(WIN) Increasing & (SBET) Stable | Weekly Dividend Report

I closely follow both the & platforms and am bringing weekly updates on the news and the Returns they are providing...


WINK Dividends

Wink seems to be back mostly with the Site being stable and Available even though their Sportsbook along with the Rake drops still need to be fixed. It does look like more gamblers are finding their way back to the platform as the dividends started to increase again. The main thing to look out for is if the Sportsbook actually will get back on the site by the time the European Football Championship will start this Friday.


There was a +0.24% Weekly return (12.5% APY) just from the Windrops based on the payouts last week and the current price. It still is quite a while away from the stable 0.70%+ it used to be but at least it's going up.

SBET Dividends

Things remain quite stable for as they continue to get some new users each week while Dividends and price relatively holds up. Things are moving quite slowly though and I hope the European Football Championship which usually is an event good for the sportsbooks to get a lot of new customers will give things at least a bit of a boost.

The Dividends based on the current Price of SBET (Which I still see as quite cheap) comes in at +33% APY.

Personal Gambling Dapp Portfolio

I didn't make any changes in my portfolio currently holding 14M WIN / 3M SBET / 10k TRX / 22 LIVE | 2271 RAKE. This got me a bit less compared to last week but still above 80$. I continue to be interested in adding another gambling dapps that pay the losses from the gambler to those holding a token that can't be mined, so if you have one on your radar make sure to let me know...

Full Guides to Decentralized Crypto Bookies I personally use where no KYC is required allowing anonymous betting from any location without individual limits for winning players...


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I'll be back next week with another update on these Gambling Dapps...


