Scammers and Trappers

The learning never stops and once again I realise I’m not as clever as I thought. Drip isn’t dead yet but I’ve come to realise it’s a ponzi, MLM, no different to the rest. It relies on new buyers and compounding in place of withdrawing. The fact it’s lasted this long shows the community is compounding, and when everybody starts cashing out to pay off mortgages and buy rolex watches it all ends.

If you’re involved in crypto and defi you’ll know about the 0xSifu controversy as of late. This lead me to listen to the exit scam podcast and it exposed me to the reality of the reason I’m making money in crypto. It’s because I got lucky and got into a ponzi at the very beginning, that’s all.

It also opened my eyes to the reality of the world; there are people like Gerald Cotten out there. These fuckers will steal your life savings to gamble on a leveraged crypto play. Tankz is rapping about stealing your grandma’s pension to go and shut down Harrods. The world is full of psychopaths that will lie, cheat and steal and justify it in their own minds if they are able to get away with it. If you’re too dumb to protect yourself you deserve it. School bullies were the same; if you’re too weak or scared to defend yourself you deserve it.

Buy a data set, ring those numbers up, if an old person answers you’ve hit the jackpot, pretend you’re the bank and that their funds are in danger and they’ll give you all the info you need. Crypto helps these scum to launder this shit and it makes me sick.

I’m introverted irl, it takes me a while to trust people and even when I do I still rarely tell them anything worth knowing. People are spiteful and obsessed with power, they’ll tell your deepest secrets if it means somebody will find them interesting for 2 minutes. None of them are your friends, keep your distance and protect yourself. Surround yourself with people who have a vested interest in you being happy, your parents and your partner. These people want you to do well because your success and happiness doesn’t overshadow them. They share the success with you. If my partner is unhappy and unfulfilled I feel like I’m failing. This is why depression is so hard on couples. You know they just want you to be happy, and that your unhappiness makes them feel inadequate but it’s nothing to do with them. So they try to make you happy but it doesn’t work, and each time they try and fail it bruises their ego. But what’s the alternative? Stop trying?

This is why I’m in crypto, to get away from the gridders as defined by barter blex. The social politics is fun if you’re invested. Climb the ladders and avoid the snakes, they’ve been teaching us since we were toddlers. But it’s a risky game, fly too high and the sun will melt your wings; and the people you passed on the way up are the same people you’ll pass on the way down. Play it too safe and you betray the essence of being a human, ignore every urge and desire for 50 years and see how you feel about the life you lived.

Ahh yes an article that left me with more questions than answers.

Remember kid don’t think too much, you might hurt yourself.