2022 The Year For Play to Earn

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Original article on read.cash.

There have been a lot of play-to-earn games and sites coming out these days. This means this idea of earning is becoming a great way to get involved in the Crypto world. Instead of investing your money, you can invest your time. This seems to be a better option for people because either they do not have the funds to invest or are scared to invest like me. There have been so many times where I wish I invested in a project when it was starting up. There have also been instances where I was so glad I did not invest. This is why I think the option of investing time instead of money will be better for the average person.

Since the beginning of the play-to-earn era, there has been a large number of people joining this new gaming revolution. This is a new way to enjoy playing games but also earning Crypto and NFT's. I feel privileged to be able to be a part of this and to watch it all come together. The more time that goes on the better these games are becoming and the more people are starting to profit from these games. I think this is just the beginning. I think next year is going to be the year for play to earn blockchain projects. This is just my opinion but there are so many projects getting ready to launch or have already launched that are growing fast.

I want to go over some of the projects I think are going to explode in the next year. Some I use right now and are small but noteworthy websites. Others are bigger projects that have not been released all the way yet. Some you can use on your phone and some you need to use your computer.

Play to Earn

Some of these sites have been around for a while now. Certain sites/games do not need much time and can earn you some Crypto to play around with and invest in but others take time and dedication and a real love for the game. Also, remember to try to get your referral link out there so you can start your way to earning passive income. Here is a list of the projects I think are going to last and become big, and why.


This is one of my favorite play-to-earn sites. Not because of the amount you earn but because of how fast and fun the mini-games are. By playing these mini-games you will start to build digital mining rigs in your digital room. You can edit your avatar and make it look like you or not like you. You can slowly earn Crypto while building up your mining rigs as well. You can invest money to make the mining faster or invest your time by playing games. Normally you would be just surfing the internet or watching Facebook videos (Try instead of Facebook, click to learn about Uhive), instead why not earn money playing games. I want to be honest about this site though. It is fun and can be lucrative but you will either need to play a good amount of games, invest money, or spread your referral links. The top person on the ROLLERCOIN leaderboard makes around $1,500 a month, So it is possible you just need to put the work in. Rollercoin has been around since 2018 and is still paying out and doing constant updates. If Rollercoin sounds like something you would like to check out then click the link and be a part of the play to earn world.


Pipeflare is a faucet earning site but also a site where you can play games and if you can get at least 300th place (pretty easy for now) you will earn Crypto. You can also earn Pipeflares Crypto called just for playing the games. Just recently they have allowed withdrawal of their 1FLR token. You have to use METAMASK at the moment but it was pretty easy to set up. Just remember it takes a couple of days to a week to receive your payout. PIPEFLARE allows you to claim once a day from their faucet's. They have a faucet. Click the links to be brought to CoinMarketCap's stats for each Crypto! You can compete in games and if you get at least 300th place or better you will receive a reward. The lowest reward starts at $0.10 and can go all the way up to to $1. They also have a nice referral program. What I am really interested in is their staking option. As this site builds its user base and more people start using 1FLR the higher the price will go. I am in it for the long run so staking is my best option. You can earn up to 10% APY. I am excited to see where this site goes and how much bigger it will become. The games they have available are fun and have good graphics for mini games! If this sounds like something you would be interested in then please click Pipeflare and join us in some mini games!


Splinterlands is a card-based blockchain game. This has also been one of my favorites since the beginning. I have earned some pretty decent cards and have made a little bit of money. What I make from SPLINTERLANDS I reinvest in the game because I believe it has a future and I want to be a part of it as much as possible. They have an in-game currency called . You can earn DEC by playing matches our renting out your cards. There are apps for Apple and Android so you do not have to always play it on your computer. Splinterlands is here for the long run so it would be wise to start building your card collection as soon as possible. Let me know what you think of Splinterlands in the comments. This is a well known game and is growing very fast.

Womplay is a unique and fun way to earn crypto while you play games. This is run on the blockchain and you can get into the earning area and other amazing games right from the wallet on your phone. This works on Apple and Android. There is also a Chrome extension you can get that will help you sign into your web based games and be able to see your funds right from your browser. WOMPLAY will pay you EOS for playing normal games you already play on your phone. They pay for games such as , and a bunch more. This is a great way to be a part of the EOS blockchain and to earn Crypto you can invest or exchange. Come and be a part of the

Arc8 is another blockchain gaming platform that you can download on your phone. You can compete with other players and if you rank high enough on the leaderboard then you win their crypto called . They have addictive games such as solitare, a space shooter game, and different puzzle games. Arc8 is growing and the sky is the limit with this app. I want to be honest about these games I suggest for people so I want to let you know that you are not going to be winning when you first try. A lot of people want instant gratification but with Arc8 you need to practice and build your way up the leaderboards. I just won my first game actually today. I have been using the app for around 3 days now. If you already play games on your phone why not give it a try. Maybe you are a pro at some of the games and could start winning a good amount of GMEE. Anything is possible. Come and join the

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is an interesting project. This project is building a metaverse. It kind of reminds me of a ramped-up Minecraft but connected and having a real-life ecosystem. Instead of every player having their own level that friends on your wifi can play, Sandbox is connecting every single level so you can play and earn as much as you want. The big news is happening this month. They are about to start allowing players to play in these levels and earn. I am excited to be a part of this project and watch it grow. I have not invested in Sandbox yet but I wish I had when it first came out. It is almost impossible to buy land right now because the prices are up there but when they allow play to earn it will be interesting. is the crypto for this project. Even though you can not play yet you can download the SandBox Maker and start making your level right now. You can also build avatars and other things for the project and put them up for sale. I think this month The SandBox is going to explode. Once people start to play and see what this game is made of, the sky is the limit. Come and check out The SandBox and see for yourself everything this amazing project has to offer.

Gala Games

Gala Games has a lot going on this month. They already have one game out called Townstar where you can build a farm and sell the resources you make from it. This has been a fun game but I am even more excited about a game coming out this month called Mirandus! This is a fantasy RPG game and I think it is going to be awesome. I have seen a couple of videos for it and it looks pretty awesome. Check out the video . They also have other games in development called Spider Tanks, Fortified, and Echoes of Empire. These are all still in development but I am just as excited to see what these are all about. GALA Games runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It seems a lot of the games out there run on the Ethereum blockchain. With the gas fees being so high a lot of games are going to have trouble getting out there but I think once ETH2.0 upgrade happens these games are going to take the world by storm! Come and check out Gala Games and see why I think it is going to become huge in the not to distant future!

Mega World

From what I have been reading about Mega World is a Virtual world with real economies. You can own a store and sell your goods for what I am getting. When I heard this I was already excited. If you would like to check out a video about Mega World click . This game looks cool but we will not know for sure until it is released to the public. I was able to check out the demo version and it looked pretty cool so far. The real test is when it is released and people start to play the game. There is not much out there about this game but the idea of the game is what caught my attention. Let me know what you think about Mega World in the comments.


NiftyVille is another open-world blockchain game. This game is made on the ETH blockchain and is looking like it is going to be something big. Check out the trailer . NiftyVille reminds me of GTA but a metaverse version. It reminds me of GTA online but instead of just ingame money it is a actual real economy with real world value. This game is going to be the next step in gaming evolution. A game that is living and breathing. I think this game is going to go to high places but with Ethereum having such high gas fees, I think this game will be hard to profit from until ETH2.0 is implemented. Who knows though, NiftyVille might have a way around this issue. I hope they do because I am very excited about this game. The graphics look amazing and the game looks like it is going to be a great addition to the play to earn world.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and I hope you found this information helpful. I hope you take the time to check out these great projects and see why I think 2022 is going to be the year for play to earn crypto projects.

If you enjoyed this article please check out a couple of my other earning/crypto articles!

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