Just Launched My Telegram Task Bot - Hire Thousands Of Users To Do Any Simple Task!

Earney Task Manager allows anyone to earn TRX on telegram by completing simple online tasks such as retweeting or sharing content.

This tool allows advertisers to pay thousands of users for doing virtually any task, including but not limited to:

Retweets, likes, upvotes, comments, shares

Video promotion, sharing, upvotes, comments, creation

Images, memes, graphics, gifs, image sharing

Coin votes, reddit upvotes, any site upvotes from real users

Telegram channel joins, shares, other activity

Airdrop sign ups, promos, shares, registrations or other actions

Simply tell the users what you want them to do, set a price for each user and then set a total budget.

The job will then be broadcasted in all of my telegram channels along with a number of partner channels, and as users complete the task you will receive screenshots and links inside the bot for you to check and approve.

Simply click on the show docs link and the user submitted proof of work will appear - check the work has been done correctly and then approve the work so the user gets paid.

If the task was done incorrectly you can provide feedback to the user and get them to fix before they resubmit again.

The person posting the tasks checks the work and verifies it's complete, our system acts as the middle man between the worker and the employer.

The task bot is very new and still in testing stage although we have over 3000 users registered already and many more users are joining from my airdrops channel every day.

similar telegram bots with hundreds of thousands of users and this bot allows users to earn much better money, it also allows people to buy 100% real users instead of large amounts of fake bot accounts like the other systems have.

Huge updates will be coming soon!!

Try out the bot here - https://t.me/EarneyTaskBot

Chat and support - https://t.me/earneytaskmanager

Jobs channel - https://t.me/earneyjobs