Is it Legit Or Scam???

In this Blog i wanted to show to you that this site is legit or scam?

But somehow it is 50/50 i think. Why?

This is it I will provide you a proof that this is legit site..


It is called BTCprominer!

Have you ever heard of it?

If not just read this article until the end and don't forget to tip and comment if you suggest or something you want to say..


Well it is my first time to see like this because I have never seen anything like this.. imagine BTC which is free mining do you get my point?

Who is the one or company would like to establish a free mining BTC which is highly volatile.. in market..

So according to my research it is somehow legit..


As I always say the video is not mine I highly appreciate it and I give him a big credits..


Stay safe and God bless??

~see you soon~

fr: itlogka(pH)