FT Crypto Counterpoint Gazette for July 25th

Crypto people, we love you.  Your inner honesty shines out as we try against all odds to save the world from fiat abuses.  All of us together, there is no class warfare on the wonderful world of Publish0x, just love for crypto from post post PhD's and grade schoolers alike, together in slow but steady revolution.  We are thankful for you, and love your beliefs.  And we need every bit of your openness, honesty, and thoughtful, unbiased opinions as we all search for the way forward.   

Cause all that's really rare these days.  At least, once we step into the arena of the gummint, mainstream financial news and crypto. 

It's a regular Monday gig now for the FT to skip allowing cryptos into the World Indices table.  Back of the bus for YOU lot, and Tuesday through Friday only for crypto, hey THAT's bias.  Dear readers know this is just incompetence, driven by neglect, probably not OPEN  abuse.  We hold our tongue THIS time,  as really, the FT is only making themselves look bad. Lookit that giant awkward ugly empty dead space right in the middle of the table.  Run a house ad, FT.  SOMETHING.  we feel bad for you man. 

As usual, boatloads of stories about stagflation, really about the need for hard money.  Here's a fun graph from one of then.  Pattern detection:  Over the last two decades, WHO is better  Cantillon positioned.   Government employees?  Or private sector? Three guesses. OK we'll tell ya, it's the gummint raising pay while everyone else suffers. Like a nursery school for Cantillon positioning, really ROFL

There are other non-crypto crypto cols in the FT today.  Martin Sandhu's Econ opinion col drops some juicy, funny details about the ECB's TSI - no, not the syphilis test, the fixed income market manipulation scheme.  Martin says Christine  "bizarrely wants to keep markets in the dark - w/ components of TPI that are best kept unpublished, undisclosed, uncommented upon."   THAT's SUCH a surprise!! THAT sounds like the clap lol!!!  Right up there with Janet Yelling saying she does not want to ever let the Fed be audited. 

Often meeting really smart people is a transcendental experience.  On the other hand, in our job as wall street fintech janitor, we once brought a bucket of tech to meet & set up "star," "most powerful"  telecoms  analyst Jack Grubman.  What a disappointment. 

Maybe he just had a bad day.  But maybe not - Grubman cemented his international butthead star of fame soon after,  for upgrading his  AT&T  analysis  in exchange for Sandy, the Citi CTO, getting Grubman's kids into an exclusive YMCA nursery school.  Seriously.  Grubman made 20MM and could have charitably donated the kids in, but then he would have had to keep it up for twenty years.  Grubman  went down for BRAGGING about his research lie for AT&T investment banking bribes, the ethical chinese wall.  Old Salomon Bros took that chit seriously. But this was joke writes reality. 

Sandy denied it all, but no one EVER  really trusted  Sandy's neutrality, so not much damage done.  Once, running like a rat between merging trading floors.  paced hurriedly by Sandy in a lobby. People had all been congratulating him for something mergery,  but then they all fled away from him.  He was standing quite alone as we passed,  started looking at us, still saying "thank you, thank you, thank you so much, thank you" despite everyone running away.  Yeah, we KNOW were supposed to praise him too, but we figured it out too late. 

What's the point?  Laguarde's inner truth is showing.  Chris knows all her econ decisions will be political at BEST.  In reality, TPI operations will come down to whose kids are gonna stay at who's villas on the Amalfi coast next season.Yeah, that's best uncommented on - best for Chris and her klepto cronies that is.  She NEEDS that shroud cause it's ugly. 

In other crypto news in the FT UK edition this monday, we find.... exactly nothing.  That big hole in the World Markets is symbolic, as well. 

Well, we COULD go to MAJOR FREAKING CRYPTO NEWS being ignored by the FT today.  Let's try one!!  First up on Google - SKY news. TLDR: 

is a giant (2 billion market cap) crypto company, famous for having former UK  Chancellor Lord Hammond as a leader.  Copper was based in the UK but has "grown frustrated" by UK regs banhammering.  Copper has high-tailed it to establish a Swiss hub.  The big news?? Barclays is snapping up some of Copper!!!  Jeez, Sky News thought that was actual news.

Just not any crypto news worth the FT's pink print. 

Dear readers know this is hysterical, next dimensional funny news.  Why?  TBF, it is NOT like it is in the SKY article,But because Barclays banned all regular UK people from being able to send money to BINANCE last year.  AND NOW BARCLAYs is buying into Copper!  Even as Copper flees the UK anti crypto madness!!!   It's ok, Copper is only for institutions,  and families who have OFFICES to run their money. 

Cause jet-setters don't care if biz is done in chalets or London, those concerns are for the tiny, common people.   Ya don't even have to zoom out to see the hypocrisy here.  A new heat record, three FU's to the FT for an article they did not even print!!! ok thats not fair...soreee.  Wow, yet we don't hate on Sky over the same offense.  Makes us realize our love for the FT makes us expect a higher standard from her!!!! 

We could do this all day.  prints a fun article slagging BitBoy, good on em.  Bitboy is leading the hate for Celsius!! Great,  except Bitboy led everyone IN to Celsius in the first place.  Bloomberg has a whole section of crypto, a cool story on Mary  who quit her good job at Blackrock because  now COO of Uniswap!!  There's a visionary. 

The FT?  NADA.   We are here cause we love the salmony pinkness that is the FT.  And here's a disturbing thought - the FT is taking crypto out of the paper to put it behind an even higher paywall!!??!!?  Online ONLY we find this: 

Now we had ignored what we had seen of the online only FT crypto coverage.  Might have mentioned a horrible crypto smear job on NFT fantasy horse racing there, but that's about it.  Forced to check today, we see something really funny!  ONLINE THE FT LOVES CRYPTO!!!???!!!

This story!  TLDR: .com and just got in Italy, Gemini in IrelandThere's a gold rush before the  Micra, Mica, whatever oddly euro captialized  reghammer hits.

positive crypto news that never made the print edition??

France's Macron LOVES Binance, saying" we want to welcome you here, please apply!!!"   

Italian MEP Davide spoke about how huge Binance is, then did a photoshoot of meeting with CZ, put it on  Linked In right before Binance was approved!! 

crypto is all good when trying to tempt readers to sign up for FT online crypto, huh?  OOOOHHHHHKAYYYY, we get it now.

It doesn't last, though.  A segue punches down. Spain MEP Ernest says just because an exchange is licensed, doesn't mean they are regulated like tradfi. It does, tho, kinda.  In another misstep, Spain MEP Ernest wants every exchange to pick a EU home state.  Cause, that way, all the other states can fight them??  FU Ernest. 

After that, all downhill to a rehash of the  litany of negative spun FT crypto stories we have recently debunked ROFL.    One new one - the FT is happy the Finns sold crypto they had seized, rather than HODLING. 

Here's online only slickness: and it is a chucklefest deluxe!! Voyager lawyers say NO we don't want a quick deal.  We want to be paid to negotiate multiple offers from everyone and their dogs for months until we finally take a deal in an auction. That's funny.

One minute Voyager was taking the 75 million in sweet cash Sammy was offering, and we heard they had roughed out a takeover agreement, based on the load being made.  Then the b-lawyers arrive, and now it's showbiz time for milking Voyager.    Sammy was JP morgan, now he's a lowball artist subverting the perfectly good time of the bankruptcy lawyers.     Lawyer skunk joke here.

Sammy is getting beat on just for saying Voyager clients have "been through enough already"  and should have the option to take the haircut,  mabye get an account with FTX, and move on. Dear, sweet readers know we know that is the truth. 

Excellent article, not biased, this is funny, what what followed by the first positive  FT crypto icon  graphic to join the FT's first positive graph crop.  It's funny, kids, only online. OOOOHHHH that's cuz its an AD, we get it.  And look at this cheesecake glamour treatment of Sammy right before that ad, he's wearing a Star Trek commander's shirt now LOL, feel the love

Here's another  victory lap on the SEC filing, sez "fraud is fraud."  Which is true.  Wire fraud is wire , as filed by  US in the, ya know, ACTUAL, not kangarooie civil court, court, where big girls n boys play over FRAUD prison time. Yeah, it's a sound bite aiight. These are two of the most important fin enforcements globally?  WTF this is a cheezy case against three dudes insider trading!  oh wait DOES insider trading make them securities?  oh nooo.... I gotta go to sleep, head hurts.  NO, this is a WIRE FRAUD CASE!! INTENT TO DEFRAUD PERIOD.  

OK checking - HEY link below- can you insider trade in commodities then?  The answer is NO!  as of 2018: 

No insider trading in commodities allowed any more, the CFTC just like the SEC has THE power nail tipsters!!! 

So, on the other hand, the SEC's weird civll case, filed in parallel rather than waiting till after criminal charges like normal, is all effed up. There is no need to call commodities like chitcoins securities in order to prosecute the tipster brothers and pals, a low rent case where only one had a lawyer by press time, for god's sake. 

NOT in the FT article, but as Oxer Cje points outSEC is trying to create case law that a bunch of ,  late launching  COINBASE chitcoins are all actually Such efforts have failed thus far through the front door, just ask Ripple's lawyers.  The SEC thinks the back door is not latched,and they may be right,  twisting civil court to their evil ways.  Sad news for the world, though.   

Wall street chestnut #72- it's ok to walk in the front door and say x is bad, we will stop it.  It is NOT ok to sneak in the middle of the night and pour sand and monkey wrenches into the gears. CMON SEC, we're begging ya - do it through the front door ya sneaks.  what, ripple xrpers didn't go down yet/fast enuff  in real court over AN ACTUAL CASE _ !#@(*&!@(&(*. sorry. 

The actual case of XRP is it a security or not?!?  last we heard, link below, a quarter ago CEO Brad was feeling STRONG HELL NO IT IS NOT!!!  even before the case closed!!  did we miss something?  We did not.  So what's up with declaring chitcoins are securities on an unrelated cheezy poorly fought civil case?? Ripple was WAY more security like than ANY of those chitcoins will ever be Gary, and ya KNOW it too pal.

A half-arsed article on ETH popping up on Merge to PoS hopes, and that's it. Hey, that's a graph, a good way to close.  @$&*^$*$^* why thats the first POSITIVE CROP JOB ON AN FT  CRYPTO GRAPH we've ever seen, hidden offline!  A THANK YOU ooohhh not so much.  Three  and fifty pence just weren't good enough to get this picture, no, it's not even for the middle class, train riding medium little people.  Only the online elites get to see this pro crypto FT story.  Well, and free trial jockeys! 

But WE showed it to the 0x hive mind, cause we love ya.  Of course, y'all already had seen it already.  But thanks for being nice to us anyway.  Like a cat bringing y'all an only HALF dead mouse, WE think it's love for you.  Don't freak out.  Fraud IS fraud, but the truth is the truth is the truth. 

Caterwaul at the moon, peace out,