Ukranian Man Steals Bitcoins And Donates To Charity

Alex Holden, a Ukranian Cyber Intelligence expert has stolen Bitcoin worth 25,000 USD from a Russian drug market and given it to a charity based in Kyiv city, Enjoying Life. Enjoying Life is a non- profit organization that provides humanitarian aids across the war struck country, Ukraine.

His team at Hold Security broke into Solaris, one of the biggest online drug markets in Russia, and redirected cryptocurrency owed to traffickers and the site’s owners and transferred to Enjoying Life.

How was Holden able to steal Bitcoins?

He was able to seize control of a large portion of the internet infrastructure that supported Solaris, many administrator accounts that ran the illegal marketplace, the website’s source code, a user database, and drop-off locations for drug delivery. However, he denied to give details about it. He claimed that his team had a short period control on the Solaris Wallet, which is used an exchange for the Bitcoin cryptocurrency

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The money was coming and going quickly from the wallet, hence, they could manage only 1.6 bitcoin. The worth of which is 25,000 USD. His team The Hold Security is also donating 8000 USD to the charity.

The owner of the charity also confirmed that they have received the Bitcoin transaction. Holden also showed several screenshots with Forbes, which when verified confirms the transaction.

Holden’s relation to Ukraine

Holden is a Kyiv resident, who left the city in 1980s following the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that created havoc in the country. In the month of February this year, Russia invaded Ukraine and war broke out. Holden simply wants to serve the people of his war torn country.

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While talking to Forbes on stealing Bitcoin, Holden took a dig on Russia and said,

“Maybe Russians without their drugs would soberly look at their country and do something. Maybe the Kremlin won’t defend their country’s drug trade and fix the drug problems instead of invading Ukraine.”

Holden currently has a sizeable data repository on Solaris’ users and operations, which he thinks might be utilised to locate any Russian cybercriminals utilising the site as a base of operations. He has so far managed to maintain influence over a number of market segments.

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