So I was scrolling by looking for some updates on the Binance/Coinbase fines from the DNB and found this incoherent mess:

So I was scrolling by looking for some updates on the Binance/Coinbase fines from the DNB and found this incoherent mess:

"It’s Time to Stop Believing Crypto Companies.....As things stand right now, “trust” and “crypto” are two words that hardly belong in the same sentence. Time and again, it has been made clear that trust is not inherent to the crypto market. Crypto has been riddled with constant scams and hacks."

First off, if you ever "believed" or fully trusted any centralized crypto institution, you have no business writing about crypto. Secondly, yeah scammers are everywhere. Whether they try to hack you and steal your funds directly, or indirectly by setting up some scam crypto and convincing you to trade valuable Bitcoins for their worthless token. But that's not the point, at least it shouldn't be. Centralized exchanges and crypto platforms locking people out of their funds is the bigger issue here and even though he indeed did touch upon that, the part he conveniently left out is how fascist governments are forcing centralized platforms to lock people out based on their nationality or race, and how they are also now also attacking decentralized platforms. For someone who is described as being "focused on DeFi" it's funny he left all those parts out no?

But you know, dissecting this ridiculous article from some random guy is just too easy. So behold, because that same person spewed this out just a few months ago: "Tornado Cash Still Receiving Tether Support, Despite U.S. Sanctions...Crypto sanctions are the new hot talking point this year as the U.S. Treasury cracks down on projects it believes are damaging U.S. investors".

Ohhh I see, true DeFi and decentralization is defined by what US sanctions allow it to be.?? What's with this mental gymnastics here "damaging US investors"? Just how? Really, how was TORN "damaging US investors" or the inside trading of the Pelosi's? Why even mention something as irrelevant as that in an article about TORN? "By many accounts, this move is not just controversial, but unconstitutional as well." Oh so you do know how illegitimate and wrong this all is? Wow, I'm genuinely surprised, because reading through just three of your posts, you make it sound as if Binance, Bitcoin, Tether and Tornado Cash are the ones in the wrong and guilty for the all the scams and crimes in the (crypto) world.

OK enough of this incoherent babbling and nonsense. What else did I expect from someone who labels Bitcoin as ""? Seriously from the three separate posts of him which I read, he talked for about 15 paragraphs and said exactly nothing. I can very quickly and easily tell you what TORN is guilty of, Tornado Cash was offering privacy in a world where ordinary people like you and me are dangerously fast coming under totalitarian control via what they call the five a**holes

Oh, and just in case you missed the numerous memos the past seven years titled Mt. Gox, Bitconnect, FTX, Celsius, Blockfi, Bitles (etc), I can also quickly tell you what is really wrong with the crypto world nowadays: It's people trusting something which at one point started out as . You shouldn't need to trust anyone, least of all centralized crypto platforms with all/most of your assets. A rather crucial difference the author also just so happened to leave out of his title.