Apple Legend Steve Wozniak Reveals He’s an Early Bitcoin Investor, Says Bitcoin Will Hit $100,000

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is revealing that he was able get in on Bitcoin early but says that his purpose was not to make money. 

In a new interview on the Steve-O’s Wild Ride podcast, Wozniak says that he’s not fond of following the price action of an asset, whether it be stocks or crypto. 

However, he says he bought BTC out of curiosity.

“Bitcoin, I bought a bunch of Bitcoin at the start to say, ‘How do you play with this new thing? How do you buy something online?’ And I conquered that.

And how do you buy things in other countries, and how would you even for like a donut in another country? How can you find an ATM that works on your Bitcoin? 

I want to experiment and learn it all and then Bitcoin went way up. I got scared, and I sold all my Bitcoin except one Bitcoin. My purpose is to have enough to play with and experiment with, but not to make money on.”

According to Wozniak, Bitcoin has gone through two bull markets ever since he invested in BTC.

“Two times it’s gone way up and made money.”

Wozniak also says that he expects the price of BTC to go even higher and hit the six-digit mark. 

“Just recently, I think Bitcoin is going to go to a hundred thousand. I don’t know where you get that feeling. I can’t put any mathematics to it. I just really feel it from all of the interest. The interest in crypto is so high and so I put a bunch of money into an online wallet account, Coinbase.”

At time of writing, Bitcoin is exchanging hands for $39,246.41.

While Wozniak believes in the growth potential of Bitcoin, he says he does not share the same view for altcoins and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

“The number of people getting ripped off on crypto and NFTs is just outrageous. Bitcoin is safe because it’s the big elephant on the block. It’s stable. Conservative thinking, you go for the big ones, and they’ll be around and Bitcoin is stable.”