DeFi Transaction Batching Tool Exploited for $14M

Decentralized finance (DeFi) application Furucombo lost $14 million after an exploiter apparently used a fake contract to trick the app into thinking it was an Aave v2 update. Furucombo later tweeted that the vulnerability had been fixed.

The exploiter used this contract to transfer approved tokens to its address, tweeted The Block Research’s Igor Igamberdiev on Saturday.The attack also affected DeFi protocol Cream Finance’s treasury funds, taking $1.1 million, according to a tweet from the protocol’s team. 

Furucombo is a tool that allows users to bundle orders on various DeFi protocols and to send them out in one transaction.  “We’re in the process of investigating the stolen fund and organizing the follow-up actions,” Furucombo tweeted.