Why Quora can help your blockchain marketing?

When a client comes to us for blockchain marketing efforts, whether it’s a big strategy designing phase, or social media management, or just one-off focused campaigns for promotion, we do get common requests for a presence on the typical social media platforms. For crypto, these tend to be Twitter, Reddit, Bitcointalk, and Facebook.

We often also recommend Quora as part of the mix, depending of course on their branding requirements, or direction of their overall marketing strategy. And for many, it’s the first time any blockchain marketing agency mentions Quora.

No, we’re not the only ones doing or suggesting Quora, but we certainly believe in its long-term and unrealized potential as a unique type of social platform that can really help boost your blockchain marketing strategy in the long run. So we thought we’d cover some of the reasons why in this blog post.

What is Quora?

Put very simply, Quora is a platform on the internet for people to ask questions and provide answers. People from all around the world come to ask questions across a very broad and diverse range of topics, and then other people then provide answers, usually in the form of facts or even opinions.

Why it’s become so popular since it started 11 years ago in 2009 is simply because that answers are provided by regular people and Quora users, usually with a distinctly personal flavor that has reflected the diversity of culture, environment, geographical and working experience from the millions of professionals, talents and personalities on that platform.

Why is Quora different from other social platforms

For one, it really is a unique type of question-and-answer platform that hasn’t really been replicated anywhere else. In the blockchain world, there have been countless attempts done to replicate Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot and Reddit — using open, decentralized structures in an attempt to break away from the centralized nature and privacy-invading features of their traditional counterparts. But for Quora, there really isn’t any equivalent out there.

Secondly, Quora users must be real people and/or real brands. Anonymous accounts are allowed, but with limited interactions. So for an account to really grow and become recognized, it needs to be linked to an actual person and identity. That’s quite different from Twitter or Reddit, for example, where accounts are pseudonymous or even completely anonymous. This lends Quora answers a uniquely genuine feel to the content. You know that real people are asking questions and real people, whose answers are qualified by their credentials (professional, education, or even just life experience). In this way, you get original answers, often nuanced by personal experiences that provide so much more depth of answers to the questions.

Why should blockchain marketing consider it?

Considering the above unique points of Quora versus other social media platforms, Quora really makes sense for blockchain marketing because the crypto industry is such a new niche sector that a lot of people online are still wondering how to use crypto or even how to understand the technology.

Quora is also surprisingly unpopulated, as yet, by professionals in the space, particularly in the specific blockchain sectors, so at the moment, it can be easy to stand out in the space. This means that as a blockchain expert in your sector, you can easily get seen and eventually, looked up to as an expert and thought leader in your field. The fact that you answer real questions about blockchain helps establish you as a helpful and knowledgeable person — and by proxy, puts your brand in a similar position.

Thus, creating a profile and growing in on Quora can be good to establish your CEO, and therefore, your brand, as a reputable and credible industry personality in the blockchain space. Personal profiles have an unlimited description that also allows you to link to your own brand’s website, while credentials (that goes next to every answer you submit) is another way to profile your expertise and mention your brand — it’s good, totally whitehat visibility.

Adding the extra pro that Quora answers do rank well in Google also means additional SEO visibility for you and your brand! Google these days is putting more and more emphasis on organic content (which is absolutely what Quora does) so good Quora answers can rank very highly on Google search. Today, Quora is also a top 500 most popular site worldwide — and still growing every day! Having a profile and presence on Quora is believed to also add to the very transient nature of Google’s “authority” ranking over time.

So the next time you want to consider branching out with regards to online visibility for your blockchain marketing, hit us up at Cryptomarketeer! We know Quora and we do it well.

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