Met a Scam in SHIB Telegram Group (Part-1)

There are about 76,581 members in this group and about 9,552 online at the time of writing.

STEP 1: I posted a message in this telegram group asking for help staking my SHIB and this was the start of my scary journey!

STEP 2: I received a direct/private message from Shibaswap Guardian (@shibaswapg) sending me this link to recover my SHIB token and gas fees lost during the staking process.

STEP 3: I didn’t realized that this is a scam so I clicked on the link but then stoped myself from continuing with the process. I finally decided to block this user. 

STEP 4: I thought I was safe but my scary journey is to be continued on Part-2. Stay tuned! 


Before you get involved in any activities, it’s recommended to check the official website and read through the necessary warnings. These information are very helpful for you to make your own decision when facing the scammer. 

SHIB Twitter Account 


(Make sure it’s a real account which has about 1.9M followers at the time of writing)

posted that there are: 



*No SHIB ‘Support’

*NO forms get wallet help 

*ERC20 Contracts ONLY 

I hope my experience could help you to protect yourself and your own assets. 

Stay Safe!