WTF is Filecoin?

With the influx of cryptocurrencies today, it is important to pick apart potential technologies that can be truly revolutionary in the next 10-15 years from those that wont make it past the first few years of development or those which their impact is minimal.

Since we will suffer volatility anyway, might as well take your chances on what counts.

And of-course, I by no means encourage you to take investment decisions based on ‘chance’, but rather a skillful, in-depth research and its potential trajectory, making it a sort of, educated guess.

One of such cases, was the ‘Filecoin’ technology. The coin itself launched 6 years ago on July 2014, its peer-to-peer network allows for file transfer between hosts and users, the hosts offer storage space on their systems for the users to upload their files safely.

The hosts are then rewarded with the blockchains own, ‘FIL’ coin – which is currently being traded at 96.49$ at the time of writing, after securing its forth bullish week run from 20$.

While the gains themselves are impressive, I was much more interested on why this sudden interest in this right now. At the time where BTC seems to keep falling on 51k and ETH is stumbling away along with plenty alt-coins, what was so special about Filecoin?

Essentially, plenty of investment firms including Grayscale have embraced this coin into their funds, alongside with many Chinese counter-parts the past month, announcing that they will be adding the coin to their portfolios. This implies a strong surge of support for the underlying technology –

An open market, cloud solution provider built upon the blockchain technology.

Imagine a world where not just 3 or 4 largest companies offer unlimited solutions for anonymous storage, scalability solutions for companies for cheap fees. An open market would inevitably drive the costs down, and in turn, productivity up – as more and more companies and services will be cheaper to build , deploy and maintain. Alongside 5G technology, allowing for faster file transfer and streaming, we will be able to store and access information not only faster but safer. Streaming will become accurate and latency free.

Several concerns do rise over the security issue of the blockchain itself, as one has to consider the challenges of any blockchain at the moment with the DCS triangle:

Decentralization, Consensus, Scaliability – and with Consensus, we mean the security consensus protocol which makes sure that all the files are correct and to prevent from malicious nodes from hijacking the blockchain or tempering with it.


As of now, it is not known how Protocol labs (The devs behind Filecoin) addresses the situation, but I might try and follow-up with another post on the subject.

There are no known breaches known at this moment.


The current estimate, if Filecoin continues its average trajectory of growth by 2025 – 200$

More important to note, is that the current high surrounding the coin, will have to result to a sharp correction unless it was initially very under-priced, which I hope you understood that it was, but before moving in , be sure to act according to your own investment plan and keep a correction in mind. Filecoin is an amazing technology, coming from experienced developers at Protocol Labs, guys that developed IPFS which was embraced successfully on the Ethereum network. I have great hope for this project, and I am very excited for such decentralized solutions being developed – mitigating monopolies & censorship. I definitely keep my eyes on it and I hope you do to.

Till next time..