Twitter Tweak Out Elon Musk Accused Of DOGE Fiddle

Twitter Tweak Out Elon Musk Accused Of DOGE Fiddle... Lolling... Well, well, well, it's another "what do we have here?" - This time some juicy subject matter from that hive of legal drama involving our favourite billionaire, Elon Musk.

As if the 'Lefter' side of the Twitter Sphere could not get much more legally desperate to stitch that dirty Musk Rat up... I DON'T think you are a dirty Musk Rat Elon, but free speech allows me to tell you what 'THEY' are thinking - Who the shitbird's are 'THEY' anyway? Oops... Aaaanyway... It seems that on May 31, 2023, a court filing was submitted in Manhattan alleging that Musk engaged in insider trading and manipulated the price of the beloved meme coin, dogecoin (DOGE)... Urrgh!

The lawsuit, titled "Johnson et al v. Musk et al," has been going on for a while now as a class action in the Southern District of New York. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good class action lawsuit, am I right? Come on... Popcorn time?

But this is the absolutely laughable THING... the THING IS, this nonsense is not just any old lawsuit. For cryjng out loud no, no, no... This one involves our favourite eccentric billionaire and his Tweety Twitter shenanigans with DOGE. The Muppets *cough* The plaintiffs are accusing Musk of inflating the price of DOGE by a whopping 30%, all by changing Twitter's blue bird logo to the Dogecoin Shiba Inu logo... Wacky Wokery! 

I mean I am baffled crazy... come on, who woulpd have possibly thought that a simple logo change could cause so much chaos in the world of cryptocurrency and online misinformationist's? It's almost as if these memes have more power than we ever could have imagined... Where have I heard that before? -  Does this mean every nutcase and Harry have to stop using MEME Avatars or Logos? I see even political figures exploiting MEME's all the time... and the Left, Middle, Backwards, and Right activists... Whatever Johnson!

Anyway... The plaintiffs are alleging that Musk engaged in insider trading by tweeting about DOGE... So for those of you Martian's who aren't familiar with trading lingo, insider trading is a big no-no we do not do the Fandango. It's when someone with access to non-public information of some event or market movement, then trades based on that information, thereby gaining an unfair advantage in the market... A bit like that one dodgy political Democrat chick Nancy something-or-other, I can't remember now...

As you know I'm not one to speculate on someone's guilt or innocence... I might stretch to discussing a little on mentalist behaviour - but let's just say 'THEY' speculate that if anyone had access to insider information, it would probably be the CEO and product architect of Tesla... Comedy Gold... But pffftt hey... what do I know about Billionaires with no need to manipulate the backside of a Gnat for financial gain that is trying to invade Mars?

Musk's legal team tried to get the case dismissed back in April of this year, arguing that there was no wrongdoing in tweeting about a legitimate currency. But the plaintiffs aren't buying it. They claim that Musk's tweets caused significant market disruption and that he profited greatly from the whole ordeal... Ooooookay? And dont 'THEY' all? PMSL This is the world of Cryptocurrency Trading... LOL Duh!

It's almost like Musk is a modern-day Robin Hood blended with Dr Evil, except instead of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, and trying to blow up the planet at the same... he's now solely involved in manipulating the price of a digital meme currency to benefit himself so he can whisk himself off on a UFO to Mars? I suppose all have our vices... LOL correct?

But in all seriousness, this lawsuit could have some serious implications for the world of cryptocurrency... Even if it is ridiculous...  If it's proven that Musk did engage in insider trading, it could set a precedent for others to be pursued for similar bonkers MEME manipulation within the industry. And let's be real.. there are plenty of shady characters out there who would love nothing more than to take advantage of a loophole like that... Think about all your Tweets begging for Musk to talk DOGE? What about your PEPE MEME's branded about Facetweetagram? 

But for now I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this all crazy plays out. Will Musk be cleared of all charges and continue on his merry way, showering the world with his quirky tweets and love for all things DOGE? Or will he be held accountable for his actions and forced to face the consequences? (Excuse my confused expression right now please)

If there is one thing that is guaranteed as a 'for sure', and that is, this is far from the last we'll hear of Elon Musk and his antics...I think it is all great and just part of the crypto world we live in - Love him or hate him, the Muskman knows how to send to the moon a good dose of controversy... come on now, isn't that what makes our life just a little bit more interesting?