Because I See "It" For What It Is, I Won't Talk About "That" For A Minute... The Right Minute

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If you are here and reading this, I didn't do this for the click bait, but I am proud of you for having the natural human curiosity to open this and read, not only being led around by the nose based solely on the importance or irritation of the topic. You are one step closer to being a free person capable of thinking for yourself. Amen to that!

So, what is "it" of which I speak? 

I am not a liar, so I won't say, but everything around my words will make it perfectly clear of which I speak. And, ironically, we will ALL end up speaking about it in the comments anyway because I'm not a coy littel flower... (spelling intentional) I just need to make a point! lol

Several days ago, I wrote an article that made an incredibly important point, before others saw the importance of that point. Then, the bomb was dropped that re-enforced the very reason I had predicted and journalized in angry rantic super hero crypto-form. Every once in a while, if we all wrote our ideas out every single day, we would hit on something right. I've done it a few times now. Nothing shocking about that.

Many years ago, a very, very, very popular, intelligent personality who was very successful in business and often in life, despite some failed relationships, decided to disrupt a remarkably corrupt political world, and both sides of the political aisle laughed with hysteria... until he won. The rest of our lives became about retribution against that person. Most of the world became incredibly susceptible to being brain-washed, unable to think for themselves, unaware that the last time they had actually thought through issues without misguided emotion had been prior to the previous election 8 years before. Unaware that the media was already in the hands of a maniacal Marxist overtake, that television shows, Netflix, Hulu and all variant options were in on it, that even Amazon servers would seek to eliminate competition from using their servers based on their free-speech, free-thought rights that always made for good enough money prior. It is now a permanently dark time in civilization and it will remain this way indefinitely, maybe until the return of Messiah.

The turns of events we have all experienced over the past 2 years has been more than traumatic; it is been a roller coaster of wrong and we should revolt, but unfortunately the enemy already enlisted millions to march to the wrong causes... again along both aisles. We're goners the lot of us.

So, here's the deal.

People construct theories for what "really" happened when they cannot make the pieces of a puzzle fit together. They start thinking double triple think and end up at the original spot where they began. Psyops started by governments, perfected by technocracies are truth with small inserted lies designed to clog the engine and destroy the mind from within. It works. They do it because it is simple, free, and it works.

In many ways the internet is the best thing that ever happened to humanity. In many other ways it is the end of humanity. I am a tech guy. I LOVE gadgets, code, logic, reason. I am also an art and music guy. Most of my life has been devoted to the recording studio and touring on stage around the world (well, then a brief bout of running around saving the planet in '98, 2004, E1 E2 with a brief appearance of dear friend Alyx). I see where tech is going, and at some point people have to maintain the life cycle of a belief that humans are important.

If you are buying the narrative that we are all killing the planet by breathing, you are on the wrong side. I don't care if we agree, I care that I maintain my sanity and proper biblical thinking on things. And yes, I am fully capable of reason and faith twine-together.

For many years, we have known the debates between PoW and PoS. There is no question that the source of energy needed for capacity to fully scale is going to include the cost of doing business, and part of that model is being increasingly better to the environment. The issue is that a bad, bad crowd owns the dialog to the debate, and this is not a conservationsist issue; it is one of control, dominance, money and capture. Absolute corrupt power corrupts absolutely. It's happening. Right under the very noses it is happening.

So, that year of fate a popular, now venomously hated business-man fought for freedom as a political outlier, and now people believe a narrative of so many things again, they prefer him as a scapegoat over all, yet the signs are all around that the empty shirt Russia and China so desperately wanted is exactly where they placed him, and we see every single warning that somehow the world did not see coming. Medical supplies are at a 10,000% increase in price, which you would think leftists would hate the worst of capitalism, since that is their argument against the prior man who forced the price down. Gas prices will all but triple given the trajectory, I mean we're only 5 months into this folks, and you'd think that reverses the goal of sticking it to the fossil fuel evil capitalists, but then what was the purpose of responsibly drilling at home while easing into the future of new clean energies? 

See, you fell for it. You fell for every single thing. But, see neither path was ever going to work, and that is what I want to focus on. The master genius stroke of the methodology that works several years back. It was not a stolen process. It was not a 10-layered cake of the deep state. It was an expose on the deep state. That should make many pleased it is still possible for a brief moment in time.

The outcome was defined first. The goal was laid out. When a sound bite was provided, it was absurd to the minds of opposition and all sides of media. Except, for those who were disgusted with the world we were living in, it made a lot of sense. The narratives built up around the message, and media gave coverage, negative, and the dialog around the dialog. Didn't like what was being said, you could hear 9,000 episodes of the View, every talking head of every walk of life, allowing every voice of dissent to tear into the dialog. Oh, and then oh, the horror of those who agreed with what WAS being said. The blacklisting that began so early in the game. Meanwhile, corruption in both U.S. political parties was getting exposed at every single step of the campaign trail.

I do not care which side of the aisle, or the third option neither side of the aisle, if you study the methods used, one person won in a manner that is supposed to be impossible outside of the hiphop Illuminati Freemasonry of politics. The media is bought and paid for, but somehow it doesn't mean that it was the smartest devil in the room. The electoral college was supposed to be paid for, but somehow the chosen emperors were not matching the pollster statistics, which were also bought and paid for... on both sides!

Every single step that was taken cost next to nothing. The media gave 10X free air space demolishing the message of the candidate, except it built a strong movement towards the idea that someone other than the entirety of establishment could actually be allowed to run and have their campaign covered. They tried to kick him out of the party. They tried to enlist prior giants of their field to destroy his character, but it just exposed their hypocrisy because every single one of them had sung his praises at some time in the past, with community building, private generosity, a history of winning despite the kinds of trash-talk that always comes along with success and money. You may think it sounds like I'm defending someone unnecessarily but I'm not. I'm giving an accurate record of what took place without ever showing actual allegiance to anything other than the idea that we should not buy into bought brainwashing, and we should not trust either side of a corrupt system. That is the heroic way of viewing this.

All of this is presented to understand that if you hated the candidate in question, you cannot deny that he got more air, more print, more social, more everything for less money than any other person. In fact, your hatred bought him air time for $0. Half the time people criticized his unpolished, non-political way of speech, which made the point that people were tired of lies wrapped in pretty packages. They were disgusted at the crass manner he fired back at personal insults and called it un-presidential, but even people who did not elect him chose to write about there being a point where it becomes refreshing to have new things to cover in the media about a candidate, and looking back, a lot of insults thrust at him were untrue, but felt right, felt good for opposition, but his crass comments returned were unkind and rough around the edges... yet they were actually true. Again, not taking sides. I've thought this through. If he called out corruption, there was in fact corruption there. If you have ever taken on the social media fight to save the children or expose Epstein's island, you may not take comfort in the fact that the one political outlier is the only person who would speak out about who Epstein actually was years, years, years ago. He could have gotten himself killed by a pedo ring for doing so, but the same brash crass rough edged person didn't have the smooth veneer to consider caution back then either. Epstein never would have been under investigation if he had not been outed years before.

Again, the point I am making is that they did something that worked. It worked well. It is unpopular, unconventional, largely unpaid-for, and the message was carried, long, far, wide, mostly by the efforts of everyone else.

The same thing is happening right now in crypto. May 15th was hard fork day for Bitcoin Cash AGAIN, and did anybody notice? Did it even happen? I dunno. None of us know, because only one dialog was taking place all day long. One bad move, one calculated move that changes the dynamic of the entire industry, this time in my opinion in a very, very, very bad direction, one that is wrecking a hole in a million new pockets and is going to end very badly... until it doesn't. Mutant projects from the dregs of comedy are being elevated to a status that their particular brand of Satoshi no longer believes in, no longer supports. The case is being made for an overhaul on the energy field, and now a popular meme culture is responding to a popular meme culture in protest to the meme. The opposition is immediately taking up the torch to scream louder than the bad move played. But again, it is free press to the opposition, and the very goal of the opposition is now happening. That sorely misguided move is the exact move that was intended, and it is playing out exactly as they wished. Better, actually. I can only imagine the "YES!" with success-arm in tow when people started changing their avatars in protest.

People who hate what was said, and what is being done to the industry, are now advertising for the opposition, thinking that they are the opposing voice. They are doing exactly what they would have been asked to do.

If that person were to say to the Bitcoin community, "come to my side, abandon your project and push my narrative" they'd just say "stick it". So, the fact that they are in fact making his point for him, proves that there was a very well calculated dumb call made, and it is all going to fit together in one form of brilliance after the next.

Now that I have already predicted, observed, and written my heart out both in seriousness and in satire, I'm going to be going against the grain to talk about other things in crypto, maybe even in life, that make sense and matter the most.

Sure, my investments and trades matter. My long term confidence in what I am doing remains. But, this is that fateful time of year where people allow the FUD to change direction of important parts of the crypto industry in place for FOMO in things that frankly are nothing but noise. In this case, the world is going to be handed over to masters of destiny in chartings unknown, without a single person asking "why" or whether we should partake in the journey.

At the end of the day, this actually ends up being an argument for, and against, man's destiny to live forever and for humans to become gods. I'm not being dramatic. The serious question is one I posed starting in 2011 with an entirely different crowd, and I've made no ground in the process, but maintain what I believe in truth. That question is "how far is too far?"

The very best minds in science, many years back, are the ones who made the biggest discoveries in man's scientific exploration of the micro and the macro, and most of them posited not just the discoveries, but the warnings that came along with them. The responsibilities of the science and tech communities to consider man's place in the universe and on this planet. Ironically, the bankers and institutions who lobby to save the planet, 9 times out of 10 are the ones destroying it with their left hand while followers and activists are staring at the right. Deception is the key to their fight. 

Crypto is about going against the grain, not falling for the norm. I am not a libertarian, but I embrace their dialog for freedom. I am not an anarchist, but I am very much against the system I see developing on all sides. I am not a statist but I believe in good governing, I just don't think mankind is capable of it. I believe in a moral code but I do not believe human nature permits a lawful governing of good behavior. Punishment is designed to punish. Election is designed to elect. Rules are designed to maintain civility, not to inflict control and tyranny, but that is where we are all headed. Let's not BEG for it to come pouncing into our crypto world as well. Yet, that is what changed this week, and the change will be permanent.

We've allowed someone who in many ways has shown the worst of their true colors, long before the world will be likely lauding him as a hero to the masses. We have seen them carelessly cause billions of dollars to permanently leave an important market at an important time. It has happened in forms that will discourage all of the newcomers who are now silent, afraid to admit how careless they just were. When you FUD sell the top you don't tell everyone, you just coward into a corner and nurse your wounds. If you're still hodling because that is what you were told to do, you may come out ahead, but only if you sell! Despite all logic and reason, the dollar, euro, gold and silver have not collapsed yet, and they still form societies standard by which we know how much our crypto is worth. It is both hypocritical AND blind to cheer a coin to run up from a fraction of a penny to $0.50 while saying you believe in it so much you will never sell. That, my friend, is buying into a narrative and refusing to build your wealth. What was it purchased with? What is it measured by? 1=1 otherwise and the inflation or deflation will never make a difference if you cannot understand what the asset will buy you or earn you. 

Do not feed the fire if you do not approve of the flames. The best way to pour water on a dialog that is harming the short term at the time the industry needs the growth the most, is to let the fire burn itself out. They will move on to saying something else if the plan isn't working. But, right now they did what took 7 months for that presidential candidate, and they did it in 2 days. If you dig what they are selling, then that is perfectly fine go for it. I may provide some dialog of opposition, but I may also embrace your ideals if you firmly believe in them and were not tricked into having them.

So, I think I did a good job of talking about exactly what I meant to speak on, and now we can talk openly in comments.

If you hate what I've had to say, you better have a good debate ready, and if it is just about insults yeah I will delete it. I don't need popularity points. Even if I earn $9 on this post, which I doubt, only $3 of it will likely ever actually go anywhere I can do anything with it, and of that $3 the transaction fees are certainly likely to make it impossible to move that as well lol. I love the idea that this will/could pay for itself. But, I know Gordon will never retire, or even buy an ice cream from Pub0x money-lol. I am writing this, I am writing here, for my own health and even more because I see there is a community growing that cares. I genuinely value those who are taking the time to read and join in. God bless all of you for doing so!

And on that note, a very red laser eyed crypto super hero for now... out.

Regulation and Society adoption

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