HEX is making millionaires (on paper only)

Anyone heard of this Hex thing that was trending not so long ago? I'm sure the details of their game are by now well known to many, whether you bought into their marketing pitch and later on found out you can't unstake without losing money, or if you were wise enough to steer clear after discovering some crucial details. But for those who didn't bite and also didn't care enough to research how it works, here we go:

Buying and locking Hex earns you "free" Hex periodically, so even if the markets go down, your total number of Hex tokens increase so you aren't losing out that much, and if the markets go up you're gaining double as both your value per Hex and total Hex stash is rising. Great right? Yeah, if you could actually control and sell it. You know that saying "not your keys, not your Crypto"? Well, "big gains while locked and insanely high fees to unlock, not your gains". Yeah, it doesn't roll off the tongue as easily I know?? But it does pretty much sum up why so many people think they became "rich" by holding Hex. As usual I don't like naming names or laying blame on those who believed in Hex and introduced it to their friends or followers, people are free to invest in whatever they believe in so by al means feel free to buy and stake Hex if you want, but you and the Hex community shouldn't complain about those who speak out against this rather dubious project either. If anyone deserves the blame it's the spam king and those who have been in on it with him from the beginning.

Every time I come across something like Bitconnect, Bitles, Hex etc. I feel both amazed and disappointed that people are passing obvious solid investments like BTC or ETH by to put their money in some facade. I don't think the Bitconnect creators truly believed in Bitcoin or even understood what blockchain could do, all they saw was easy money and because of it scared thousands of people away from Crypto way back in 2018 who invested in their scam despite all the warnings. So attacking those who aren't actually in on the scam but merely believe in it isn't going to help much, logic and facts should be enough to make most realize the difference between world changing opportunities, and the same old con artists and scams wrapped in a shiny new cover.

Bitconnect is legendary, but many may not have heard of . It pretty much had the many similarities with Hex, but with a somewhat different angle. Not that any of that matters much since this one never even took off and people's ETH they converted for BTL on Bitles.eu eagerly waiting for it to hit exchanges, melted like snow under the sun and the Estonia based "let's use .eu as our domain extension to gain trust" scammers haven't been heard from since. It's almost as if this "hello" wave in their last post was them covertly waving goodbye and basically trolling their victims??