A Peek into the Future of Gala Games

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Since Gala Games burst onto the scene last year with a supercharged team and a huge mission of revolutionizing gaming and bringing power to players all over the world, they have been consistently raising the bar for the industry. With all-star names from mainstream gaming constantly joining their already impressive team and the company growing and scaling at a rapid pace, the coming months and years will be an adventure for not only the Gala team, but for each and every fan. Here's a taste of both what they're doing already, and what they intend to do as the adventure unfolds.

Town Star

Several members of the Gala Games team were involved with the creation of the international hit, Farmville 2 back in 2014. This game from Zynga was one of the first and most successful examples of the incredibly popular genre of social games, which have a unique ability to onboard masses of normies and get them enthralled in a world of gaming.

Town Star, created by Michael McCarthy and the Gala team, is a brilliant game of town building and organizational planning. It combines a soothing and relaxing 3D experience with some incredible strategy-based challenges, then throws in some intense play-to-earn competition. All in all it's one of the most thoroughly designed games in the blockchain world, and it gives us all a feel for the quality of games that we can expect in the future from this awesome company.

As a TOWN STAR player, your goal is to build the most efficient and productive town you can in the limited time of the game session, which varies depending on the competition server. After picking a spot in the real world, you start with a basic plot of 16 x 16 squares on which to start building your town. You must farm basic resources, using them to craft goods and eventually industrialize your town into a production center that creates finished products and ships them out to nearby cities in exchange for money to fund your continued growth. Every time you make a successful delivery (sale), you are also awarded in stars, the competition points of Town Star, which determine the winners of each server's competition when time runs out. Those who build the most effective and efficient cities are able to earn rewards in GALA (the cryptocurrency of Gala Games), NFTs, and other prizes.

While Town Star is already quite fully developed, Gala has plans to continually expand their flagship game, which as the only currently playable game continues to be the single biggest draw to the Gala ecosystem. Once players have been hooked by this compelling free-to-play game, they end up learning about the true mission and future of Gala, and that usually makes them fans for life, eager to see what comes next.

Sign up for TOWN STAR HERE -It's free!


For many people, Mirandus is investment in the future of games. People who have seen and experienced the power of blockchain-backed game ownership know that we have barely begun to explore the possibilities. Mirandus is an incredibly ambitious project, but one that is fully within the grasp of the capable and ever-expanding team at Gala Games.

Michael McCarthy, the Gala President of Games would say that Mirandus is a "fantasy simulation," designed to simulate what it would be like in a real life fantasy world. The game promises to expand the definition of MMORPGs by being the first mainstream game to fully include the concept of player ownership. Players will own property, items, weapons, and pretty much anything that can be owned in real life. In the land presale, which has been live for several months, player-owners have already purchased millions of dollars in property, nearly buying out the entire supply of land plots and buildings to be placed upon them.

Levels of Ownership

There are two main ways to own property (so far) in the upcoming adventure game. Players can own plots of land, such as Homesteads, Outposts and Villages, or they can own buildings, such as Taverns, Armories and Temples. Players who only own buildings will need to rent real estate from those who own land so that they have somewhere to place their buildings. That means that players who own the land itself will theoretically be able to produce income by renting out their properties to shop owners, tavern keepers and craftsmen needing a place to do their work. This begins to paint a picture that explains why the secondary market value for many of these sold out deeds has risen nearly 20x since they were available in the Mirandus store.

Whether or not they found the game early and purchased property in one of the presales, each player will still be able to own their experience in Mirandus. They will be able to quest for rewards, work for wages, and do pretty much anything that the fantasy simulation of Mirandus allows. Each player will have opportunities to convert cleverness into a growing pile of game rewards that they not only own, but are allowed and encouraged to trade freely. Creators such as artists and singers will even be able to tokenize their creations and give themselves opportunities to use their work or perform in the game.

You may have noticed recently that Mirandus and Gala Games were featured in an article from the Wall Street Journal about NFT property in digital games. This was only the latest example of how Gala is making international waves with their ambitious goals, huge sales and massive accomplishments. Only a few months ago, Gala broke the world NFT record at the time by selling one of the Mirandus Citadels to Polyient Games for $800,000. Only a couple weeks later, they sold the second Citadel to another undisclosed company for $1.6 million, shattering their own record. In the weeks and months that followed, NFTs began reaching mainstream attention with pieces of digital art repeatedly selling for millions. Gala was ahead of the curve, and imagine what will happen when people fully grasp that Gala's NFT assets promise ongoing utility and value in their games. I am extremely bullish on these utility-based NFTs, because the wide world does not yet fully understand what they mean.

There's Gala Games with a Mirandus image in the Wall Street Journal

The first playable version of Mirandus is still expected some time this year, so pay close attention to the Gala Games blog for any updates on its status. The team comes together frequently to answer questions from the community on any of their multiple video streaming platforms.


If you're like me and you're prone to STVGA (Short Term Video Game Addiction), you may be a little concerned for your own future, because once Gala Games releases this one, it's on! I have a history of entering a world of tunnel vision whenever I find a good tower defense game, and this one is bound to be a good one. 

Gala Games is already about to start dropping NFT assets to node operators in their network, and I imagine that soon after they will go into some sort of presale for Fortified. They have mentioned that there will be items and land available for ownership in this upcoming game, but not many details have been released. I will certainly be there ready to drop some GALA on whatever I can get my digital hands on, because I LOVE TOWER DEFENSE GAMES!

Other Games

While no specifics have been released, the Gala team has made it clear that they have multiple plans in the works for bringing on new games. For several months, the player-owners of Gala have had Town Star to play and Mirandus to dream about, but remember, Gala will be a huge ecosystem of games, and they're just getting started. In my vision, there will be something for everyone. Thanks to asset ownership and the ability to easily trade those assets, players will never have to get tired of a game just because they have paid a bunch of money for it. If any one game wears out your interest over time (as most games eventually do), you'll simply be able to move on, transfer your assets around and enjoy a fresh experience in one of the many other games that Gala will offer.

I can see in just a few short years that Gala will be a one-stop shop for not only playing to earn, but gaming as a whole. Millions of gamers all over the world will be able to find everything they're looking for at Gala: Enjoyment, challenges, rewards, and even the opportunity for passive income with the potential to replace having a job! Plus, by supporting a decentralized, power-to-the-players network like Gala, you can feel like you're really making a positive impact on the world by helping them to empower people everywhere through a new sense of play.

Gala Nodes

One of the most amazing aspects of the Gala ecosystem is the node program. Basically, by purchasing a node license from Gala, players can contribute to running and governing the Gala Games ecosystem while also sharing in major rewards.

By running a Gala Node, which can be done with minimal tech know-how and minimal hardware requirements from any computer, players are able to become true owners of a portion of the Gala Games ecosystem. Eventually, the computing burden required to run this massive network of games will be shouldered mostly by these nodes, which will make it one of the largest decentralized systems in the world. Currently, licenses are being sold to run Founder's Nodes, or Grandfather Nodes. These first 50,000 Gala nodes will be the most rewarding and carry the greatest weight for the entire life of Gala Games.

As of writing this, the current price of a node license is $8462.00. They are priced at a rate that increases as more licenses are sold. For every hundred sold, the price increases by another $100, until the final licenses available will be sold for $33,000.

Even at this seemingly high price, a Gala Node is one of the best possible ways for newcomers to support the Gala Games ecosystem and earn rewards at the same time. Not only do node operators receive daily distributions in GALA, but they also are dropped NFTs (some exclusive) from Gala Games. Each year of operation, the GALA payouts will be halved, but at the same time, more games in the ecosystem will mean that there will be countless more NFTs to be earned as rewards. Many of these NFTs will have utility in Gala Games, and all of them will be tradable on secondary markets. 

Running a Gala node is like putting your computer to work for you and for Gala Games. Unlike real life employees, computers can work around the clock, and they require neither lunch breaks nor benefits. If you would like to know more about purchasing and running a Gala node, I'd be happy to point you in the right direction and offer any assistance that you might need.

Check out THIS ARTICLE I recently wrote about Gala Nodes for a better understanding of what it means to support Gala in this way. If you decide to purchase a node license, I'd very much appreciate you doing so by using MY LINK. An important part of the rewards for node distribution is based on direct referrals. I do not have a node yet, but I'd very much like to operate one at some point in the future.

Pay close attention to Gala Games, as new announcements and surprises are happening on an almost daily basis. The DISCORD COMMUNITY is always active and you'll find all the latest news from the source at the GALA MEDIUM BLOG. You can follow Gala on Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Youtube, Theta.TV, or Instagram.

And of course, you'll find it all at GALA.GAMES

Thanks for reading NON-FUNGIBLE STEW.

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