You Won't Understand Bitcoin Until it's Too Late

The harsh reality is that most people won’t truly understand Bitcoin until it is already too late. 

There are three groups of people. The first group completely ignores Bitcoin or is against it. We have likely all been in this group at one point or another. People in this group will often declare Bitcoin either a scam, Ponzi scheme, fake internet money, or just simply can’t understand why it has value, and why people would own it. Why wouldn’t you just use cash?

These same people will believe everything that is told to them; even believing the biggest lie of all. That the government truly cares about you and will take care of you. The government has told us that they are making their own CBDC. (central bank digital currency) Once the dollar has fully gone digital, why would you even need Bitcoin?

Unfortunately, many of these people have such a closed mindset that they will never be open to new ideas. They will never believe that they’ve been taken advantage of by the government. 

But even so, this group isn’t the main topic of this article. Instead, it is the second group that misunderstands Bitcoin and will miss out as well.

The second group of people are those who may already own some Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. All they care about is making money, doing whatever is necessary. That could mean yield farming, buying NFTs, participating in DeFi, buying meme coins, or going deep into the altcoin forest. They haven’t done their research, and simply go off what YouTubers or people on Twitter are saying. Following the hype trend of the moment. They are invested in the crypto market but actually know very little about it.

These are the people who will end up having the largest regrets later on. 

The problem is that they don’t understand just how valuable Bitcoin actually is. As Michael Saylor often likes to say; “Owning Bitcoin is like buying property in Manhattan over a hundred years ago.” It’s a treasure. You wouldn’t trade that luxurious property for something in the middle of nowhere. But that is exactly what people are doing when they trade their Bitcoin for meme coins or other altcoins. Or even deciding to buy the meme coins instead of Bitcoin.

Eventually, all of these coins trend to zero against Bitcoin. Even during the last bull market, there were actually very few cryptocurrencies that were older than one cycle that made a new all-time high against Bitcoin. A few years in the future these people will wake up and suddenly be horrified by the fact that they gave up their ticket to life-changing financial gains. And all they had to do was buy Bitcoin and HODL.

Finally, the third group of people are the ones who truly understand Bitcoin. While there is no denying that they’re happy when the price of Bitcoin rises. But they understand why Bitcoin is so important. Having a currency that you can send to anyone, anytime you want. Never needing a 3rd party company to approve your transactions and send them. Some people began to understand the importance during the banking crisis. 

They understand that at a moment’s notice, you can take your entire net worth with you. Even if it is billions of dollars. If stored properly, it cannot be seized. It is the most decentralized and secure blockchain. Also, it is the hardest form of money. With there only ever being 21 million bitcoins, with millions of them already lost forever and a set inflation rate that continues to drop. It is a currency that will actually reward you for working hard and saving in Bitcoin, rather than seeing your wealth be inflated away.

Bitcoin is freedom and gives power back to the people. It truly has the potential to change the world.

How about you? Which group of people are you in?

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