You Miss the Point With Bitcoin If You Ask the Question "What Will You Do When Bitcoin Price Reaches $1M?".

Among those who invest in Bitcoin, there is a question that comes up from time to time, “What will you do when the price of Bitcoin reaches $1 million?”

You can replace $1 million with $500K or even $100K.

This question is often asked by people who have not yet figured out the why of Bitcoin. Let me explain why.

If you are one of those who start making plans about what to do when the price of Bitcoin reaches a certain price level, then you are here primarily to speculate on the price of Bitcoin. That's your right because everyone is free to do what they want in life.

However, you are missing the point.

Let's say the price of Bitcoin reaches $100K, you'll have a lot of wealth expressed in U.S. dollars or other fiat currency. You will be under great pressure to take profits. Eventually, you may give in. After all, you've been patient up to now, you'll feel you have a right to profit.

The big question here is: What do you want to profit from?

You're going to exchange your hard money for weak money. Of course, you'll have more weak money on hand than you did when you started your Bitcoin adventure. You'll be able to increase your wealth, but in reality, you'll still be stuck in the debt-based fiat system that's only enslaving you.

You will once again be at the mercy of governments and central bankers.

You will have more fiat money than before, but you will be entering again a system whose arbitrary rules are constantly changing. A system run by a few powerful people who are not representative of the people and who use and abuse their power for their benefit.

You will only have the illusion of being richer than before. In reality, you will still be as poor as ever, because you are stuck in an unfair system.

So what should you do when the price of Bitcoin reaches $100K, $500K, or $1M?

Don't sell, Live in Bitcoin instead!

When the price of Bitcoin reaches $500K, its market cap will have (or will be about to) exceed the market cap of gold. Bitcoin will be the general public's favorite store of value. More interestingly, this means that the use of Bitcoin will have grown as a means of payment and a means of exchange.

More and more businesses will offer to pay you directly in Bitcoin. El Salvador, which has been a forerunner with the adoption of its Bitcoin standard since September 7, 2021, will have been joined by many other nations determined to change their future by freeing themselves from the IMF, the World Bank, and all the other institutions that keep them under control through debt.

Bitcoin will increasingly be considered a unit of account.

Your patience will finally be rewarded, as you will be able to live fully in Bitcoin even more easily. You will be able to be independent of the yoke of governments and central bankers. The goal that all Bitcoiners are pursuing will be achieved with the hyperbitcoinization of the world coming closer and closer.

From then on, you will have no interest in selling your Bitcoin. Your only interest will be in continuing what you started several years ago with a slight modification of the current pattern:

  1. Earn by being paid in BTC.

  2. Save as you want, because you have the power.

  3. Enjoy your life with the freedom that Bitcoin gives you.

  4. Repeat from Step 1.

Being able to get paid in Bitcoin will be a game changer, as you will be able to live fully within an alternative system like Bitcoin that has already empowered tens of millions of people around the world.

As you can see, the question “what will you do when the price of Bitcoin reaches X dollars?” is irrelevant to Bitcoiners whose goal is to break free from the current system and live in a more equitable system that will empower them.

The next time someone asks you that question, you'll know what to say: “Bitcoin HODLer one day, Bitcoin HODLer forever.”

Don't take for granted the word of Bitcoiners who tell you that Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution, but verify it for yourself by developing the knowledge to build your truth about Bitcoin.

That's what I suggest you do in the book “The Truth About Bitcoin: Everything you need to build your truth about Bitcoin and stop trusting others without verifying

The book is available on various platforms:

  • On Amazon in print format: 630 pages

  • On Amazon in Kindle format: 543 pages

  • On Gumroad in PDF format: 475 pages

  • In P2P mode in PDF format or EPUB format with payment in BTC: contact me by email at