Three, must watch videos to celebrate 300 followers

Just reached 300 followers and as a thank you I would like to share another three incredible videos every single person interested in crypto should watch. Before I start I want to say I honestly appreciate every single one of you, I'm so glad somebody is even reading these half baked articles and surprised by the amount of likes I'm getting for them. And really shocked every single day to find the amount of tips and new followers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope I can repay you with the Crypto knowledge I've soaked over the years. That's quite enough about me, let's do the videos, shall we? Grab some popcorn and enjoy. 

1. Evolution of Bitcoin

I saw this 90-ish minutes long documentary at the end of 2017 alongside the hype that was driving the price of Bitcoin towards $20,000. It was a noisy, insane, awesome time and I'm sure we're going to see a similar panic in the very near future. Hint: 2021 :) 

2. Hard Money

30 minute long explanation why we actually need something like Bitcoin and what's wrong with the money. After watching this video, you'll HODL like there's no tomorrow.  

3. The Bitcoin Phenomenon

Another half an hour long documentary, this time from 2014. I like these older Bitcoin documentaries as I can see how people's opinions changed over the time. How people and Bitcoin changed. Bitcoin isn't only about the price in USD, Bitcoin has much more to it and to see it growing and building a character over the time is incredibly interesting.

  Thank you guys for reading, liking, following, and tipping. Extremely appreciated! ??