October 2023 Advertising Cheat - Getting Started With Tipvertise

I have a secret crypto advertising website. Tipvertise is a legit cheat that you can use.


You must go to the link now. Tipvertise is proven to be a hidden website. If you want to succeed higher, you can submit advertisements before 5 October.

What is Tipvertise?

Tipvertise is the first crypto advertising website that integrates tips into its page. Unlike shortlinks, it is a website that features advertisements once they are carefully chosen.

Users tip crypto to the advertisers while clicking on the links.

This website could be integrated into PTC satoshi faucets. Thanks for Tipvertise, many blockchains!

New to Tipvertise?

Click on the button in the Tipvertise website. You will be redirected to fill an application for your advertisement. Only the worthy advertisements are featured.

Already submitted an advertisement?

To keep Tipvertise tidy, come back and submit later if your advertisement has disappeared out of the website.

??Click on the link to get started??