(WIN) Back Online & (SBET) Development | Dividend Report

I continue to closely follow both the & platforms and am bringing weekly updates on the news and the Returns they are providing...


WINK "Back Online"

It seems like at least the Windrops are back for which is partly online again as the Sportsbook and the Live wallet still don't seem to be back. This puts an end to the 11 days where no dividends at all were paid to WIN holders who have it frozen which is at an all-time low now with many having gotten out of it. The price still is holding up relatively well especially knowing it was at 63$ for 1M WIN not all too long ago (See Wink Discount?) while it costs 854$ for 1M WIN right now.

I hope to see the Dividends to continue flowing in from here on out and the Live Wallet also being fixed to put the DDOS attack behind us moving forward again with the development.

WIN Dividends

With only 1 day of dividends and 11 days without them, it is inevitable to leave a big scar on the charts.

The massive crash looking at the 21-day moving average dividends continues but should start seeing a recovery from here on out.

The rise in dividends based on the 100-day moving average is still holding up with the uptrend has come to a stop.

The Price of WIN at some point likely will see another massive (irrational) pump as many who are into doge and meme coins also like the 'cheap' WIN coins. I just hope it won't come down too much more to have them give up.

I'm glad I took some profit in time (even though it could have been more) converting it into other coins (like SBET) while still keeping a healthy bag as a long term hodl as I still believe will do ok providing some solid passive returns with the dividends they are paying daily.

SBET Dividends & Dividends

Unlike WIN, SBET is holding up pretty well with staying online and operational. There was a development update where they integrated pTokens as a way to further decentralize their platform. In the past, BTC betting was done in a way where they acted as the custodian for the BTC. is a solution to wrap BTC to have it operational on other chains like EOS.

My 3.9 mBTC balance in my wallet that I fully collected to this point from the claimed dividends after the news showed 0 and I was not able to click to apply button for the new rules when opening my wallet on So I contacted customer support in the chat window on the site who replied instantly and fixed the issue in no time. So big props for their customer support which only strengthens my belief in the project.

Both the Dividends and the price have held up pretty good during the Elon crash and it looks like the Devs picked up some more of their own cheap coins. Litecoin on the ptoken network (pLTC) also is supported as a currency now. There were fewer bettors and 15 new sign-ups which shows a lot more progress still has to be made when it comes down to onboarding.

Looking at the price/dividend chart in EOS there is a clear decline, but when looking at all of it against the dollar it all looks just fine.

Personal Gambling Dapp Portfolio

Being diversified in different gambling dividend coins helps to balance things out when 1 of the projects is having an issue. I'm currently looking to get into a 3rd project to diversify more but still have to test everything out. I'm currently holding 14M WIN / 2.6M SBET / 10k TRX / 22 LIVE | 2271 RAKE. I continue to be interested in adding another gambling dapps that pay the losses from the gambler to those holding a token that can't be mined.

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Never a dull week in crypto and I'm looking forward to what will happen the coming 7 days bringing another report on it next Monday.


