FT Crypto Watch May 15th

Cryptonauts we love ya!! Today's mission of mercy into the pink lady is brought to you by punk rock love songs.  This time an original!! : Safe from tradfi depression, with loins girded with happiness, saddle up buckaroos, we RIDE  in your mighty Watch Army.  What do the scouts report? 

It's monday all over the world. 

Here's  a story we could have told y'all BEFORE diving into the salmon pages!! : written by Johan at Klaros.  OK, Klaros is a bunch of ex regulators, politicians aides, and lawyers, they make all their money of reg hammering.   Jonah even worked for Chuck Schumer, a BUSY crypto hater!!  So predictably we get the same old narrative. 

WHAT a load of tripish twaddle.  First we start out whining about DeFi.  This somehow means we should say FTX FTX FTX and yes, FTX.  Which is pretty funny, as the failures of a hedge fund that steals client's funds and then props up a shakey, questionable exchange WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN DEFI !!!  AH ha ha ha ha ha!!  Nope, in DeFi you could freaking SEE your funds right up until someone ELSE maybe hacks them ar ar ar !! 

Then the FT plays a tired old canard - oh, but code cannot foresee EVERYTHING.  Therefore we need HUMANS.  OK so explain to us how that worked out for the LME how it started.  NOT in the FT:  and how's it going : a billion dollars in legal wars caused the HUMAN failure in trades.   Disgraceful!!  SCREWED the poodle in Macy's window!!! 

PLUS the LME & pals are being scammed for a bunch of rocks posing as billions in NICKEL AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!

STFU, reg hammerers, the emperor has NO clothes and NO credibility. 

With another age addled carnard trotted out, the bull$#&(#*@ excuse for a pretend logic statement   Oh yeah.  DeFI must be reghammered to flourish.   But if it IS reghammered, there is nothing LEFT!!   So, this is gonna "jar" those who believe in trustless markets.  

AH HA  HA HA HA!!  NOT in the FT take a LOOK!!

Let's FIX that headline.  The transition will be jarring for those who believe that only trust in the government provides finance!!

Judges are out of town, THREE out of FIVE FU's for this tripe!! Freaking flying monkees!! NOT in the FT:

:  last year yet another crypto tzar was appointed.  NOW she is an excuse for the FT to repeat guess what?? TLDR: FTX, and don't forget, FTX!!!   Along with every other anti-crypto narrative  copypasta there, which is a LOT.  Shot Bingo anyone?? North Korea, investment scams, bizlato, BINANCE being sured, scams, yada yada blah blah blah. 

The REAL story:  It's VERY FUNNY, dear readers know T-Cash is still rocking steady!! Yessir!! we laughed & cried to learn Tornado has more value locked than the entire Lightning network !!! TBF, since then, we learned that 30% of Lightning channels are private, so the $$ could be much more.  Since the FT mentioned T-Cash getting shut down story after story after story, it IS funny they don't mention it now still running!!   Especially since the story talks about the "deterrent effect!"  ah ha ha!! 

Next up? The weirdness of Worldcoin!! : Worldcoin is freaking Weirdcoin.  They send out evangelists with Orbs to take your biometrics in exchange for payments, then you get some Worldcoin.  WTF is the biz model really?? A16Z is an investor, so something makes sense!! 

But let's face it, here in the FT?  A Worldcoin article is an excuse to say "FTX!!"  and ya, FTX and FTX again!! ar ar ar !! 

Back IRL, it's just weird.  Precise biometrics, but supposedly WorldCoin will NOT keep them, just a plan to hand out universal basic income.  People love it, people hate it for privacy reasons.  

OK we DID IT !! waded thru the FT without blowing our cool!!  Hey we are OUT of the EU we even escaped watching the horrible Eurovision!!  Surely we are exaggerating??   judge for yourself, - here is the AHEM "winner" : ar ar ar !!

We love you cryptonauts!! We are all caught up now in the tradfi pravda agitprop!!  Don't listen to a WORD AH HA HA!! Focus on taking great care of yourself and those around you, we NEED you here in your Watch Army!! 

Please recruit a pal !! Thanks for your referrals, we appreciate them!

@davidsawyer follow us we will follow you!

All the best, 

I met her at the concert

she was wearing Ramones t-shirt

I fall in love with her

I wanna be with her

I've never felt like this before

and now I have her number