Are we building our own prison? Ethereum App To Let Employees Prove They’ve Been Vaccinated

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"Apple And Google Admit Ethereum App To Let Employees Prove They’ve Been Vaccinated".

In the article itself they have painted a world view in which we are trying to get back to the so called "new normal" in which sport arena's, like football stadiums and ordinary workplaces are opening up, yet everybody have still the recent events with the virus in their minds.

Imagine a world where 40,000 screaming fans are packed shoulder to shoulder in a stadium where their favorite teams clash in head-to-head combat, and everyone knows that everyone else has been vaccinated against Covid-19. Businesses have opened their doors to something that resembles business as usual, only their employees have all proved their own vaccination, as has every customer who enters the building. That’s the world Civic Technologies is working to build, and the world the company today took a big step towards making real.


The San Francisco-based startup that raised $43 million in a 2017 initial coin offering, similar to an IPO, has formed a partnership with Circle Medical, a well-connected affiliate of UCSF Health, a San Francisco hospital, that will let employees prove to their employers the results of their most recent Covid-19 tests, and when a vaccine is developed, whether or not they’ve received it.


Sounds scary?

Well I think it should at least raise couple of concerns, as it can serve as a mechanism for further control and freedom restrictions. Now, this is not a debate of whether or not vaccines are good or bad, safe or not - I highly encourage all of the Readers to do their own research by listening to both sides, making logical conclusions and deciding for themselves.

This is more about our choice, and the fact that we are getting less and less of it.

The app called Civic Wallet works like a normal wallet, it can store various cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ether, plus your personal information, like the Covid tests or vaccination checks (or others), which are using Ethereum smart contracts.

It is explained that - "Similar to bitcoin, which is only in one place at a time, these IDs only exist on the user’s phone, and not even Civic has access to the information without the owner’s permission".



Furthermore according to the article:

Users download the app from either app store, create a 3D face map using a video recording, and verify email and phone number. They then upload a government issued identification which is verified using artificial intelligence and stored in the digital wallet.

With more than 100,000 people signed up on the waiting list, the app, which quietly went live Monday has already been downloaded more than 12,000 times.


And the timing could not have been better:


The launch of Civic’s upgraded app comes amid influential calls by world leaders to launch just such a service—and accompanying outcries against the same. Earlier this year Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates released a plan for developing and implementing vaccines, which when coupled with unrelated earlier research into digital identity prompted a flurry of debunked conspiracy theories that he was planning to track humanity during its most intimate moments. Last week, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, once again entered the fray, calling for the creation of a digital identity that protected privacy, following on his own failed pet-project from when he was in power that would have created a centralized identity database, but faced similar backlash as Gates’ effort.

You can watch a recent somewhat controversial video documentary about Bill Gates in the links below, again it is up to You to make your own mind about the information presented.

One final though - as mentioned in the article, the founder and CEO of Civic - Vinny Lingham is apparently supporting people's choice not to be vaccinated, and at the same time he says:

“If you're part of a society where the majority of the people want everyone to be vaccined, and you don't want to be part of that society change countries, move somewhere else.”

So I am guessing personal freedom is not option here, eh?


Final Thoughts

Now the question that I would like to leave You with is this:

Would You like to see the emerging decentralized crypto technologies to be used to give people more freedom and the ability for their uniqueness to be preserved, or to create more tools for electronic control, which may be optional at the very beginning?


He who gives his freedom for safety gets none of them. Thomas Jefferson



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Forbes -

CIVIC App website -

LBRY document on Bill Gates -

Regulation and Society adoption

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