Is there disinfo in crypto? You can bet your last sat there is!

And I'm not talking about fake info, fake moon coins or cringetubers trying to lure their audience into rug pulls, we all know those exist. I'm talking about shameless mainstream media reporting about crypto and exchanges.

But let's first clear things up since these two definitions can be confusing: Misinfo is false information that is being spread by people/amateur journalists but with lack of clearity or better understanding. Disinfo is purposely spreading false info with the intent to antagonize people against a certain person/topic/narrative etc. But more importantly, disinfo spreaders are hoping misinfo spreaders will take the bait and amplify the damage being done.

Remember how they were starting their pitiful "news"reports on BINANCE and how CZ was doing everything wrong? One of the most outrageous and to this very day still unproven claims was that "Binance knowingly routed transactions on behalf of ISIS and Hamas" and as you can tell from the date in the link, misinfo keyboard monkeys who literally know noting are still pushing this angle without ANY reference whatsoever to the fact that out of the 200 accounts that were in question, two accounts were claimed to be linked to isis/daesh, 99% others were mainly Palestinian linked with no evidence whatsoever they were being managed by Hamas plus the fact that a Hamas spokesperson at the time explained how they refused to accept Bitcoin donations due to its traceability and that they "claim it does not have any ties to the three companies named in the report. Spokesperson Hazem Qassem told Reuters that Israel’s statements were deliberately false to justify its economic war against Gaza and its people.”

I'm going to leave the politics out if it for the sake of time, because if we were to question if all this is even justifiable and ask who funds Hamas, we sure as **** are going to question who funds a literal apartheidstate in the 21st century which illegally occupies two countries and killed 10.000 children and a record number of UN staff and journalists in just three months while somehow still playing the victim.

So to get back to the title question, I believe that Toppa person was indeed purposely spreading disinfo, whilst our mans is most likely just a poor sap who sincerely doesn't know any better, quickly read one or two headlines and then thought there were 40 babies beheaded and baked in the oven or some ludicrous ?? like that.

It's dangerous crypto disinfo like that which will make keyboard zombies like Reiners shat out his own misinfo and say stupid stuff like "it is fair to ask why the company was allowed to survive at all."

If you didn't know any better or didn't pay close attention you would not even realize it was happening and fall victim to this type of disinfo in all walks of life, not just crypto. I should know, I used to believe some of the most stupid ?? myself when I was younger like how "green banking will help eliminate the status quo", only to realize later on that the smaller pro-peace/green banks were owned by absolute filth like Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan. That's not to say it's entirely useless to have an account there, it's just not the magic potion I once thought it was. But go back OT regarding crypto, just scroll down the MSN opinion link and check these highly neutral and totally non bias articles out on Bitcoin.??

This is how they manufacture consent, this is how they manufacture disapproval, this is how they manufacture your mind and personality as you're growing up without you even realizing they did.