mechanism. Because when life hands you lemons, make coffee out of them.

Presenting CafeSwap BuyBack Vaults

CafeSwap BuyBack Vaults are a technique they developed to alleviate selling pressure on BREW/pBREW and, as a result, boost the value of our tokens. This new set of yield optimization techniques will optimize revenues for your BREW/pBREW, providing the investors with a greater percent APY. It works by depositing tokens indirectly into our staking pool, giving the pools extra rewards to distribute.

Rather than auto compounding, consumers will optimize their BREW/pBREW, earning a higher APY percent than intended. CafeSwap wants to deliver the highest possible yields for the Brewers' investments, which is why they have introduced this brand new tool to get the highest APY percent possible without minting a single extra BREW!

All maximal platforms, including the OG and Degen pools, will be auto-compounding. As many platforms as possible will be covered to acquire the maximum buyback rate for BREW/pBREW, raising the price floor with contrast purchasing pressure. Burning of a percentage of the rewards collected from the Cafeswap single staking will also be performed without affecting the APY rate.

This imposed buying pressure, combined with constant burning, will result in a higher price floor for BREW and pBREW. All this will help raise the price of BREW tokens and increase profits for the investors.

HERON ASIA Public Sale (ICO) on CafeSwap

CafwSwap held another Initial Coin Offering on their launchpad on 30th October for the project HERON ASIA with the total funds to be raised equal to $150,000.

Joining the ICOs on CafeSwap is very easy. The users just need to commit $BUSD according to the amount they want to buy. Then, the tokens are released based on the schedule.

October month proved to be an outstanding success for CafeSwap Finance. The team will continue to work on it further and aim to be the top DEX platform on the Blockchain network.

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