BUYZOOKA I We are creating a new tradition of shopping

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The web has incited the dispatch of various designs that shape how people team up and how things are done in the overall neighborhood. Among the effect of the web is the introduction of online business. By far most were restricted to between country trade in light of the detachment of a phase that can relate people paying little heed to the distance. To this end, online business was made. Electronic business utilize the web to outfit people with a phase to buy stock or viably request organizations while at this point giving a high level techniques through which people can move money to execute these trades.

While electronic business works with the help of any business trade through the web, it is by and large insinuated as the proposal of genuine things on the web. As the trading of work and items gets modernized, eCommerce has progressed to make the exposure of things less difficult by developing an online business place that interfaces retailers to clients. Individuals, associations, organizations, and advisors have benefitted by the potential gains of eCommerce as it improves the buying and selling of work and items on a lone stage.


Every client is pulled in to a site that have unimaginable pre-bargain features, anyway no one is pulled in by puzzled site courses, overwhelming other options, unessential nuances, and undesirable portion measures. Web business factual looking over has perceived that around half of expected arrangements on an eCommerce stage are lost since clients imagine that its difficult to see what they need. The people who endeavor to investigate their bearing experience more authentic difficulty during checkouts. As demonstrated by pieces of information on eCommerce, 87% of online clients desert their trucks during checkout in view of a long and tangled connection.


With the extending volume of eCommerce, there is the need to give a more strong stage dependent on an unbundled, decentralized, sensible and trusty model. Buyzooka offers responses for these issues by encouraging a traveler, broker realist fast checkout stage that partners therefore 1.5 million vendors to date to anticipated customers. Not in the least like extensively helpful shopping bin programming that ought to be adjusted and kept up by engineers, Buyzooka runs clearly into the site HTML and requires no additional coding or progression work of any kind from the retailer.


Buyzooka is a voyager speedy checkout stage that drives e-clients to a next level in term of customer experience since we're not captivated by extreme programming. We're excited about dealing with authentic business issues.

Our establishment limits as programming that works with the business association of beginning and executing trades once again the web. Free merchants show things in isolation securing their indentity. By then clients examine the Buyzooka's web record to find and purchase the things reliant upon needed tendency tracking down a colossal assortment of brands and self-ruling retailers. Consequently, a plan wears transporter will be found through Buyzooka's unbundled network with watchwords search like Apparel, shoes, bathing suit, etc


At Buyzooka we are building the futur of B2C electronic business on the blockchain, conveying huge advantages to the neighborhood shops and clients

1. No more manual sign-up/checkout (Buyzooka API related with more than 1.5 million stores)

2. No more truck abandoning (clients made up for buying speedy + Nomad rundown of things to get list)

3. Well known features headway through holder's accommodation

4. Sponsorship free retailers wherever on the world to fight amazonification of shopping scene.

5. Clients Personal data are covered by altogether assurance against spam and deceives (Buyzooka security the chiefs)

6. Token Payments intiative (P2P)

7. Buyzooka trusted in shops list under TCR (Tokencurated Registry)

8. Buy at present compensation later part

Why to use Buyzooka?

- Because we put confidence in the power of the framework

Join Amazon In Competition: So far, web business is overpowered by a singular player. Notwithstanding, with Buyzooka, we are coming to change all that. We are making a phase that interfaces various parts in the business, we help them with making a fluid natural market. We search out mechanical opportunities for retailers similarly as set out new open entryways for buyers. We as a whole have a comparable goal: to break the standard and forever change an industry.

Why Invest in Buyzooka?

Buyzooka is as transporter realist fast checkout application. As said before it plans to interface countless retailers to clients by giving a dealt with trade measure while at this point ensuring that clients are compensated in $BZOO tokens. Buyzooka utilize the comfort of blockchain advancement and the upsides of cryptographic cash to give a predominant e-shopping experience for clients and extended arrangements for e-retailers.

Using blockchain advancement, in Buyzooka we decided to sponsor our errands through beginning coin commitments (ICO). During this crowdfunding connection we'll pass on cutting edge utility tokens to monetary benefactors (hereinafter also implied as token holders) as a trade-off for capital. Since the test we are looking with Buyzooka is to change the eCommerce scene to fight amazonification, we sensibly acknowledge that with you all that we can outperform most theory rounds of regular financing contraptions, especially when diverged from early seed changes and rule the match of progress!


Total Tokens Created: 100,000,000,00

Financing Target : 3,465,000,00 Euros

The Coin Offering will be parceled into three stages :



Buyzooka presents an unbundled online business stage that destroys the issues customers experience on existing concentrated modernized stages like Amazon. Buyzooka is changed in accordance with clients untold necessities, it consolidates a general and cross-site rundown of things to get: customer won't use shopping bin any more as rundown of things to get. No more manual sign-up + fast checkout: Buyzooka read e-shop source code to fulfill generous lift strategies normally: Sign-up, truck the board, and checkout in autopilot mode. Customer doesn't need to get back to the site to late gander at: "inBed-mode."s. Buyzooka erases the issue of truck give up by giving a prevalent checkout measure through the union of the Nomad API AND ERP programming, similarly as a plan of the extra features of the blockchain advancement. As the web was made to propel decentralization, Buyzooka mirrors that in its depiction of its eCommerce stage.

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UserName : akiko92

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Wallet : 0xFcABe13bB834464f72A095e01eCD0d54b3f0BD7c

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