Portugal is the Bitcoin paradise!

Many countries around the world are adopting Bitcoin as their official currency, and/or as a good payment method to buy goods & services.

In this article, you will understand how it works, and how you can earn a good amount of money with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies in Canada.

For what reason this is important?

European countries are suffering different economical problems regarding inflation, and this war in Ukraine.

For this reason, the Ukrainian government needs to receive crypto payments using blockchain technology, so as to never be destroyed economically, and their institutions need to survive in this difficult moment.

What Portugal can learn with crypto, Web 3.0, and blockchain technology?

Historically, the kingdom of Portugal has many benefits, but the bad things are many too.

Some corrupt leaders in the past have used slavery as a new source of income to buy, sell, and trade their fiat currencies turning this into a blood system.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can heal Portugal from this shadow past and evolve into a new version of decentralization of their economies in your modern society.

Portugal can follow the ''El Salvador'' instructions:

The times have changed and now we can see many poor countries such as Nigeria and El Salvador using blockchain technology to save their economies from this worldwide inflation instead of using this advanced technologies only as a payment method, this is proof that everybody can get benefits to the blockchain technology revolution that we saw in today's economies.

El Salvador's example is one of the best ways to get successful results in this new economy, their official presidency has worked from the beginning of the election process to the end to buy as many as Bitcoins possible to not break during the post-Covid economy.


We need to always follow what Satoshi Nakamoto has told us to create a new income with a peer-to-peer payment system, full of anonymity, and security.

Instead of trusting in a failed democracy without any future at all.