Bitcoin: prey or predator?

In nature, there is a mechanism common to all animals, the relationship between energy expenditure and energy recovery. This balance ends up defining the chase and escape strategies between predators and prey: Prey will try to run long enough for the prey to give up and the predator will try to reach the hunt within what he defines as the maximum expenditure of energy to be spent before they run out the resources.This mechanism controls all relationships in this world, whether they are animals, whether they are environmental, or whether they are human relationships. The basic principle is always the same: energy conservation.It is this principle, for example, that makes us fat when the food bill: the human body was prepared to spend periods without eating, periods without hunting or any food other than water. As with almost all animals, the retention - or accumulation of energy - in plenty is due to the body expecting to go hungry at some point in the future!When the doctor orders you to exercise, he is obviously trying to get you to use up the hoard.In a wilder universe, the human being would never have access to the amount of salt and sugar that is ingested nowadays, nor even little animal fat and proteins. In other words, in order to have energy, I have to spend energy and still have it for the next day.The human brain, with all the evolutionary refinements, still maintains, for all aspects of life, the constant energetic balance.Time is the basic factor by which energy expenditure is defined, or energy consumption and energy accumulation, or energy conservation.In electricity, electrical energy is given by the electrical power [Watts] times the time [seconds, or hours] in which the energy was consumed or generated [Kwh].Electric power is the relationship between electric voltage [Volts] and electric current [Ampere]. For those who do not know physics, I will try to explain: nothing works without power.The potential for something to happen over time is determined by how much power the system is capable of producing/consuming.In mechanics, the power ratio follows the same logic: it needs the power ratio along the way. In electricity, force is voltage, and, by approximation, the path of the electron is the path.Saved the proportions, the universal principle is always the same: the produced energy must be entirely consumed.When we are calm, with low energy expenditure, without any stress factor, we say that we are in a comfort zone. Just accumulating energy!When we are in an uncomfortable position, when we are on the defensive - we even lose weight - we are out of that comfort zone.However, for some situations the comfort zone is exactly the opposite, on the scale of cosmic cataclysms: it is preferable to be in a non-fatal car accident than to be on the side of the collision of two planets.The exaggeration is necessary: ??although bitcoin is changing, among so many other worse possibilities, bitcoin still becomes a comfort zone.Not for those who, in despair, at the sign of lesser devaluation, are already selling everything, screaming that the world will end.It is a safe haven because, despite the moment, the conditions that are being created ensure that bitcoin will regain its appreciation.One of the biggest difficulties in winning in the traditional financial market, those of shares of real companies, is that you never have the necessary inside information to make money, that is, the lack of information makes a few earn a lot and others almost do not win. In this modality, day-trade begins: an attempt by common people to gain in variations.In the case of bitcoin, in the case of cryptocurrencies, there is no information privilege: the algorithms and the mathematics involved are equal, it is fair and equal for everyone. The ups and downs, typical of volume and demand, are the only elements that are uncertain.Other geopolitical elements are never uncertain: China did not warn yesterday that it would stop mines, for example, has signaled this and several other actions for years. Europe and the United States are on the same footstep.The comfort zone, therefore, is more like a mental state of awareness of greater or lesser expenditure, like the predator that hunts, or prey that flees: if the predator has more energy than the prey deduces, the prey has lost. If the prey has more energy than the predator deduces, the predator has lost.So, thinking about energy, losses and gains are equal to buy and sell positions. The orders given, in relation to trading volume and impetus indicators, showed who has more energy: the bull or the bear!So, to bet who has more energy, if you will know if you lost or not. But in this case, the energy is translated into money, into monetary value.Good hunting!