Cryptonauts we love you!! Thanks for pushing back against fiat abuses around the world!!  So delightful to hang with yer modern

Cryptonauts we love you!! Thanks for pushing back against fiat abuses around the world!!  So delightful to hang with yer modern selves here on the fashion forward thought leadership  that is the world class Publish0x!! 

Crypto winter is ovah, we are all starting to get lucky!!!  Total market cap STAYS over 900 billion baby!!  Crypto will print over 1800 soon on the front page of the P-0x. 

Crypto on the front page?  Y'all know it!!

TLDR:  No house of cards, just fraud.  & Gary was the SUCKER!!!! 

Fiat funnies:  Ghana gets a fresh THREE BILLION in brand new fiat from the IMF!!! They already owe 30 billion,. We are sure it will all go to the right places ah hah ha erm. 

Tradfi corruption funnies!! Dansk bank is coughing up a slick two billion in fines!! For money laundering 200 billion through Estonia, lying to US banks.   As in, if BINANCE did it, Gary would have them flayed right now. 

Crypto in the FT today!  Online, a straight up agitprop smear job on Binance!! CZ said a billion left in a day, Nansen said it's like four billion in the last four days. It's a crisis of confidence!!  CZ plays the honey badger card:  Hey, it goes up and down. 

CZ has 60 billion in assets.  The FT says Binance does not disclose liabilities, so it means nothing.  Binance did directly tell the FT that the corporate structure is debt free. 

Record amount of BTC have fled CEXs. 

A Reuters report Monday said that Binance faced a criminal AML investigation.  Binance said they are committed to compliance, and all crypto companies are being reviewed.  Binance has handled 47,000 different requests by regulators. 

In closing, the FT trumpets that Binance halted USDC withdrawals for a short time, no other coins were affected. 

story:  Wow, the ban it allboys  n girls feel all uppity now that Sammy has fallen, so they are rallying around to attack Binance!!!  Pretty transparently !!!

Let's count the dawgs not allowed to bark in this story!!! The BIGGEST dawg not mentioned:  everyone to pull accounts off ALL the exchange to non-custodial wallets when not trading!!! Does CZ no good to have them inhouse anyway, since he is NOT stealing clients funds!! 

It's funny, in earlier attacks like this, the FT said maybe all those coins transferred off exchanges are being sold, no one knows!!! Which is , since intelligent observers equate coin flow TO exchanges as future selling.  And coin flow OFF exchanges means HODLing!!! Some editor took THAT joke out THIS time!! 

BIG funny - in one breath, the FT says that does not disclose their liabilities. AND that Binance told the FT they have NO DEBT!!!  They said it classy, " our capital structure is debt free."  hoping the FT would understand, tho it still didn't work.   Ah ha ha make up yer mind FT!!!  Circular reasoning can work to help one come to grips with realities that are not to one's liking!! LMFAO!!!

This is only one of many times the FT repeats the lie that Binance's finances are suspect, since they DON'T INCLUDE THEIR LIABILITIES.   CZ has disclosed his zero liabilities on an investor AMA call, in public on Twitter along with his 100mm investment, and now on a direct conversation with the FT for $(#*$&#$(*&#$ sake.   

Not in the FT, CZ said Reuters got it wrong, again.  CZ is being kind, the Reuters attack was a hit on Binance to try and capitalize on FTX exploding.  The narrative knows CRYPTO WINTER IS OVER, INTEREST RATES ARE GOING DOWN AND BTC IS GOING TO THE #$@(&#@(*& MOOOOOOON!!!!   Gotta strike when ya can!!

Conflating an honest crypto exchange with a sleazeball who stole client accounts / bribed Gary & Maxine is part of the NARRATIVE now,  ah ha ha ar ar ar arooo000OOOOO!!! We see y'all FT!!  

If the SEC was going to sue Binance, then they would.  Instead Gary leaked & planted.  The FT further lies about the story, we read it, it does NOT say Binance is facing charges AT ALL!! Only that some people said maybe they might be considered.  And the Reuters reporter said they SHOULD.    We count that as four to seven FU's, but judges will only allow two. 

Next online!  The story we have all been waiting for!! Sammy doing the perp walk!!!TLDR:  One of the biggest frauds in history!!! The real story:  no it's not, there are many bigger.  Sammy will only have lost around ten billion in today's money.  Bernie Made off got a 170 billion fine in old money. Enron piffed 120 billion, Lehman hid about 75 billion then crashed.  Sammy has rookie numbers on the all time list, Lizzie at Theranos lost about ten billion. 

As it turns out, plain old wire fraud laws work just fine over co-mingling account crimes. 

It's funny, Gary Gensler weighs in with a quote, "we allege it was a house of cards."  No Gary, we INDITE because it was plain old theft of client funds!!  And YOU spent LOADS of time with Sammy while you let him DRAFT LAWS!!! Now there's a house of cards, Gary yer LIVING IN IT AH HA HA HA HA!!!  Along with everyone Sammy paid off - he was the second biggest Dem donor after George Soros!!

The FT plants the narrative that Sammy gave equally to both sides.  Sammy himself said so now that he's busted- that's how ya KNOW it's a lie!  Open records show Sammy gave 40 million, plus sixty million that we know of in cash & prizes like research studies, to Dems, while giving about a quarter million to Reps. That's funny, what about 180x more?  So the FT is careful to insert a quote about it being "bipartisan."   

It's funny, right wing nut jobs say Sammy should not have been arrested until AFTER he was "grilled" by Maxime in public!!  it was a plot!! The truth is thank god we don't have to hear THAT kabuki theatre. 

But this story is so great we have to see it over n over!! NOT historically that large, add a zero plus.  There are more FUNNIES THO!!!  Hey this was the SAME WEEK Bernie Madoff got busted, that's cool! 

The FT waxes poetic:  The DA, FBI, SEC AND the CFTC are  "adult" and Sammy and his "posse" are insouciant, ah ha HA HA !!!  FTX ran the eleven figure biz on Quickbooks, THAT's funny!!!   Payments were made to Sammy's FAMILY, THAT's news!!  We heard something about that, knew Stanford & others scrubbed Sammy's mom n dad OFF those websites!! 

Only Sammy was indicted, which means his co-workers are 100% ratting his arse OUT baby!!! 

OMG Sammy left prepared remarks for his lovefest with Maxime:  they "trample on formalities"!!!   Sammy dropping F bombs in the first sentence!!

Sammy's family got him great lawyers, they are contesting extradition.  But the Bahamas denied bail. 

The SEC piled on with a 1.8 billion dollar suit.  It's funny, that's only to get the money back for the BIG boys, the investors, not the clients who really should be first in line. 

 Two thank yous, good story, new pic! The FT kept it classy.  The New York Post, on the other hand, said Sammy's mom laughed in court when they called Sammy a fugitive!!   A thoughtful premeditated touch from a Harvard Law Stanford prof mom!! 

#$(#$* Sammy grandstanded for hours, he can't go to jail, needs BAIL!!  He's a VEGAN with ADD!!!! Whined about taking his meds, he has to take off his shirt to plaster the drugs on his skin WHAT???   STFU Sammy, go be a vegan with ADD in the slammer.  Some of your clients are going HUNGRY!! And a word of advice: do NOT hint ya might be suicidal ah HA HA HA !!

The Due Diligence col gets THEIR jokes in on Sammy: (as they should)TLDR: WTF?  Sammy was doing Twitter Spaces with Unusual Whales & cast of 19,000-- THIS MONDAY??   Let it GO Sammy!!  Ah ha ha, he will NOT go to Merica in person cuz he's OVERBOOKED LMAFO!!!!   "I don't think I will be arrested" AHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA!!  Oh, stop!!! 

Lotta rehash, but some funny new details. Remember when Sammy spent many many millions on a FERTILITY CLINIC, and on bailing out the MOOCH at Skybridge , and made the Mooch BUY & HODL FTT TOKENS!!!!  AH HA HA that was AWESOME.   

Very, very funny quote from the Bahama Royal cops & pals - US FTX debtors do not appear to be concerned about facts, just making headlines and advancing questionable agendas.    Music to our ears, say it AGAIN!!

All caught up for today, Army!!  thanks so much for being here, we love ya!! 

Crypto winter is over!!!  How do ye like that 30 day print on OKB!!! TLDR:  Yeaaaa baby!! 

Take amazing care of yourselves!!! 

Peace out, 

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