A detailed description and exchange rate of Bitcoin MASS (MASS)

 MASS (MASS) CN  Technology & Science, Smart Contract Platform 

Blockchain: PoC using algorithm N/A

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Curculation 98026333.3432449 из 98026333.3432449 MASS

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The MASS consensus engine aims to become the basic infrastructure to all blockchain consensus layers. Based on a Proof-of-Capacity consensus protocol, the MASS consensus engine creates a consensus layer that is permissionless, fair, energy efficiency, secure, and universal, ensuring the fundamental security of the public chain.The MASS consensus engine is universal and is capable of providing consensus services across any number of public chains. Nodes use storage capacity to run the consensus protocol and do not require permission. The MASS consensus engine is fair and energy efficient; only a very small amount of computing resources are required, meaning everyone has the chance to participate.MASS Net is the a public chain to make use of the MASS consensus engine. MASS is the store of value in circulation in MASS Net, and is also the value anchor for the MASS consensus engine.Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) is a consensus mechanism based on providing a proof of storage space. In a PoC consensus algorithm, when a node submits a block to the network it must also provide a valid proof of capacity. It is very difficult for a node to generate a valid capacity proof without having the corresponding storage size, and the proof can be verified by any node in the network. If both the block data and the proof are valid, the block will be accepted by the rest of the network.The MASS community is a non-profit online organization that works for the popularization of blockchain technology. It was launched in 2017.Telegram | Discord | BitcoinTalk | Medium

Top exchanges by trading volume MASS

Rating MASS

Rank by rate  CoinMarketCap: 2662

Rank by rate  CoinGecko: 2915.

Evaluation of communication (points): 8.215

Common Assessment Points: 0

Evaluation of the design (points): 0

Assessment of the liquidity (points): 1

Useful links and additional information

Courses, exchanges, trade MASS

Blockchain, hashrate, mining MASS

Events MASS

Official website MASS: https://massnet.org/ 

Block explorers MASS: www.massexplorer.org 

Announcements MASS: mpool.net 

Chats MASS: discordapp.com 


Twitter massnetorg  

BitcoinTalk: 5230593  

Telegram: massnetorg  


GitHub: https://github.com/massnetorg

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