ICO investor app ZILLA partners with AML platform Coinfirm

Today it was announced that AML and compliance blockchain platform Coinfirm will conduct anti-money laundering checks on behalf of all ICOs conducting a token sale on the ZILLA platform. The integration of Coinfirm into the ZILLA app is a positive development in order to deliver a secure and efficient way for mainstream contributors to participate in ICOs.

Coinfirm is an advanced regulation-tech solutions provider known for its anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) platform for blockchain. Blockchain agnostic, the Coinfirm Platform uses proprietary algorithms and big data analytics to provide structured actionable data that increases efficiency, reduces costs and streamlines compliance with near automation.

“ZILLA is happy to work with Coinfirm to strengthen our compliance to a level above and beyond what banks can provide.” ZILLA CEO Abasa Phillips said.

“Coinfirm is thrilled to be able to provide ZILLA new capabilities to boost the security and compliance around its marketplace. ZILLA will now be able to provide AML compliance checks for all ICOs on the ZILLA platform.” Coinfirm CEO Pawel Kuskowski said.