Mastermind behind Twitter hack pleads not guilty in court.

The young man behind the Twitter coordinated social attacks on July 15, 2020 have pleaded "not guilty" in court hearing on Tuesday, the audition was conducted in a video conference call as reported by the Tampa Bay times.

The mastermind behind the most popular twitter hack was arrested on July 31 after a nationwide investigation, involving the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and others enforcement agencies. The teen who is 17 years old have been accused of 30 felony charges, among them fraudulent use of personal information, communication fraud also accessing electronic devices or PC without authorization.

The allegedly teen mastermind will be judged as an adult and will face the consequences like one,on Saturday have been established his bail and the court decided to charge $725,000 as fine reprenting 6 times more than he successfully obtained by hacking celebrities and public figures profiles on Twitter.

Just to remember the incident, the teen in participation of more two friends had access of some employees of the social network Twitter account credentials, managed to hack more than 130 accounts with ended up with more than 30 verified and non verified profiles getting violated and used to promote fake Bitcoin giveaway doubler: 

  • They impersonated users to send any amount to those high profiles accounts with promises to send double what followers would send to their wallet address.

The scam successful managed to collect 12.86 BTC worth at the time less than $120,000.

They other two members of the gang also found and charged but the mastermind is the one on the trial by now and in his first appearance pleaded not guilty.

To remember that on Saturday after placing the bail out, his attorney uncovered that the teen have more than 300 BTC worth more than $3.3 with the authorities believing that is a product of illegal activity but with no clue why the authorities who arrested him on 2019 returned to him after months of seized and investigation.

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