Do you see any security for Metamask?

When I asked: do you see any security, I'm way beyond the fact that you carelessly leave your wallet connected to dubious sites, or, have a virus on your pc, or even innocently put your 12 words somewhere you promised to give you. something surprisingly big! When I talk about security, I mean rescue even with carelessness.

What would you create as protection from these oversights?

I thought about many things, and my vision is limited, however, I thought about the fact that when a user installs METAMASK in their browser, the extension captures its, only logging in from that . Ahh what if the imposter uses the ip camouflager and I got access again? The fact that the ip capture gives the owner of the wallet time to withdraw their coins from there. (just an idea)

Another idea would perhaps be to capture the from the PC, making it so that only the user of that PC would use the wallet. Ahh and if I change computers I won't be able to import my wallet to another pc if the mac is another one! There are programs that put the same mac from the old pc into the new one and that wouldn't give hackers access. (so I think)

Is there any way to avoid it? clear!! prevention is better than cure..

1- do not leave sites connected

2- clean browsers

3- antivirus

4- beware of phishing

5- take permissions from subscriptions

6- don't spend 12 words

anyway, they are basic care, but even with all this many still have their wallets invaded, and no metamask support.

If you had knowledge, what kind of protection would you create for her?